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===Mickey Mouse===
===Mickey Mouse===
[[Mickey Mouse#Daily Discussions|Moved to Character page]]
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Can I ask you something...|
{{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=You can ask me anything. We're friends!}}
{{dialogue|answer=How are you so happy all the time?|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Actually, I'm not. I get mad and sad like everybody else. But I always try to find the good in every day and everybody.}}
{{dialogue|answer=Have you ever gotten into trouble?|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Uh, sure... Actually, I mess up a lot. But I always try to learn somethin' when I do.}}
{{dialogue2|answer=Who is your favorite friend?|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Gosh, that's a tough one. I love all my pals.|text2=Goofy makes me laugh, Donald's always there for me when I need him, and you're so easy to talk to.|text3=And, of course, Minnie's the best sweetheart a fella could ask for.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Do you have a question?|
{{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Do you believe in magic, '''''Player'''''?}}
{{dialogue2|answer=Yes.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Me too! I've seen all sorts of magical things around here.|text2=You should see Merlin when he's packing for a trip. He can fit his whole house into just one suitcase!}}
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Gosh, I didn't expect you to say that.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Well, if that's the case, what do you think it is that Merlin does?}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Elaborate lighting tricks.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=If that's true, those are some really impressive light tricks!}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Swamp gas.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Huh? I didn't know swamp gas could do all that.}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=I'm kidding... I do believe in magic.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Me too! I've seen all sorts of magical things around here.|text2=You should see Merlin when he's packing for a trip. He can fit his whole house into just one suitcase!}}
{{dialogue2|answer=I literally know a wizard, Mickey.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Heh. Guess that was sort of a silly question.|text2=I love watchin' him do magic.|text3=You should see Merlin when he's packing for a trip. He can fit his whole house into just one suitcase!}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=How are you, Mickey?|
{{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Hiya, pal! How are you today?}}
{{dialogue|answer=Happy as usual!|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Hot dog! Then I'm happy YOU'RE happy! Ha-ha!}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|indent=1|isAnswer=1|character=Player|title=I'm a little angry.|
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Gosh. Well, talking about it might help.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=I have a lot of work to do.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=That can be pretty overwhelming, huh? Well, I believe in you. Let me know if I can help.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=I'm in a fight with my friend.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Hmm. That must be pretty tough. Well, know that you'll always have my friendship.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Just one of those days.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=I get it. Well, stick with me, and maybe we can turn a bad day into a good one!}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|indent=1|isAnswer=1|character=Player|title=I'm sad.|
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Oh no! What's got you so blue?}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Just one of those days.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=I understand. Well, if you stick around, maybe we can help you turn the day around.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=I lost someone.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Oh, I'm so sorry. I'll be here for you if you need me, pal.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=I feel unproductive.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Well, then let's get to work! Ha-ha! You've always got friends here who need help.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=I've got a question for you. [Added 1.3]|
  {{dialogue|character=Player|text=Mickey, you took care of all the gardening around the Village for a long time.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Player|text=Do you have any tips?}}
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Oh, gosh. Let me think...}}
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Oh! I got one! Certain crops seem to grow a lot faster in certain parts of the Valley.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Player|text=Hm... I guess it must be the climate and soil...}}
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Yep. So if you wanna grow a lot of vegetables fast, you've gotta start lots of gardens all over the Village.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Player|text=Thanks for the tip. When it comes to gardening...}}
  {{dialogue|answer=...I'm great at it, but I can always use more help.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Well, I'm always around if you need me!}}
  {{dialogue|answer=...I'm getting better, but still need some tips.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Aw, you're learning pretty fast. Soon I'll be asking you for tips!}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=...I'm hopeless! I need all the help I can get.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Aw, don't sell yourself short, pal.|text2=Just keep planting things and harvesting 'em. I bet you'll get the hang of it soon.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Mickey... you're really famous, aren't you?|
{{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=You think so? Gosh, I just like getting to do fun stuff and make friends.}}
{{dialogue2|answer=What's your favorite part of being famous?|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Aw, it's not about bein' famous. I'm just super lucky that I get to do stuff I love and that makes folks happy.|text2=There's nothin' like putting a smile on somebody's face.}}
{{dialogue2|answer=Do you like all the travel you get to do?|character=Mickey Mouse|text=You betcha! I love gettin' to visit new places and see new things.|text2=And I love visiting all the friends I've made when I go back to the places I've been before.}}
{{dialogue|answer=Can I have your autograph?|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Gosh, it would be my honor, '''''Player'''''!}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Something on your mind? [Added 1.3]|
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Gosh, '''''Player''''', does your Backpack get heavy with all that stuff you keep in it?}}
  {{dialogue|answer=It's not so bad.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Well, if it ever gets too heavy for ya, you could...}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=It can get a little heavy.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=I'll bet! I can't believe how much you can fit in there!|text2=Just remember, if it ever gets too full for ya, you could...}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=I'm exhausted from lugging all this stuff around!|character=Mickey Mouse|text=I'll bet! I can't believe how much you can fit in there!|text2=Just remember, if it ever gets too full for ya, you could...}}
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=...try puttin' some stuff in a chest in your House for safekeeping.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Some folks around the Valley even have a bunch of different chests in different colors for all the different kinds of stuff they like to have.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Sounds like a great idea!|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Fantastic! Though...}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Sounds a little TOO organized for me.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=I understand.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=I know I'd have to write down what I put where. Like, are my other yellow shoes in the yellow chest for "yellow" or the silver chest for "shoes"? Ha-ha!}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=Tell me about your past.|
