Daily Discussions: Difference between revisions

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(replace span playtime class with properName class where applicable - stylistically identical, but contextually the meaning "playtime" seemed wrong)
(→‎Goofy: moved to Character page)
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[[Goofy#Daily Discussions|Moved to Character page]]
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Do you have a question?|
{{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Gawrsh, we never had Night Thorns before the Forgetting. Why do you think they showed up?}}
{{dialogue|answer=They're just weeds.|character=Goofy|text=You think? Well at least we can get rid of 'em like weeds! Cut 'em down, dig 'em up, and make the Valley safer for nicer plants.}}
{{dialogue2|answer=I think they're attracted to negative emotions.|character=Goofy|text=Hmm... that's an interesting idea. I know I'm unhappy when Thorns are around.|text2=But am I unhappy 'cause of the Thorns? Or are there Thorns 'cause I'm unhappy? Gawrsh, that's a pickle of a question.}}
{{dialogue|answer=They're probably a metaphor.|character=Goofy|text=A metaphor? You don't say. And all along I thought they were more like a simile.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Do you have time to talk?|
{{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Gawrsh, '''''Player''''', you've got a sort of curious look on your face. Do you have a question for me?}}
{{dialogue2|answer=How do you stay so cheerful all the time?|character=Goofy|text=Well, I'm not always cheerful, but I sure try to be.|text2=If I'm feelin' down, I try to think about a real good memory of spending time with my friends. That's sure to put a big smile on my face!}}
{{dialogue2|answer=Why did you open a Stall?|character=Goofy|text=I sorta just stumbled into it! I was walking down the street with some apples and ran into Uncle Scrooge. He asked how much they were, but I said he could just have one!|text2=He said I shouldn't be giving' away somethin' for nothing. So, I asked him what I should do instead.|text3=Then, before I knew it, I'd opened this Stall!}}
{{dialogue|answer=What's your favorite kind of sandwich?|character=Goofy|text=Aw, that's easy. Every sandwich! Today, I'm really lookin' forward to the pickle and peanut butter on rye one I made last night.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Do you like running your Stall? [Added 1.3]|
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Ya know pal, my favorite part of runnin' my Stall is gettin' to spend all day talkin' to folks.}}
  {{labeledDialogueBox|indent=1|isAnswer=1|character=Player|title=Who's your favorite Villager to talk to?|
    {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Gawrsh, I like spendin' time with everybody.}}
    {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=But... can ya keep a secret?}}
    {{dialogue|answer=Yes.|character=Goofy|text=[continue to next line]}}
    {{dialogue|answer=No.|character=Goofy|text=Well, I guess it's not much of a secret. I'll tell ya anyway.}}
    {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=If I had to pick a favorite, it'd be you, '''''Player'''''!}}
  {{labeledDialogueBox|indent=1|isAnswer=1|character=Player|title=Don't you get tired?|
    {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Nah! I could chat with folks all day.}}
    {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Carrying all the fruit can be tiring, though. Sometimes I gotta rest my arms, but I can keep talkin'!}}
    {{dialogue2|answer=Is running a Stall complicated?|character=Goofy|text=Not the way I do it.|text2=Uncle Scrooge makes his shop real complicated, but I try to keep things simple.}}
    {{dialogue|answer=Let me know if you ever need help!|character=Goofy|text=I sure will! Thanks, '''''Player'''''!}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Is everything okay? [Added 1.3]|
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Gawrsh, '''''Player''''', it seems like whenever I go fishing lately, all I catch is <span class="properName">'''Seaweed'''</span>.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=UGH, same.|character=Goofy|text=[continue to next line]}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Where are you fishing?|character=Goofy|text=[continue to next line]}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Try to aim for the ripples!|character=Goofy|text=[continue to next line]}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=I've been castin' my line out at the ripples in the Meadow pond, but my luck's been rotten.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Course, now that I think of it, <span class="properName">'''Seaweed'''</span> isn't so bad. You can make lots of nifty stuff out of it.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Ya know what? I'm gonna go catch more <span class="properName">'''Seaweed'''</span> right now!}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Something you wanted to discuss? [Added 1.3]|
{{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Howdy, '''''Player'''''. I'm doin' a customer satisfaction survey, and you're one of my most loyal customers.}}
{{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Is there anything you'd like to change about my Stall?}}
{{dialogue2|answer=Lower prices.|character=Goofy|text=Gawrsh, Uncle Scrooge told me my prices were too low already.|text2=Then he said something about "profit margins," and "surplus value." I didn't really follow.|text3=But I could have some sales. Everybody loves buyin' something' and gettin' somethin' else for free.}}
{{dialogue2|answer=A more diversified inventory.|character=Goofy|text=Gawrsh, I try to change up my stock as much as I can...|text2=...but don't worry. I'll keep looking for more stuff to sell!}}
