Festive Holiday Dress

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Festive Holiday Dress
Festive Holiday Dress.png
Festive Holiday Dress m.png
Type: Menu Icon Clothing.png Clothing
Categories: Menu Icon Dresses.png Dress
Event Cost: Festive Token.png 40
Bundle: Festive Holiday Ensemble (Moonstone icon.png 1,200)
From: Festive Star Path (T1)
Premium Shop

Festive Holiday Dress is a Mickey & Friends themed piece of dress clothing.

It can be equipped using the Wardrobe tab inside the inventory. It was originally available to unlock and collect during the Festive Star Path event using Festive Token.png 40 Gift Tokens from the Tier 1 Rewards. It later returned to the Premium Shop in the Festive Holiday Ensemble bundle for Moonstone icon.png 1,200 Moonstones.

Once collected it will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Clothing Sets Collection.
