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Type: Menu Icon Characters.png Character
From: The Lion King
Voiced By: Ernie Sabella
House: Pride Rock
Unlock Quest: Menu Icon Quests.png Where's Pumbaa? The Lion King.png Timon.png
Whenever ya start to worry, just say: hakuna matata! At least that's what I do.
— Pumbaa

Pumbaa is a character from the Disney film The Lion King (1994). He is unlocked after opening The Lion King Realm, and completing the quest Where's Pumbaa?.

His home is a large rock formation where he lives together with Simba, Nala, and Timon. Once unlocked, he will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Characters Collection.

In order to begin the quests to unlock Timon and Pumbaa both Simba and Nala must be at Friendship level 10.


To unlock both Timon and Pumbaa requires unlocking The Lion King Realm, unlocking Simba and Nala, and leveling Friendship with each of them up to level 10, and completing their quests. After that requirement has been met Simba will offer the quest Finding Old Friends which will send the player back to The Lion King Realm to encounter Timon and Pumbaa. This quest won't be prompted in the quest log and Simba won't have a quest market to begin, but it can be started by speaking to Simba.

After completing the quest Finding Old Friends in The Lion King Realm there is a short quest - Relax!, followed by the quest Where's Pumbaa? which will unlock Timon and Pumbaa.


Main article: Time
Time Location
Dreamlight Valley.png 12:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.
Player House Icon.png 3:00 AM Inside his home.
Dreamlight Valley.png 7:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.
Icon Eating.png 12:00 PM Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace eating inside the Restaurant.
Dreamlight Valley.png 2:00 PM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.
Menu Icon Scrooge Store.png 4:00 PM Scrooge's Store browsing clothing and furniture items for sale.
Dreamlight Valley.png 6:00 PM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.
Icon Eating.png 10:00 PM Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace eating inside the Restaurant.

Friendship Rewards

Pumbaa will award the following rewards when Friendship levels are reached. Friendship can be leveled up through gifts, quests, conversation, or by hanging out.

Lvl Image Name Type
Friendship 2.png
Jungle Butterfly Fountain.png
Jungle Butterfly Fountain Furniture
Friendship 3.png
Pumbaa Portrait Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 4.png
Star Coin icon.png 500
Friendship 5.png
Bejeweled Insect Necklace.png
Bejeweled Insect Necklace Clothing
Friendship 6.png
Pumbaa Walking Pattern Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 7.png
Star Coin icon.png 1,000
Friendship 8.png
Cozy Tree Bed.png
Cozy Tree Bed Furniture
Friendship 9.png
Jungle Bug Swarm Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 10.png
Jungle Couture Ensemble.png
Jungle Couture Ensemble[1] Clothing
  1. Rewarded after completing the quest The Infestation Part 2 (Friendship 10.png Pumbaa Level 10)


Main article Pride Rock

Pumbaa lives in Pride Rock, a large rock formation which is constructed during the quest Eyes in the Dark for Star Coin icon.png 15,000, where he lives together with Nala, Simba, and Timon.


Story Quests

Friendship Quests

Character Dialogue

General Dialogue



  • Unconditional
    • Am I glad to see you!
    • Can I help you with something? Pleeeeeeease?
    • I was just thinkin' about how lucky I am to have you as a friend.
    • I'm trying to smell every flower in the Valley... It's tough work but somebody's gotta do it!
    • Oh boy, is it good to see you!
    • Timon's my favorite meerkat, and you're my favorite... um... you!
    • Simba seems real happy here. And that makes me happy!
    • This place sure is busy. When does everybody take a break?
  • Night
    • Time for my night nap... *yawn*
    • The sparkly dots in the sky are SO pretty tonight. Makes ya wonder...
  • Weather
    • Sunny
      • I just love sunny weather. That's how you get the best shade for napping!
      • What a bee-you-ti-ful day!
    • Rainy
      • Player, look! It's raining! Wanna hunt for earthworms?
      • Today's perfect for rollin' in the mud! You should try it!

Gift Responses:

  • Gosh, thanks!
  • I can keep it? Thanks!
  • Thanks, kid! This is great!
  • What a good friend! I'm so lucky.

