The Ice Cavern Mystery

The Ice Cavern Mystery
Elsa Quest
Quest Information
Categories: Menu Icon Quests.png Friendship Quest Menu Icon Friendship.png
Prerequisites: Friendship 10.png Elsa Level 10
Rewards: Friendship (1230)

Gleaming Ice Gown

The Ice Cavern Mystery is a Friendship Quest available from Elsa.

It's available after reaching Friendship level 10 with Elsa.

Quest Text

Elsa remembered more about the mysterious Crests you've found together. She was the one who hid them, and she's hoping that by following the thread of her broken memories she'll be able to discover more. The clues lead the both of you towards Anna's and Elsa's ice statues.

Elsa remembers that Anna helped her to hide the mysterious Crests and must know where the last one is hidden.

You help Anna remember that the last of the Crests is hidden in the Grandfather Clock in the dining room of her House.


  Arendellian Pickled Herring
  White Passion Lily
  Gold Ingot
  • Talk to Elsa
  • Open the Icy Chest to reveal its contents.
  • Give what you've found to Elsa.

