Prince Eric

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Prince Eric
Prince Eric.png
Type: Menu Icon Characters.png Character
From: The Little Mermaid.png The Little Mermaid
Voiced By: Christopher Daniel Barnes
House: Prince Eric's Castle
Unlock Quest: Menu Icon Quests.png Poor Unfortunate Prince
Ships are safe in the harbor, but that's not what ships are built for. They're meant to sail out and explore.
— Prince Eric

Prince Eric is a character from the Disney film The Little Mermaid (1989). He is unlocked after completing Ursula's level 10 friendship quest A Deal with Ursula, and then completing the quest Poor Unfortunate Prince.

His home is a large seaside castle, which offers a number of rotating crafting blueprints for sale each day. Once unlocked, he will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Characters Collection.


He can be unlocked after completing quests for Ariel and Ursula. After Ursula's level 10 friendship quest A Deal with Ursula the quest to unlock Prince Eric begins called Poor Unfortunate Prince. The Ursula quest has given you an item called Poor Unfortunate Eric, first return this to Ariel. She will ask you to speak to Merlin and ask for his help returning Prince Eric to normal.

Merlin will explain what's needed to restore Prince Eric. First the player needs to place and build his castle, then find an object dear to him, and finally have Ariel kiss him to break the spell. Find a suitable location to place Prince Eric's Castle, then pay Scrooge Construction Star Coin icon.png 10,000 to complete it.

Inside the castle you'll find a sparkling flute sitting on the table - pick it up and return it to Ariel. She will take the flute, say Eric's name and kiss him and he will be restored, joining the Village!


Main article: Time.
Time Location
Icon Eating.png 12:00 AM Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace eating inside the Restaurant.
Dreamlight Valley.png 1:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.
Player House Icon.png 7:00 AM Inside his home.
Icon Eating.png 11:00 AM Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace eating inside the Restaurant.
Dreamlight Valley.png 1:00 PM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.
Menu Icon Scrooge Store.png 2:00 PM Scrooge's Store browsing clothing and furniture items for sale.
Dreamlight Valley.png 4:00 PM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.
Icon Eating.png 11:00 PM Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace eating inside the Restaurant.

Friendship Rewards

Prince Eric will award the following rewards when Friendship levels are reached. Friendship can be leveled up through gifts, quests, conversation, or by hanging out.

Lvl Image Name Type
Friendship 2.png
Seaside Prince Side Part.png
Seaside Prince Side Part Clothing
Friendship 3.png
Max Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 4.png
Star Coin icon.png 500
Friendship 5.png
Purple Chaise and Anchor Pillow.png
Purple Chaise and Anchor Pillow Furniture
Friendship 6.png
Kiss the Girl Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 7.png
Star Coin icon.png 1,000
Friendship 8.png
White and Blue Officer Jacket.png
White and Blue Officer Jacket Clothing
Friendship 9.png
Sailing Ship Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 10.png
Eric's Miniature Boat.png
Eric's Miniature Boat[1] Furniture
  1. Rewarded after completing the quest Menu Icon Quests.png The Mystical Crystal (Friendship 10.png Prince Eric Level 10)


Main article Prince Eric's Castle

Prince Eric lives in a large castle. It is unlocked during the quest Poor Unfortunate Prince, and constructing it costs Star Coin icon.png 10,000.

Inside the house Prince Eric will offer different crafting blueprints which randomly change daily. These cost coins, and only the name of the item is visible before purchasing.


Friendship Quests

Character Dialogue

General Dialogue

Prince Eric.png


  • Hi, PLAYER!
  • TODO
Prince Eric.png

Gift Responses:

  • Thanks, PLAYER!

Hang Out Start Response:

Prince Eric.png

Sure! I bet we can find an adventure or two.

Hang Out End Response:

Prince Eric.png

So long! Let me know when you want to go on another expedition!