Hang Out Start Response:

  • Oh boy! I'd love to spend some time with you!
  • Should I bring a lunch?
  • This is gonna be GREAT!

Hang Out End Response:

  • Gee, I had a real good time.
  • I sure liked spendin' time with you.
  • See ya! I'm gonna relax with Timon now.

Player Goodbye Options:

  • Sorry, I can't talk now.
  • Sorry, I can't right now.
Pumbaa.png Scramblecoin Text

Scramblecoin Request Response:


Oh, boy! We're gonna have so much fun!

Scramblecoin Eager Float Text:



Scramblecoin Player Victory Float Text:


Hey, you did great!

Scramblecoin Player Draw Float Text:



Scramblecoin Player Defeat Float Text:


Guess I gotta practice some more, huh?

Daily Discussions

Any big plans today?
Pumbaa.png Oh yeah. I got real big plans!
Pumbaa.png I think I'll have a snack with Timon, take a nap somewhere cool with Timon, maybe have another snack... with Timon.
→  Sounds like a great day!

It'll be perfect!

→  Won't that be boring?

Nope! It's my favorite way to spend the day!

→  I wish I could relax like that.

You could! It's not very hard.

Pumbaa.png It'll be perfect!
Pumbaa.png You should join us! Are ya hungry?
→  Yes, very!
Pumbaa.png Great!
Pumbaa.png I've got some caterpillars around here somewhere...
→  Not really.
Pumbaa.png You sure?
Pumbaa.png I have some tasty caterpillars I can share!
→  Depends. What's on the menu...?
Pumbaa.png Well, I've been saving these yummy caterpillars.
Pumbaa.png We can share 'em!
Caterpillars? Um... never mind, Pumbaa.
Maybe I'll see what Remy's cooking up today instead...
Do you have any advice for me?

Okay. What do ya wanna know?

→  How can I make more friends?
Pumbaa.png Oh, that's an easy one!
Pumbaa.png Just be yourself, Player. You're great!


→  How can I learn to relax?

You know my motto, Player!


Hakuna matata?

Pumbaa.png Hakuna matata.
Pumbaa.png It's the best way to be worry-free!

I thought you might say that.

→  How do I learn something new?
Pumbaa.png Hmm... Well, practice a lot, and don't be scared of mistakes. You learn the MOST from mistakes!
Pumbaa.png I messed up a lot of bug hunts before I perfected my technique!

That's... actually really insightful.


Thanks, Pumbaa!

Hakuna matata, Pumbaa!

Hey! That's my favorite phrase! Do you remember what it means?

→  No worries!
Pumbaa.png That's right!
Pumbaa.png Whenever ya start to worry, just say: hakuna matata! At least that's what I do.
→  Is it about the Circle of Life?
Pumbaa.png Nope. That's somethin' different. "Hakuna matata" means "no worries."
Pumbaa.png But Simba told me the Circle of Life is pretty important too.
→  I'm not sure.
Pumbaa.png It means "no worries"!
Pumbaa.png It's our motto. Timon and me, I mean. Helps ya leave the stress behind!
Hey Pumbaa!

Hey kid, how are ya?

→   Fine, how about you?
Pumbaa.png Great! I just took the best nap. The Village has so many great napping spots.
Pumbaa.png Do you have a favorite nap spot?

I need...

→  ...somewhere on the beach.

Oh, yeah. I sleep just like a piglet when I can hear the water.

→  ...the calm of a forest.

Me too! The shadow and the leaves are so cozy.

→  ... I don't take naps.

You don't? But you work so hard. Maybe you should try it!

→   So tired...

Oh no. You gotta take a nap! This place has lots of great spots.



→  I'm too busy for those!

Oh. Okay. But rest's important too. We don't want ya to get worn out.

→  That does sound nice...

I recommend it highly!

→  Very busy!
Pumbaa.png Me too! I was real busy taking naps all day.
Pumbaa.png That takes lots of concentration, ya know.
  • Pumbaa, I'm worried.
Pumbaa, I'm worried.
Pumbaa.png Oh no. What are ya worried about, Player?
Pumbaa.png Tell your buddy Pumbaa all your troubles.
→  The Night Thorns. Those spiky purple things.