{{dialogue2|answer=No complaints. You're doing great!|character=Goofy|text=Really? Wow!|text2=Uncle Scrooge is always tellin' me I gotta be more savvy about business.|text3=But I guess all that really matters is making your customers happy.}}
{{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Thanks, '''''Player'''''. I sure do appreciate the feedback.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Tell me about your plans for the weekend.|
{{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Say, '''''Player''''', have you ever gone camping before? It's one of my favorite things to do.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|indent=1|isAnswer=1|character=Player|title=Absolutely. I love camping!|
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Gawrsh, that's great! What do you like doin' best when you're camping?}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Fishing, of course.|character=Goofy|text=Well, whaddaya know, I love fishing, too!}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Going swimming!|character=Goofy|text=Yeah, swimming's usually the first thing I do once I get to the campsite.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Cooking by the fire.|character=Goofy|text=Mmm-mmm! Nothin' beats a good cookout. Especially the marshmallows. A-hyuck!}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|indent=1|isAnswer=1|character=Player|title=Never. Is it fun?|
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Gawrsh, it's just about the most fun you can have!}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Well, I hope you have fun!|character=Goofy|text=Thanks! If ya ever want to try it, I'd love for you to join me.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=I don't think I'd like that...|character=Goofy|text=Well, you're always welcome to join me if you change your mind!}}
{{dialogue|answer=Camping? Like sleeping outside? Ew.|character=Goofy|text=Well, if you ever change your mind, come find me. See ya around, '''''Player'''''!}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=What are you up to today? [Added 1.3]|
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Gawrsh, '''''Player''''', I could use your help. Uncle Scrooge says I should do regular inventory of all my stock to make sure nothing's gone missing.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Got any advice on the best way to do that?}}
  {{labeledDialogueBox|indent=1|isAnswer=1|character=Player|title=Count everything you have in stock.|
    {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=I could try that... but I don't know how much I started out with in the first place.}}
    {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=So I got nothin' to compare it against.}}
    {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Sounds like you should count them now and then count them again in a couple of months to check. [presumably should be Player, but is Goofy]}}
    {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Sure, I could do that.}}
    {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Hmm... should I count stuff by the piece or by the pound?}}
  {{labeledDialogueBox|indent=1|isAnswer=1|character=Player|title=Beats me. Sounds like a lot of work.|
    {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Well, Uncle Scrooge says I've gotta count everything I've got in stock...}}
    {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=...then count it again in a little while and see if they match up.}}
    {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=So you've got to count it all... just so you can count it again later? [presumably should be Player, but is Goofy]}}
    {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Yep. But should I count stuff by the piece or by the pound?}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Apples would be easy to count by the piece, but seeds could take a while. I'll keep thinkin' on it. Thanks, pal!}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=What can you tell me about yourself?|
{{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=You know, the Goof family has a long and distinguished history.}}
{{dialogue|answer=Neat!|character=Goofy|text=You bet it is!}}
{{dialogue|answer=Really?|character=Goofy|text=For really really!}}
{{dialogue|answer=I don't believe you.|character=Goofy|text=Aw, I'm not kiddin'.}}
{{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=If you like, I could tell you about my Uncle M. Angelo Goof, Cousin Wernher von Goof, or Aunt Goophelia!}}
{{dialogue2|answer=M. Angelo Goof?|character=Goofy|text=Uncle M. Angelo Goof's an artist! He's into post cubical expressionism and la-de-dadaism.|text2=I don't always understand his paintings, but they sure are interesting to look at!}}
{{dialogue2|answer=Wernher von Goof?|character=Goofy|text=My cousin Wernher's a certified genius! Yep, he's a real smart fella.|text2=You can tell 'cause he has that poofy white hair geniuses have. A-hyuck!}}
{{dialogue2|answer=Aunt Goophelia?|character=Goofy|text=Dear old Aunt Goophelia... She brings her kitchen with her whenever she visits.|text2=Ooh, and you should taste her Torpedo Chicken. It's guaranteed to sink the strongest stomach.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=What's it like to have a Stall here?|
{{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=It's real inspiring to run a Stall in the same town as Donald's Uncle Scrooge. He's a savvy customer, and an even savvier businessman!}}
{{dialogue|answer=Yeah, he's awesome!|character=Goofy|text=Yep, I hope someday I'm as good at business as he is. He's taught me a lot about how to run a Stall.}}
{{dialogue|answer=I don't like how miserly he is.|character=Goofy|text=Gawrsh, I think he's just real proud of all the hard work he's done. And he's taught me a lot about how to run a Stall.}}
{{dialogue|answer=I don't know him very well.|character=Goofy|text=Then you can take my word for it! Scrooge has taught me a lot about how to run a Stall.}}