{{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=You know, as an actor, I've gotten to do all sorts of fun jobs.}}
{{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=If you're curious about any of 'em, I'd be happy to tell you.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|indent=1|isAnswer=1|character=Player|title=Steamboat operator.|
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=That was the first job anybody got to see me do! And Minnie, too!}}
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=I had a great time whistling and driving that steamboat down the river.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Sounds fun!|character=Mickey Mouse|text=It was! Especially since Minnie and I got to work together.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Sounds boring.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Nah. It was great! I got to be out in the fresh air and work with Minnie. I loved it!}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Sounds muggy.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Well yeah, it was a steamboat! Ha-ha!}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|indent=1|isAnswer=1|character=Player|title=Sorcerer's apprentice.|
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Gosh, that one was a lot of work. Carrying all those water buckets was harder than it looked.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=But it got really fun after I made that big mistake...}}
  {{dialogue|answer=What mistake?|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Well, I tried to do some magic. And it kinda got out of hand.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Did it involve brooms?|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Yep, LOTS and LOTS of brooms. Ha-ha!}}
{{dialogue|answer=Musketeer.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Aw, that was a blast! Goofy, Donald and I got to battle with swords and race across the countryside. It was awesome!}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=What are you up to? [Added 1.3]|
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=I'm just takin' care of some chores around the Village.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=But you know all about that. You're always runnin' around pulling out Night Thorns or digging holes or any of the other things you do.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=I just like helping people!|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Well, don't forget, the rest of us Villagers are happy to lend a hand.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Ugh. It's exhausting being me.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Oh gosh. Well, don't forget...}}
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=You can always ask us to come along and we'll help ya take care of all your Dreamlight Duties.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Of course, we'll be a lot more help if it's somethin' we're good at. Ha-ha!}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=What do you think of my work?|
{{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Gosh, '''''Player''''', you sure are doing a swell job fixing up the Village.}}
{{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=I know it's a lot of work! Are you gettin' tired?}}
{{dialogue|answer=I'm raring to go!|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Awesome! Be sure to let me know how I can help.}}
{{dialogue2|answer=Maybe a little.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Well, be sure to take a break if you need it.|text2=You can't forget to take care of yourself.}}
{{dialogue2|answer=I'm exhausted.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Oh no! You gotta pace yourself, '''''Player'''''.|text2=Maybe you should take a nap. After all, you can't forget to take care of yourself.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=What do you think of the Village?|
{{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=The Village looks amazing! You're doin' a great job, '''''Player'''''.}}
{{dialogue|answer=Thanks, Mickey!|character=Mickey Mouse|text=You bet! Keep up the good work!}}
{{dialogue|answer=I couldn't have done it by myself!|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Gosh, that means a lot comin' from you.}}
{{dialogue|answer=I know!|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Heh-heh. Guess you're pretty confident, too.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=What's on your mind? [Added 1.3]|
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Say, '''''Player''''', I really like what you're doin' to spruce up the Valley.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Aw, thanks, Mickey!|character=Mickey Mouse|text=[continue to next line]}}
  {{dialogue|answer=It's nothing, really.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=[continue to next line]}}
  {{dialogue|answer=Somebody had to clean this place up...|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Gosh, uh... we tried before you got here, but none of us could get rid of those Night Thorns.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Hey, I just remembered! I wanted to pass on a little somethin' I learned...}}
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Make sure you leave room so you can make a garden big enough to grow lots of different kinds of crops.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Ya never know what you might need around here!}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|title=You seem preoccupied.|
{{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Say, '''''Player''''', do you have any friends who have a short temper?}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|indent=1|isAnswer=character=Player|title=A few.|
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Gosh, I think everybody knows somebody with a short fuse. Like my friend Donald Duck.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=When he thinks something's not fair or somebody's being treated badly, he can get real mad real fast.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=What do you do when that happens?}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=Empathize with them.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=You mean you let your friend know you understand why they're angry?|text2=Wow, that's real nice. I bet they appreciate that.}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=Give them space.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=That's probably smart. I know Donald never stays mad for long.|text2=You sure are a great friend, '''''Player'''''.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=I'm not sure.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Yeah, sometimes it's hard to know. With Donald, I've found that the best thing to do is just give him some space. Of course, if I can fix whatever he's mad about, that helps, too.}}
{{dialogue|answer=No... All my friends are very calm.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Then I guess you haven't met Donald Duck yet! Ha-ha! But don't worry. He's a great guy. I couldn't ask for a better friend.}}
{{labeledDialogueBox|indent=1|isAnswer=character=Player|title=There is Donald Duck.|
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=That's just who I was thinking about.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=When he thinks something's not fair or somebody's being treated badly, he can get real mad real fast.}}
  {{dialogue|character=Mickey Mouse|text=What do you do when that happens?}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=Empathize with them.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=You mean you let your friend know you understand why they're angry?|text2=Wow, that's real nice. I bet they appreciate that.}}
  {{dialogue2|answer=Give them space.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=That's probably smart. I know Donald never stays mad for long.|text2=You sure are a great friend, '''''Player'''''.}}
  {{dialogue|answer=I'm not sure.|character=Mickey Mouse|text=Yeah, sometimes it's hard to know. With Donald, I've found that the best thing to do is just give him some space. Of course, if I can fix whatever he's mad about, that helps, too.}}

===Minnie Mouse===
===Minnie Mouse===


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