Prince Eric: Difference between revisions

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add Daily Discussions
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*[[Back on the Waves]] ({{Friendship|Prince Eric|7}})
*[[Back on the Waves]] ({{Friendship|Prince Eric|7}})
*[[The Mystical Crystal]] ({{Friendship|Prince Eric|10}})
*[[The Mystical Crystal]] ({{Friendship|Prince Eric|10}})
==Daily Discussions==
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=A penny for your thoughts? [Added 1.3]|
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|text=You know, '''''Player''''', I've been thinking about exploring lately.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|text=Which do you prefer: leisurely exploration or action-filled adventure?}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=Leisurely exploration.|character=Prince Eric|text=Nice. I love exploring. Ariel does too.|text2=It's so exciting to find new things. New places!|text3=And when we do it together, we notice so much more.}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=Action-filled adventure.|character=Prince Eric|text=Hey, there's nothing like grand adventures on the high seas!|text2=Diving into the unknown is dangerous sometimes...|text3=But that just makes it more exciting!}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=Staying home.|character=Prince Eric|text=Ha! You're right. That's another important option.|text2=And some people do prefer it. Even I get tired of exploring sometimes.|text3=It's important to be able to rest and recover.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Any deep thoughts to share with me today? [Added 1.3]|
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|text=Hey, '''''Player'''''. I had a thought -- you know forks?}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Like, the cutlery?|character=Prince Eric|text=Yes. Forks, as in cutlery.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Yes. I am aware of forks.|character=Prince Eric|text=Sorry, that was a silly question. Of course you're aware of forks.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=You mean "dinglehoppers"?|character=Prince Eric|text=Ha! Yes. Exactly. I was just thinking...}}
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|text=They have a kind of boring name, don't they? "Fork."}}
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|text=Ariel calls them "dinglehoppers." That's way more fun. Do you think we should change the name?}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=Sounds kind of confusing.|character=Prince Eric|text=I guess you're right.|text2=But I still think "dinglehopper" is a great name.}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=I think you're very in love with Ariel.|character=Prince Eric|text=Ha. Yeah, I am.|text2=Maybe changing the name isn't the best idea.|text3=I just love how excited she gets about dinglehoppers.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Any questions for me? [Added 1.3]|
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|text=Settle a question for me, '''''Player'''''.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|text=I love sailing big ships. Galleons, with a crew and three masts.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|text=But Moana says there's nothing like skimming the waves in a small canoe.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|text=Which do you prefer? A big ship or a small canoe?}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=Big ships.|character=Prince Eric|text=That's how I feel. I like a solid deck under my feet.|text2=And bigger ships means you can haul more, and carry more people.|text3=But maybe I'm just more comfortable with large ships because they're what I'm used to.}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=Small canoes.|character=Prince Eric|text=Yeah? Well, they are useful. I can't deny that. Light and fast.|text2=Moana offered to teach me how to sail one. Maybe I should take her up on it.}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=It depends.|character=Prince Eric|text=I guess you're right. Different kinds of boats work for different things.|text2=My kingdom needs large ships to carry trade cargo.|text3=But Moana's canoe is perfect for navigating between smaller islands.|text4=We're lucky we have both options.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Do you like living here?|
{{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|text=I love Dazzle Beach. The salty sea air. The wind blowing in your face! There's nothing like it.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|indent=1|isAnswer=1|character=Player|title=I love the ocean.|
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|text=You do? We're pretty similar then. What's your favorite thing about the sea?}}
  {{dialogue|answer=The waves.|character=Prince Eric|text=I understand that. I love crashing over the waves, as long as they aren't crashing over the ship!}}
  {{dialogue|answer=The salty air.|character=Prince Eric|text=Yes! There's something about the air near the ocean. It smells so fresh and alive.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=The mermaids!|character=Prince Eric|text=Not everyone believes in them, but you and I know they're real. And one of them, at least, is pretty amazing.}}
{{dialogue2|answer=I get seasick.|character=Prince Eric|text=Oh, I'm sorry about that. I don't get seasick myself, but I have a friend who does.|text2=I know it's pretty unpleasant. Well, I hope you can enjoy the ocean from the shore.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Do you want to talk about anything?|
{{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|text=There's this old riddle we used to ask new sailors on our ship. Would you like to hear it?}}
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|text=Okay, here you go: What do you throw out to use and take back to stop?}}
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|answer=Trash.|text=Huh? That's an interesting answer. It's not the one the old sea dogs taught me, though.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|answer=An anchor.|text=Yes! That's the answer. Pretty clever, huh?}}
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|answer=A net.|text=Huh? That's an interesting answer. It's not the one the old sea dogs taught me, though.}}
{{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|answer=No.|text=Guess you're not a riddle sort of person. That's okay.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Got a question for me? [Added 1.3]|
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|text='''''Player''''', have you ever seen a dolphin?}}
  {{dialogue|answer=I have!|character=Prince Eric|text=Hey, that's good luck for you!}}
  {{dialogue|answer=I haven't.|character=Prince Eric|text=Oh, I hope you do someday. They're amazing. And good luck!}}
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|text=There's an old sailors' legend that seeing a dolphin means good fortune for a journey.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Are there a lot of dolphins around the Valley?|character=Prince Eric|text=A few. Sometimes I see them while I'm fishing.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=I didn't know that.|character=Prince Eric|text=Well, all the crews I've sailed with believe it. I like to think it's true.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=I love dolphins!|character=Prince Eric|text=I do too. Seeing them is always really impressive.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=What are you up to? [Added 1.3]|
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|text='''''Player''''', I really want to do something nice for Ariel. So I thought I should take her on a picnic.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|text=Just the two of us. Where do you think we should go?}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=Dazzle Beach!|character=Prince Eric|text=That's a great idea! A blanket, some nice food...|text2=Watching the waves and the horizon.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=The Forest of Valor!|character=Prince Eric|text=Yeah, that'd be nice. I can lay down a blanket beside the river and she can swim up alongside me.}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=The Frosted Heights!|character=Prince Eric|text=That's a little cold for us, but I bet Ariel would like to explore up there.|text2=It would be an adventure.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|text=Well, the location's decided. What should I bring along to enjoy with our main course?}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=Fruit.|character=Prince Eric|text=Sounds good! I'll gather some different fruit and maybe visit Goofy's Stall.|text2=Ariel will love it.|text3=She gets almost as excited about surface food as she does about human objects.}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=Freshly baked bread.|character=Prince Eric|text=Yeah! Merfolk can't exactly mill flour underwater.|text2=So I bet Ariel hasn't tried many different kinds of bread.|text3=I'll ask Remy if he has any good ideas.}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=Chocolate chip cookies.|character=Prince Eric|text=Great idea. We definitely have to have a dessert.|text2=I'll ask Remy if he has any good ideas.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=What's on your mind? [Added 1.3]|
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|text=Hey, '''''Player''''', I really love the fishing expeditions I've taken. I get to explore all the waters around the Valley.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Prince Eric|text=I haven't found many other islands yet, but I've seen a lot of reefs and strange fish.}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=What do you need to go exploring?|character=Prince Eric|text=Just a ship and a fair wind.|text2=A map can be handy, but sometimes it's more fun to chart your own way.}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=Is there anything special out there?|character=Prince Eric|text=Well, I won't know unless I look!|text2=That's part of what makes it exciting. Not knowing what I'll find.}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=Is it safe?|character=Prince Eric|text=Well, I can't be completely sure. And that's part of the fun! Adventure is never guaranteed to be safe.|text2=Ships are safe in the harbor, but that's not what ships are built for.|text3=They're meant to sail out and explore.}}

