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[[Scar#Daily Discussions|Moved to Character page]]
*Do you have a question?
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Do you have a question?|
{{dialogue|character=Player|text=Do you have a question?}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=Tell me, oh noble leader... What do you enjoy most about ruling over this Village?}}
{{dialogue|answer=Helping people.|character=Scar|text=Ugh. Really? You love "helping"? I find it rather tedious.}}
{{dialogue|answer=Being in charge.|character=Scar|text=I couldn't agree more. Power and control are the true joys of leadership.}}
{{dialogue|answer=Talking to everyone.|character=Scar|text=Really? You enjoy talking to these lackwits? Well, there's no accounting for taste.}}
*Everything okay?
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Everything okay?|
{{dialogue|character=Player|text=Everything okay?}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text='''''Player''''', why don't the fools around here respect my natural superiority?}}
{{dialogue|answer=What makes YOU so superior?|character=Scar|text=Well, I am at the top of the food chain. And of course, there's my cunning and brilliance.}}
{{dialogue|answer=People don't recognize your brilliance.|character=Scar|text=They don't, and it's such a tragedy. A loss to the entire community.}}
{{dialogue|answer=Maybe it's because you're a jerk to everyone.|character=Scar|text=If I'm uncivil, it's because I'm not appreciated.}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=If only I were given what I deserve, life here would be sublime.}}
{{dialogue2|answer=What do you think you deserve?|character=Scar|text=Respect...|text2=Admiration...|text3=And to be made king of all I survey.|text4=Everyone would benefit. I assure you.}}
{{dialogue2|answer=Are you sure?|character=Scar|text=Of course. When I have what is rightfully mine...|text2=...all will be as it should be.}}
{{dialogue|answer=That sounds reasonable.|character=Scar|text=Of course it does. I'm never wrong.}}
*Something on your mind?
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Something on your mind?|
{{dialogue|character=Player|text=Something on your mind?}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=I have a little thought exercise for you.}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=Which Villager do you think would be the most delicious?}}
{{dialogue2|answer=Bad kitty!|character=Scar|text=Oh, don't overreact, '''''Player'''''.|text2=I haven't done anything wrong.}}
{{dialogue|answer=This isn't a fun thought exercise!|character=Scar|text=[continue to next line]}}
{{dialogue|answer=YOU CAN'T EAT THE OTHER VILLAGERS.|character=Scar|text=Ugh, I'm excruciatingly aware.}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=This is all strictly hypothetical, of course.}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=Though it does feel as if my diet has been strictly hypothetical lately.}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=You put so many limitation on who... ahem... WHAT I'm allowed to eat.}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=I'm practically skin and bones.}}
{{dialogue|answer=How about some delicious vegetable snacks?|character=Scar|text=... I'm a carnivore, you ingrate.}}
{{dialogue2|answer=You look fine to me.|character=Scar|text=Well, I'm not. I'm famished!|text2=And all the fish in your waters aren't going to change that.}}
{{dialogue|answer=Go catch some fish.|character=Scar|text=Ugh. That sounds like work.}}
*Tell me about you.
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Tell me about you.|
{{dialogue|character=Player|text=Tell me about you.}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=You're staring at my scar, aren't you? Want to know how I got it?}}
  {{dialogue|character=Scar|text=Oh, there are many dangers that can leave a mark.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Scar|text=Let's play a game. Guess how I got my scar.}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=Cobra.|character=Scar|text=Hmm... Imagine... while I slept, a cobra curled up near me for warmth.|text2=And when I woke, I startled it. It struck out, catching me near my eye.}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=Cape Buffalo.|character=Scar|text=Oh yes, they are dangerous. I may have made a careless mistake crossing the savanna...|text2=...and a startled buffalo tore at my face with her horns.}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=Mufasa.|character=Scar|text=You think my brother Mufasa gave me this scar? An accident while we were cubs?|text2=Or not such an accident when he became king?}}
  {{dialogue|character=Scar|text=Perhaps. But I'll never say. It's far too private a memory.}}
{{dialogue|answer=No.|character=Scar|text=Well, if you aren't curious, then stop staring!}}
*What's on your mind?
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=What's on your mind?|
{{dialogue|character=Player|text=What's on your mind?}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text='''''Player''''', do you have a Villager you're not particularly fond of?}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=Perhaps someone who annoys you incessantly? Who you'd rather not have around?}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|indent=1|isAnswer=1|character=Player|title=No. I like everyone.|
  {{dialogue|character=Scar|text=Everyone? Really? Absolutely everyone?}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Really. Absolutely everyone.|character=Scar|text=How disappointing.}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=... Are you drooling?|character=Scar|text=Of course not. I do not drool.|text2=I was merely... savoring the thought of... something.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|indent=1|isAnswer=1|character=Player|title=Why do you ask?|
  {{dialogue|character=Scar|text=Oh, no reason. Just an idle curiosity.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Well, I like everyone.|character=Scar|text=How disappointing.}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=... Are you drooling?|character=Scar|text=Of course not. I do not drool.|text2=I was merely... savoring the thought of... something.}}
{{dialogue2|answer=... Are you drooling?|character=Scar|text=Of course not. I do not drool.|text2=I was merely... savoring the thought of... something.}}
*What's wrong?
