Olaf's Arms... and an Orb

Olaf's Arms... and an Orb
Olaf's Arms... and an Orb.png

Olaf's arms clutching a dim Orb. It seems the magic inside has gone out.

Type: Menu Icon Quests.png Quest Item
Found: Secret Chamber
From: Menu Icon Quests.png The Great Blizzard Olaf.png Menu Icon Story.png

Olaf's Arms... and an Orb is a quest item which is collected by whispering one of your greatest fears to the flickering portal. Collecting it is an objective of the quest The Great Blizzard.


  The Great Blizzard - Collect by whispering one of your greatest fears to the flickering portal in the secret chamber where you first meet Olaf

Quest Objectives

Olaf's Arms... and an Orb is an objective during the following quests.

Quest Required Use
  The Great Blizzard     1 Deliver to Olaf
