Yellow Mermaid-Scale Wallpaper: Difference between revisions

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(Switch to WallpaperFloorsDescription (which fixes anchor link to Wallpaper Other category))
(add note about category that it is NOT)
Line 8: Line 8:
{{WallpaperFloorsDescription|wftype=Wallpaper|universe=Other|from=Scrooge's Store|similarItems=Blue Mermaid-Scale Wallpaper, Pink Mermaid-Scale Wallpaper}}
{{WallpaperFloorsDescription|wftype=Wallpaper|universe=Other|from=Scrooge's Store|similarItems=Blue Mermaid-Scale Wallpaper, Pink Mermaid-Scale Wallpaper}}
Although this wallpaper seems inspired by the film [[The Little Mermaid]], it is not categorized as such.
