Pirate Parrot

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Pirate Parrot
Pirate Parrot.png
Type: Menu Icon Companions.png Companion
Categories: Menu Icon Events.png Event
Event Cost: Haunted Token.png 50
Bundle: Pirate Parrot (Moonstone icon.png 1,750)
From: Haunted Holiday Star Path (T1 Premium)
Premium Shop

Pirate Parrot is a premium event companion which was available during the Haunted Holiday Star Path.

It was originally available to unlock and collect during the Haunted Holiday Star Path event using Haunted Token.png 50 The Nightmare Before Christmas Lollipop Tokens from the Tier 1 Premium Rewards. It later returned to the Premium Shop in the Pirate Parrot bundle for Moonstone icon.png 1,750 Moonstones. Once collected it will not be added to the Critter Collection.

It can be equipped while outside using the Wardrobe menu inside the Inventory, under the Companions category. Once equipped, it will follow the Player as they move between Biomes and wander nearby. Companions can also be photographed in unique poses using Photo Mode, or housed in a Companion Home.


It is likely a reference to the Barker Bird from the original Pirates of the Caribbean ride.
