Spring Thaw Dress

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Spring Thaw Dress
Spring Thaw Dress.png
Spring Thaw Dress m.png
Type: Menu Icon Clothing.png Clothing
Categories: Menu Icon Dresses.png Dress
Event Cost: Ice Crystal Token.png 50
From: The Frost & Fairies Star Path (Bonus: T2 Premium)

Spring Thaw Dress is a non-themed piece of dress clothing.

It is available to unlock and collect for a limited time during The Frost & Fairies Star Path event using Ice Crystal Token.png 50 Ice Crystal Tokens from the Tier 2 Premium Bonus Rewards, which are available after all regular rewards have been collected. Once collected it will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Clothing Sets Collection.

It can be equipped using the Wardrobe menu inside the Inventory.

Alternate Colors