Player Goodbye Options:

  • Sorry, I can't talk now.
Prince Eric.png Scramblecoin Text

Scramblecoin Request Response:

Prince Eric.png


Scramblecoin Eager Float Text:

Prince Eric.png


Scramblecoin Player Victory Float Text:

Prince Eric.png


Scramblecoin Player Draw Float Text:

Prince Eric.png


Scramblecoin Player Defeat Float Text:

Prince Eric.png


Daily Discussions

A penny for your thoughts?
Prince Eric.png

You know, Player, I've been thinking about exploring lately.

Prince Eric.png

Which do you prefer: leisurely exploration or action-filled adventure?

→  Leisurely exploration.
Prince Eric.png Nice. I love exploring. Ariel does too.
Prince Eric.png It's so exciting to find new things. New places!
Prince Eric.png And when we do it together, we notice so much more.
→  Action-filled adventure.
Prince Eric.png Hey, there's nothing like grand adventures on the high seas!
Prince Eric.png Diving into the unknown is dangerous sometimes...
Prince Eric.png But that just makes it more exciting!
→  Staying home.
Prince Eric.png Ha! You're right. That's another important option.
Prince Eric.png And some people do prefer it. Even I get tired of exploring sometimes.
Prince Eric.png It's important to be able to rest and recover.
Any deep thoughts to share with me today?
Prince Eric.png

Hey, Player. I had a thought -- you know forks?

→  Like, the cutlery?
Prince Eric.png

Yes. Forks, as in cutlery.

→  Yes. I am aware of forks.
Prince Eric.png

Sorry, that was a silly question. Of course you're aware of forks.

→  You mean "dinglehoppers"?
Prince Eric.png

Ha! Yes. Exactly. I was just thinking...

Prince Eric.png

They have a kind of boring name, don't they? "Fork."

Prince Eric.png

Ariel calls them "dinglehoppers." That's way more fun. Do you think we should change the name?

→  Sounds kind of confusing.
Prince Eric.png I guess you're right.
Prince Eric.png But I still think "dinglehopper" is a great name.
→  I think you're very in love with Ariel.
Prince Eric.png Ha. Yeah, I am.
Prince Eric.png Maybe changing the name isn't the best idea.
Prince Eric.png I just love how excited she gets about dinglehoppers.
Any questions for me?
Prince Eric.png

Settle a question for me, Player.

Prince Eric.png

I love sailing big ships. Galleons, with a crew and three masts.

Prince Eric.png

But Moana says there's nothing like skimming the waves in a small canoe.

Prince Eric.png

Which do you prefer? A big ship or a small canoe?

→  Big ships.
Prince Eric.png That's how I feel. I like a solid deck under my feet.
Prince Eric.png And bigger ships means you can haul more, and carry more people.
Prince Eric.png But maybe I'm just more comfortable with large ships because they're what I'm used to.
→  Small canoes.
Prince Eric.png Yeah? Well, they are useful. I can't deny that. Light and fast.
Prince Eric.png Moana offered to teach me how to sail one. Maybe I should take her up on it.
→  It depends.
Prince Eric.png I guess you're right. Different kinds of boats work for different things.
Prince Eric.png My kingdom needs large ships to carry trade cargo.
Prince Eric.png But Moana's canoe is perfect for navigating between smaller islands.
Prince Eric.png We're lucky we have both options.
Do you like living here?
Prince Eric.png

I love Dazzle Beach. The salty sea air. The wind blowing in your face! There's nothing like it.

→   I love the ocean.
Prince Eric.png

You do? We're pretty similar then. What's your favorite thing about the sea?

→  The waves.
Prince Eric.png

I understand that. I love crashing over the waves, as long as they aren't crashing over the ship!

→  The salty air.
Prince Eric.png

Yes! There's something about the air near the ocean. It smells so fresh and alive.

→  The mermaids!
Prince Eric.png

Not everyone believes in them, but you and I know they're real. And one of them, at least, is pretty amazing.