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=What's wrong?|
{{dialogue|character=Player|text=What's wrong?}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=Ursula is being absurd.}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=She's told me that there are beasts beneath the sea who are far more ferocious than any lion.}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=Creatures called "sharks".}}
{{dialogue|answer=Sharks are more ferocious than lions.|character=Scar|text=They sound like overgrown fish with delusions of grandeur.}}
{{dialogue|answer=Lions are more ferocious than sharks.|character=Scar|text=Precisely. They sound like nothing more than overgrown fish.}}
{{dialogue|answer=Sharks and lions are both pretty dangerous.|character=Scar|text=Oh, please. They sound like nothing more than overgrown fish.}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=I'm sure I'd make quick work of any shark.}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=Hmm. Just thinking about it makes me hungry.}}
*Why are you looking at me like that?
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Why are you looking at me like that?|
{{dialogue|character=Player|text=Why are you looking at me like that?}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=Why don't I ever see you with a wildebeest slung over your shoulder?}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=When, exactly, do you hunt?}}
{{dialogue|answer=I don't hunt.|character=Scar|text=You don't hunt? But then...}}
{{dialogue|answer=That's not something I can do.|character=Scar|text=You can't hunt? How tragic.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|indent=1|isAnswer=1|character=Player|title=I don't like wildebeest.|
  {{dialogue|character=Scar|text=Then zebra. Or gazelle.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Player|text=Not a fan of any of those. Sorry.}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=What do you eat?}}
{{dialogue2|answer=Anything with chocolate.|character=Scar|text=I'm afraid I've no idea what that is...|text2=But it does sound... intriguing.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Scar|text=What is a "sandwich"?}}
  {{dialogue|character=Player|text=It's like... food, but with two pieces of bread around it.}} 
  {{dialogue|character=Scar|text=So, if I were to put two pieces of this "bread" around a wildebeest... that would be a sandwich?}}
  {{dialogue|character=Player|text=Um... that's a very philosophical question...}}
  {{dialogue|character=Player|text=You know... some lettuce, tomatoes, maybe a little dressing...}}
  {{dialogue|character=Scar|text=You've just described a bowl of leaves. How wretched.}}
*You look angry.
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=You look angry.|
{{dialogue|character=Player|text=You look angry.}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=I should have always been King of Pride Rock, not my brother. And certainly not my fool of a nephew.}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=I had the lion's share of intelligence, and that's far more important in a leader than brute strength.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|indent=1|isAnswer=1|character=Player|title=You're ill-suited.|
  {{dialogue|character=Scar|text=Ill-suited? Bite your tongue! Name one thing that Simba has that would make him a better king than me!}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Kindness.|character=Scar|text=Kindness? That's just another word for weakness. Kings need to be strong! And ruthless.}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=Respect.|character=Scar|text=I respect creatures that deserve my respect.|text2=But I've met so very few of those.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Friends.|character=Scar|text=Ugh, you mean the meerkat and the warthog? If they're what passes for friends these days, I far prefer solitude.}}
{{dialogue|answer=Get over it.|character=Scar|text=You're suggesting I just get "over it"? Being denied my rightful place in favor of a scrawny little cub? You have no idea what you're talking about.}}
{{dialogue|answer=Maybe you're right.|character=Scar|text=Finally! Someone who sees me for all that I am! I should have been king. I SHOULD be king.}}
*You look sad.
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=You look sad.|
{{dialogue|character=Player|text=You look sad.}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=Life's not fair, is it? I have to contend with countless fools trying to deny me my rightful place as king...}}
{{dialogue|character=Scar|text=...and you have to deal with a bumbling parade of incompetents stumbling through your Village.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|indent=1|isAnswer=1|character=Player|title=I like the Villagers.|
  {{dialogue|character=Scar|text=Truly? Most of them are less inspiring than hyenas.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Scar|text=You do know that everyone is just here to take advantage of your talents? They're scavengers.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Not true.|character=Scar|text=Far be it from me to intrude on your delusions.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=I'm happy to share.|character=Scar|text=Altruism is just another form of gullibility.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=At least I've got talents.|character=Scar|text=But evidently, "wit" is not among them.}}
{{dialogue|answer=You're just bitter.|character=Scar|text=Until I'm recognized as the rightful king of all I survey... I have a great deal to be bitter about.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|indent=1|isAnswer=1|character=Player|title=As you like to say, "I'm surrounded by fools."|
  {{dialogue|character=Scar|text=Yes, it's our lot in life to suffer, surrounded by incompetents not worthy of us.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Scar|text=Perhaps you could give me control over more of the Valley. Wouldn't it be a refreshing change to work with someone... capable?}}
  {{dialogue|answer=No way.|character=Scar|text=Grr. Your loss.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=I'll consider it.|character=Scar|text=Consider it quickly. I'm in a generous mood, but it won't last forever.}}

==The Little Mermaid==
==The Little Mermaid==