The Woven Bridge

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The Woven Bridge
Jack Skellington Quest
Jack Skellington.png
Quest Information
Categories: Menu Icon Quests.png Friendship Quest Menu Icon Friendship.png
Prerequisites: Unlock character
Jack Skellington

Complete quests

Menu Icon Quests.png Healing House Mirabel.pngFriendship 2.png
Menu Icon Quests.png Odds & Ends... Merlin.png Menu Icon Story.png
Rewards: Unlock Sally

The Woven Bridge is a Friendship Quest offered by Jack Skellington.

It is available after completing the story quest Odds & Ends..., Mirabel's level 2 friendship quest Healing House, and unlocking Jack Skellington. After the prerequisites have been met, Jack will send a letter in the mail about spiders in Anna's Castle. After receiving this letter, the quest will begin automatically when entering Anna's Castle.

During this quest Sally is unlocked.

Quest Text

Strange spiderwebs have been appearing around the Valley. What could it mean?

Spiders are invading Villager's Houses! But Jack thinks that they may have a message encoded within.

The spiderwebs contain a message from Sally - she's trying to return to the Valley! But the spiders will need a little jolt of energy before they can weave a portal to bring her back.

With your help, Jack's scientific knowledge and the goodwill of some spiders, you successfully brought Sally back to the Valley!


