Evil Queen Costume

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Evil Queen Costume
Evil Queen Costume.png
Evil Queen Costume m.png
Type: Menu Icon Clothing.png Clothing
Categories: Menu Icon Costumes.png Costume
Bundle: Evil Queen Costume (Free)

Evil Queen Costume is an Snow White themed piece of costume clothing.

It is available in the Evil Queen Costume bundle from the Premium Shop for free. It originally had a chance to be available for purchase as rotating stock from Scrooge's Store, but is no longer available there. Once collected it is added to the Dreamlight Valley Clothing Sets Collection.

It can be equipped using the Wardrobe menu inside the Inventory.


After Update 12 Hotfix 1, Gameloft Customer Support confirmed that it is no longer available to purchase from Scrooge's Store, and it was not intended to be available there. The same hotfix which removed it from the store added a premium icon to it in the Clothing Collection, and support confirmed it will return in the future.

In the update blog post for Update 13 it was announced that all players will receive this item for free as a seasonal reward close to Halloween.[1]