→  I get seasick.
Prince Eric.png Oh, I'm sorry about that. I don't get seasick myself, but I have a friend who does.
Prince Eric.png I know it's pretty unpleasant. Well, I hope you can enjoy the ocean from the shore.
Do you want to talk about anything?
Prince Eric.png

There's this old riddle we used to ask new sailors on our ship. Would you like to hear it?

→   Yes.
Prince Eric.png

Okay, here you go: What do you throw out to use and take back to stop?

→  Trash.
Prince Eric.png

Huh? That's an interesting answer. It's not the one the old sea dogs taught me, though.

→  An anchor.
Prince Eric.png

Yes! That's the answer. Pretty clever, huh?

→  A net.
Prince Eric.png

Huh? That's an interesting answer. It's not the one the old sea dogs taught me, though.

→  No.
Prince Eric.png

Guess you're not a riddle sort of person. That's okay.

Got a question for me?
Prince Eric.png

Player, have you ever seen a dolphin?

→  I have!
Prince Eric.png

Hey, that's good luck for you!

→  I haven't.
Prince Eric.png

Oh, I hope you do someday. They're amazing. And good luck!

Prince Eric.png

There's an old sailors' legend that seeing a dolphin means good fortune for a journey.

→  Are there a lot of dolphins around the Valley?
Prince Eric.png

A few. Sometimes I see them while I'm fishing.

→  I didn't know that.
Prince Eric.png

Well, all the crews I've sailed with believe it. I like to think it's true.

→  I love dolphins!
Prince Eric.png

I do too. Seeing them is always really impressive.

What are you up to?
Prince Eric.png

Player, I really want to do something nice for Ariel. So I thought I should take her on a picnic.

Prince Eric.png

Just the two of us. Where do you think we should go?

→  Dazzle Beach!
Prince Eric.png That's a great idea! A blanket, some nice food...
Prince Eric.png Watching the waves and the horizon.
→  The Forest of Valor!
Prince Eric.png

Yeah, that'd be nice. I can lay down a blanket beside the river and she can swim up alongside me.

→  The Frosted Heights!
Prince Eric.png That's a little cold for us, but I bet Ariel would like to explore up there.
Prince Eric.png It would be an adventure.
Prince Eric.png

Well, the location's decided. What should I bring along to enjoy with our main course?

→  Fruit.
Prince Eric.png Sounds good! I'll gather some different fruit and maybe visit Goofy's Stall.
Prince Eric.png Ariel will love it.
Prince Eric.png She gets almost as excited about surface food as she does about human objects.
→  Freshly baked bread.
Prince Eric.png Yeah! Merfolk can't exactly mill flour underwater.
Prince Eric.png So I bet Ariel hasn't tried many different kinds of bread.
Prince Eric.png I'll ask Remy if he has any good ideas.
→  Chocolate chip cookies.
Prince Eric.png Great idea. We definitely have to have a dessert.
Prince Eric.png I'll ask Remy if he has any good ideas.
What's on your mind?
Prince Eric.png

Hey, Player, I really love the fishing expeditions I've taken. I get to explore all the waters around the Valley.

Prince Eric.png

I haven't found many other islands yet, but I've seen a lot of reefs and strange fish.

→  What do you need to go exploring?
Prince Eric.png Just a ship and a fair wind.
Prince Eric.png A map can be handy, but sometimes it's more fun to chart your own way.
→  Is there anything special out there?
Prince Eric.png Well, I won't know unless I look!
Prince Eric.png That's part of what makes it exciting. Not knowing what I'll find.
→  Is it safe?
Prince Eric.png Well, I can't be completely sure. And that's part of the fun! Adventure is never guaranteed to be safe.
Prince Eric.png Ships are safe in the harbor, but that's not what ships are built for.
Prince Eric.png They're meant to sail out and explore.


  • 1.0: Added
  • 1.3: Bug introduced: unable to hang out. New Daily Discussion topics added: A penny for your thoughts?, Any deep thoughts to share with me today?, Any questions for me?, Got a question for me?, What are you up to?, What's on your mind?