[continue to next line]

→  My friends.


→   Just all kinds of stuff.
Pumbaa.png Oh... Well, I'm gonna tell ya a secret. Ready?
Pumbaa.png Sometimes, I worry about stuff too. 'Specially my friends!
Pumbaa.png Like when Simba was just a little lion, and we found him in the desert?
Pumbaa.png I was so worried about him!
→  Oh, Pumbaa. That's so sad.
Pumbaa.png Oh, it's okay, now. Everything worked out great!
Pumbaa.png Just goes to show ya, all worries go away after a while. Sometimes ya just gotta help 'em along.
→  You worry about things, too?
Pumbaa.png Sure! And Timon does too, sometimes. But then we talk to each other.
Pumbaa.png It helps make the big worries feel not so big.
→  But you're always saying "hakuna matata"!


Pumbaa, I've been thinking about the stars a lot.
Pumbaa.png Oh, right. That's what you call the sparkly dots in the sky. I've been learnin' lots about 'em since we got back here.
Pumbaa.png Did you know they sometimes form shapes?

Constellations! I love those! My favorite is...

→  ...Ursa Major.
Pumbaa.png That's the big bear one, right?
Pumbaa.png Merlin told me about bears. They're kinda like forest lions without manes. If I ever meet one, I hope they're as nice as Simba.
→  ...Pisces.
Pumbaa.png I know that one! The fish!
Pumbaa.png I bet that would be Nala's favorite.
→  ...Leo Minor.
Pumbaa.png Oh yeah, the little lion!
Pumbaa.png I bet it's real cute.
Pumbaa, what do you think of Nala?
Pumbaa.png Well, at first I was scared of her since she tried to eat me. But now we're great friends!
Pumbaa.png I try to help her eat more bugs. For protein and 'cause they're yummy!
→  Have you explained that they're slimy, yet satisfying?

I have! But for some reason, she wasn't convinced.

→  Maybe she hasn't found the right bug?
Pumbaa.png Maybe not! I'll see if I can find her some new kinds.
Pumbaa.png Hmm... Maybe she'll like beetles?
→  Maybe bugs aren't for her.

Really? I guess just 'cause Simba likes bugs doesn't mean Nala will too, huh?

Pumbaa, what kind of bugs do you like?
Pumbaa.png Gosh, what kinda bugs DON'T I like?
Pumbaa.png There's something to love about EVERY bug.
→  Worms?

Worms are yummy. And they're everywhere! Just dig and you'll find some.

→  Ants?
Pumbaa.png Ants are nice and tickly.
Pumbaa.png But they're so tiny you have to eat a lot of 'em.
→  Bees?
Pumbaa.png Nope, nope, nope.
Pumbaa.png Don't eat bees. Trust me; I learned that the hard way.
Tell me about raising Simba from a cub.

Sure! That's one of my favorite things to talk about! What do ya wanna know?

→  What was he like back then?
Pumbaa.png Oh, he was so cute and little!
Pumbaa.png I knew I wanted to keep him as soon as I saw him.
→  Were you friends right away?
Pumbaa.png Yup! He was so cute. And he needed our help.
Pumbaa.png I didn't know we'd be best friends, but now we're family!
→  Were you ever scared of him?
Pumbaa.png Not at all! He was so little!
Pumbaa.png But Timon...
Pumbaa.png He'd never say it, but he was real nervous. Don't tell him I told ya, though. He's sensitive.
What are you thinking about?
Pumbaa.png Well, I was just wonderin'...
Pumbaa.png What's your favorite thing about being here in the Valley, PLAYER?
→  The friends I've made!
Pumbaa.png Me, too! Everyone here is so nice.
Pumbaa.png I've never had this many friends before!
→  It's so beautiful here!

Yeah, it's real pretty. That makes me happy, too.