{{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=He's even got a motto. Let me see if I can remember it. He says you gotta be smarter than the...}}
{{dialogue|answer=...dummies|character=Goofy|text=Nah. I don't think that's it.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=And you gotta be tougher than the...}}
    {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=And you gotta make your money...}}
    {{dialogue|answer=...triangle.|character=Goofy|text=Nah. I don't think that's it.}}
    {{dialogue|answer=...circular.|character=Goofy|text=Nah. I don't think that's it.}}
    {{dialogue|answer=...square.|character=Goofy|text=That's it! That's what Uncle Scrooge always says. Nice remembering, pal!}}
  {{dialogue|answer=...hedgehogs.|character=Goofy|text=Nah. I don't think that's it.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=...softies.|character=Goofy|text=Nah. I don't think that's it.}}
{{dialogue|answer=...robots.|character=Goofy|text=Nah. I don't think that's it.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=What's on your mind? [Added 1.3]|
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text='''''Player''''', have I got somethin' to tell you! I caught a real funny fish the other day.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Never seen anything like it before. It was all big and puffed up.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=What was it?|character=Goofy|text=[continue to next line]}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Sounds cool!|character=Goofy|text=[continue to next line]}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Bit of a fishy story...|character=Goofy|text=[continue to next line]}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Well, I showed it to Merlin, and he said it's called a <span class="properName">'''Fugu'''</span> fish.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=I guess it only swims up near the surface on Dazzle Beach when it's raining.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=I tossed it back, but maybe you could try fishing for it next time it rains.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=What's up, Goofy? [Added 1.3]|
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Ya know, Uncle Scrooge is a swell neighbor. He's been giving me lots of advice.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=But sometimes I'm not sure what he's talkin' about. When he starts up about dividends and returns on investments, he kinda loses me.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=It's nice of him to try to help!|character=Goofy|text=You bet it is!}}
  {{dialogue|answer=You sure he's not trying to sabotage you?|character=Goofy|text=Huh? You mean 'cause we both run stores? I don't think so.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Sure, Uncle Scrooge likes money.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Makin' money, and countin' money, and talkin' about money...}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=But he's got a great big heart. Some folks don't see that.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=I agree. Scrooge is great.|character=Goofy|text=He sure is!}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=I think Scrooge is too greedy.|character=Goofy|text=Well, like I said, he does love makin' money.|text2=But he's also real generous and always helps out his pals.}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=I don't know Scrooge that well.|character=Goofy|text=Gawrsh, you should get to know him better!|text2=I bet you two will become friends in no time.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=You look bored.|
{{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Gawrsh, '''''Player''''', you sure do a lot of work around the Village. I'd love to help out more.}}
{{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Is there anything I can do?}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Aw, I'm a great cook! Folks especially love my meatballs and how I serve 'em.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=I whack 'em towards ya with a ping-pong paddle so you can catch 'em in a bowl! Pretty fun, huh?}}
  {{dialogue|character=Player|text=... Maybe you can do something else. [reprompt]}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|indent=1|isAnswer=1|character=Player|title=Building things?|
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=I'm great at construction work! Hammering, and sawing, and pouring cement are my specialties.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Though I oughta tell you: There've been a few accidents on some of the jobs I've worked.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Player|text=How many?}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Five hundred and thirty six. What're the odds, right?}}
  {{dialogue|character=Player|text=... Maybe you can do something else. [reprompt]}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Sure, I'm real good at cleaning. Oh, except for the time the vacuum escaped and got the cat.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=And the time I accidentally set the windows on fire by exploding a broom.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Player|text=... Maybe you can do something else. [reprompt]}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=Oh, I go fishing all the time! And I catch lots of fish, too.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=I've even got a signature cast I can show ya.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Goofy|text=And you won't fall in more than nine times out of ten.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Player|text=... Maybe you can do something else. [reprompt]}}
{{dialogue|answer=You know, never mind.|character=Goofy|text=Are you sure? Well, let me know if you think of something I could help with.}}

===Mickey Mouse===
===Mickey Mouse===