Golden Pastel Geode Wall

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Golden Pastel Geode Wall
Golden Pastel Geode Wall.png
Type: Menu Icon Furniture.png Furniture
Categories: Menu Icon Wallpaper.png Wallpaper
Costs: Star Coin icon.png 4,000
From: Menu Icon Scrooge Store.png Scrooge's Store
Store Slot: Upper Wallpaper & Flooring
Environment: Indoor Only

Golden Pastel Geode Wall is a non-themed type of wallpaper furniture.

It has a chance to be available for purchase as rotating stock from Scrooge's Store. Once collected it will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Furniture Sets Collection, provided that it was collected or repurchased during or after Update 5, when wallpaper and flooring items were added to the Furniture Sets Collection.

Once collected it can be applied to rooms inside the Player's House using the Furniture menu.


  • 1.0: Added
  • 1.9: Store slot changed from Lower Quad Front Right to Upper Wallpaper & Flooring