“Whenever ya start to worry, just say: hakuna matata! At least that's what I do.”
— Pumbaa
Pumbaa is a character from the Disney film The Lion King (1994). He is unlocked after opening The Lion King Realm, and completing the quest Where's Pumbaa?.
His home is a large rock formation where he lives together with Simba, Nala, and Timon. Once unlocked, he will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Characters Collection.
In order to begin the quests to unlock Timon and Pumbaa both Simba and Nala must be at Friendship level 10.
To unlock both Timon and Pumbaa requires unlocking The Lion King Realm, unlocking Simba and Nala, and leveling Friendship with each of them up to level 10, and completing their quests. After that requirement has been met Simba will offer the quest Finding Old Friends which will send the player back to The Lion King Realm to encounter Timon and Pumbaa. This quest won't be prompted in the quest log and Simba won't have a quest market to begin, but it can be started by speaking to Simba.
After completing the quest Finding Old Friends in The Lion King Realm there is a short quest - Relax!, followed by the quest Where's Pumbaa? which will unlock Timon and Pumbaa.
- Main article: Time
Friendship Rewards
Pumbaa will award the following rewards when Friendship levels are reached. Friendship can be leveled up through gifts, quests, conversation, or by hanging out.
- Main article Pride Rock
Pumbaa lives in Pride Rock, a large rock formation which is constructed during the quest Eyes in the Dark for
15,000, where he lives together with Nala, Simba, and Timon.
Story Quests
Friendship Quests
Character Dialogue
General Dialogue
- Unconditional
- Am I glad to see you!
- Can I help you with something? Pleeeeeeease?
- I was just thinkin' about how lucky I am to have you as a friend.
- I'm trying to smell every flower in the Valley... It's tough work but somebody's gotta do it!
- Oh boy, is it good to see you!
- Timon's my favorite meerkat, and you're my favorite... um... you!
- Simba seems real happy here. And that makes me happy!
- This place sure is busy. When does everybody take a break?
- Night
- Time for my night nap... *yawn*
- The sparkly dots in the sky are SO pretty tonight. Makes ya wonder...
- Weather
- Sunny
- I just love sunny weather. That's how you get the best shade for napping!
- What a bee-you-ti-ful day!
- Rainy
- Player, look! It's raining! Wanna hunt for earthworms?
- Today's perfect for rollin' in the mud! You should try it!
Gift Responses:
- Gosh, thanks!
- I can keep it? Thanks!
- Thanks, kid! This is great!
- What a good friend! I'm so lucky.
Hang Out Start Response:
- Oh boy! I'd love to spend some time with you!
- Should I bring a lunch?
- This is gonna be GREAT!
Hang Out End Response:
- Gee, I had a real good time.
- I sure liked spendin' time with you.
- See ya! I'm gonna relax with Timon now.
Player Goodbye Options:
- Sorry, I can't talk now.
- Sorry, I can't right now.
Scramblecoin Text
Scramblecoin Request Response:
Oh, boy! We're gonna have so much fun!
Scramblecoin Eager Float Text:
Scramblecoin Player Victory Float Text:
Hey, you did great!
Scramblecoin Player Draw Float Text:
Scramblecoin Player Defeat Float Text:
Guess I gotta practice some more, huh?
Daily Discussions
Do you have any advice for me?
Okay. What do ya wanna know?
→ How can I make more friends?
Oh, that's an easy one! |
Just be yourself, Player. You're great! |
→ How can I learn to relax?
You know my motto, Player!
Hakuna matata. |
It's the best way to be worry-free! |
I thought you might say that.
→ How do I learn something new?
Hmm... Well, practice a lot, and don't be scared of mistakes. You learn the MOST from mistakes! |
I messed up a lot of bug hunts before I perfected my technique! |
That's... actually really insightful.
Hey Pumbaa!
Hey kid, how are ya?
→ So tired...
Oh no. You gotta take a nap! This place has lots of great spots.
→ I'm too busy for those!
Oh. Okay. But rest's important too. We don't want ya to get worn out.
→ That does sound nice...
I recommend it highly!
→ Very busy!
Me too! I was real busy taking naps all day. |
That takes lots of concentration, ya know. |
What do you think of Timon?
Timon's my best friend! |
We've been together forever! Through rain and shine! Thick and thin! |
→ You sound very close.
Well, not right now. I think he's somewhere over there. |
Oooh, you were speakin' metaphorically. |
Yeah, we're as close as close can be! |
→ That's so sweet.
As sweet as termites? |
Mmm... I could eat a whole mound of termites right now. |
→ Do you ever fight?
Nope! We agree on EVERYTHING. |
And when we don't... Well, then we don't worry about it. Bein' right is never more important than bein' friends. |
Observed Conversations
→ With Timon
→ A Satisfying Meal
Those were some tasty bugs earlier, huh?
Yeah, I'm stuffed! I ate like a pig.
Oh, right. I am a pig!
→ Starting Hakuna Matata Lessons ( Relax!)
Okay, Pumbaa, we gotta show Player here how to relax.
Oh boy! You mean hakuna matata lessons, right?
Exactly. But, uh... where do we start?
Hmm... What if Player broke something? Ya know, a symbol of what makes 'em anxious?
I've got it! Let's have 'em break something! Ya know, something that makes 'em anxious!
→ Getting the Hang of Hakuna Matata ( Relax!)
Ahh... This sure is swell.
You said it, Pumbaa. Sleeping on cozy leaves without a care in the world.... What could be better?
Well, it's nice to work through your troubles with your pals, like we did with Player. |
And THEN sleep on cozy leaves. |
That's right. That's the good stuff. THAT'S hakuna matata.
And they're a natural at runnin' through mud piles.
Like I always say – home is wherever you can find the safest, coziest leaf pile.
We're pretty good at teachin' hakuna matata, huh?
Pretty good? We're excellent! And Player is doin' great at learning it, too.