→  The adventure!
Pumbaa.png You do like adventures, don't ya?
Pumbaa.png I'm more of a sit-back-and-relax kinda pig.
What do you think of Timon?
Pumbaa.png Timon's my best friend!
Pumbaa.png We've been together forever! Through rain and shine! Thick and thin!
→  You sound very close.
Pumbaa.png Well, not right now. I think he's somewhere over there.
Pumbaa.png Oooh, you were speakin' metaphorically.
Pumbaa.png Yeah, we're as close as close can be!
→  That's so sweet.
Pumbaa.png As sweet as termites?
Pumbaa.png Mmm... I could eat a whole mound of termites right now.
→  Do you ever fight?
Pumbaa.png Nope! We agree on EVERYTHING.
Pumbaa.png And when we don't... Well, then we don't worry about it. Bein' right is never more important than bein' friends.
  • You seem worried.
You seem worried.
Pumbaa.png Timon loves crunchy bugs the most.
Pumbaa.png But I love slimy ones best!
→   Slimy sounds interesting.

They're great! Slurpin' down a log full of slimy grubs sure is satisfying.

→  Yeah!

I'll save you some caterpillars!

→  Yuck!

Oh, you should try it! Once you taste squirmy, slimy grubs, they're all you'll want!

→   Crunchy would be best.
Pumbaa.png You think so?
Pumbaa.png Maybe I should try more crunchy bugs, then.
→  It's always good to try different things!


→  You should do whatever feels right.
Pumbaa.png Hmm...
Pumbaa.png I guess I can eat the slimy bugs and leave the crunchy ones for Timon!
→  Both sound good.
Pumbaa.png Ya think so? I guess I do like crunch bugs ALMOST as much as I like slimy ones...
Pumbaa.png I think you're right. Both are better! Thanks, kid!

Observed Conversations

→   With Timon
→   A Satisfying Meal

Those were some tasty bugs earlier, huh?


Yeah, I'm stuffed! I ate like a pig.




Oh, right. I am a pig!

→   Starting Hakuna Matata Lessons (Menu Icon Quests.png Relax!)

Okay, Pumbaa, we gotta show Player here how to relax.


Oh boy! You mean hakuna matata lessons, right?


Exactly. But, uh... where do we start?


Hmm... What if Player broke something? Ya know, a symbol of what makes 'em anxious?


I've got it! Let's have 'em break something! Ya know, something that makes 'em anxious!

→   Getting the Hang of Hakuna Matata (Menu Icon Quests.png Relax!)

Ahh... This sure is swell.


You said it, Pumbaa. Sleeping on cozy leaves without a care in the world.... What could be better?

Pumbaa.png Well, it's nice to work through your troubles with your pals, like we did with Player.
Pumbaa.png And THEN sleep on cozy leaves.

That's right. That's the good stuff. THAT'S hakuna matata.


And they're a natural at runnin' through mud piles.


Like I always say – home is wherever you can find the safest, coziest leaf pile.


We're pretty good at teachin' hakuna matata, huh?


Pretty good? We're excellent! And Player is doin' great at learning it, too.

→   After Getting Pumbaa Unstuck (Menu Icon Quests.png Where's Pumbaa?)
Timon.png Pumbaa... I've been thinkin'.
Timon.png What do ya say we let Player graduate from hakuna matata lessons and we all go see Simba and Nala?
Pumbaa.png That sounds great! Player was so calm and reassuring the whole time I was stuck.
Pumbaa.png And I've missed Simba and Nala a bunch.

Me too, buddy. Me too.

After Solving Pumbaa's Odor Problem (Menu Icon Quests.png Something's Off)

Pumbaa, buddy! Ya look great... and SMELL great!


Thanks, Timon! And look, no one's leaving!

Timon.png Ya know, I was thinkin': After the main course, what if we got a cheesecake TO GO?
Timon.png There's a cake-eatin' spot on the Beach with our names on it!

Even if it makes me smell?


Even then, pal.


AW! Thanks, Timon.

Discussing the Meteorite (Menu Icon Quests.png Down to Earth)

So whaddaya think about the meteorite, Timon? Pretty neat, huh?

Timon.png Pumbaa, I don't know how to tell you this, but...
Timon.png ...there is no WAY a hunk of metal like that was WAY up in the sky.

It was, honest! I saw it fall from way up there to way down here. But how it got up there's a big mystery.


Well... if you saw it, then MAYBE it's true. But that's a very big maybe!
