Update 3

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A Festival of Friendship (1.3)
A Festival of Friendship (1.3) Update Key Art
Update Information
Type: Menu Icon Download.png Game Release
Category: Menu Icon Download.png Major Update
Update Number: 8

(A Festival of Friendship Update)

Released: 16 February 2023

A Festival of Friendship Update

Disney Centennial Celebration

We’re joining in on Disney’s 100th anniversary celebrations with a Dreamlight twist! The first Star Path of 2023 celebrates the legacy of Disney’s many years of creativity and imagination. By completing duties centered around Mickey and the game’s roster of Disney and Pixar friends, you’ll have the opportunity to claim clothing and furniture inspired by real-world Disney100 items. You’ll also be able to dress up Minnie and Mickey in new Dream Styles based off their Disney Parks Centennial outfits!

The Frosted Heights gets even more frosty

Break out your warmest outfit before heading north in this update! A puzzling blizzard has taken over the Frosted Heights – and it’s up to you to uncover its origins. While working alongside Merlin and Elsa to dissipate the wintry chaos, you’ll also ‘make’ a new friend who’s a fan of warm hugs – Olaf from Disney’s Frozen!

The Power of Friendship

Olaf isn’t the only new friend to meet in this update. Once you find the ‘key’ to Mini-Casita, Mirabel from Disney’s Encanto will join your Valley! You will need to harness both the power of friendship and Dreamlight to undo the effects the Forgetting has had on Mini-Casita. Mirabel’s unique skills in resolving family conflicts will also play a key role in restoring harmony back to Dreamlight Valley.

A New Way to Play!

This newest update also marks the launch of the in-game Premium Shop! Players can exchange their Moonstones for an exclusive rotation of cosmetic items that will not be sold elsewhere. Go shopping for premium clothing, furniture, or even change the appearance of your house into a cottage or a palace.

Of course, that hasn’t stopped Scrooge McDuck from adding additional brand-new items to his store! Sell off those pumpkins you’ve been holding onto and make sure you have some Star Coins set aside for new furniture and clothing items.

Community Driven Features

As always, we’re so excited to see you dive into all of the new content coming in this update – but we also wanted to take the time to share more about some of the new features that have been included, inspired by your comments and feedback! Here’s just a few of the changes and additions that you can expect in this update:

  • Storage optimization. We know that many of our players can’t leave things nailed to the floor – that’s why we’re happy to share that you will have access to a plethora of new storage options! As of this update, you’ll be able to craft additional tiers of storage chests to suit your collecting needs and utilize other furniture (such as fridges and dressers) as storage spaces.

- While we loved watching you label your chests by leaving fish on the floor or piling hoards of items on tables, we’ve created a clearer labeling system! With the addition of a new craftable signpost, players can choose from a variety of labels to organize their Valleys.

  • House skins are HERE! In addition to new House Dream Styles available for purchase in the Premium Shop, you’ll be able to change the color of your house (once your home is fully upgraded) to a variety of colorways for FREE from the Furniture Menu.
  • Update to Interior Doors. You’ll now be able to change the interior doors in your homes once you’ve fully upgraded your home. What’s more is that you can change their placements as well! Note that any doors placed previously will automatically be added back to your furniture inventory.

That’s not all! In addition to these features, there are many other features and improvements we have included in this update.

New Content and Features[1]

  • "The Forgetting" Main Story continues: A snowstorm is brewing in Frosted Heights!
  • New Character: Welcome the Valley’s resident snowman, Olaf, with a warm hug.
  • New Character: As Disney celebrates the Wonder of Encanto around the world, Mirabel seizes the occasion to join the Valley, bringing with her Mini-Casita.
  • Celebrate Disney’s 100th anniversary with a very special new Star Path inspired by real-world Disney100 items.
  • Take your reno outside and change the look of your fully upgraded house with newly added house colors or acquire premium house skins from the Premium Shop.
  • The Premium Shop opens! Use Moonstones to collect all sorts of exclusive, rotating cosmetic items like clothing, furniture, premium house skins and more. The Premium Shop content is separate from Scrooge McDuck’s General Store (which will also have content additions regularly). Be sure to check out the Premium Shop often to discover the latest items to help you express yourself and design your village just how you dream it to be.
  • With the arrival of the Premium Shop, we have adjusted Daily Moonstone chests to increase the number of Moonstones they grant each day. They will now grant 50 Moonstones (previously 10).
  • Scrooge McDuck General Store has received a shipment of new goods! Got Star Coins from your recent Pumpkin Puff haul burning a hole in your pocket? Keep an eye out for new clothing and furniture items in his stock.
  • We’ve seen some of your storage rooms and we’re both impressed and scared. Chests that are crafted at Crafting Stations now come in three different varieties, offering larger storage capacities.
  • While we appreciate the creative ways you’ve organized your chest hoards, we’ve added a little something to help. Craft customizable signposts to help remind you what’s in a specific chest or mark your fave fishing spot.
  • Fridges now... fridge (well, minus the cooling). Furniture that is classified as storage – like fridges and cabinets – will now act as basic chest storage.
  • Capping off storage-palooza, we’ve added quality of life features that allow you to auto sort your items, as well as quickly transfer items between your inventory and storage with smart transfer.
  • Take that house reno back inside! You can now modify the look of doors inside your house based on ones you’ve collected, as well as adjust their placement.
  • We’ve improved wallpaper management to add more variety in your house. Now, you can adjust wallpaper on a wall-by-wall basis instead of selecting one style for the whole room.
  • Craft new Role Training Manuals to change the roles of your villagers. Whether you’re maximizing your gardening potential or giving Goofy a new hobby, you don’t have to feel locked into your past decision.
  • The Valley is more talkative... Don’t worry, we didn’t increase Donald’s tantrums. All characters have gained additional daily discussion topics.
  • The g[REDACTED]

New Content

Changes listed below in italics are unofficial and not part of the release notes

Menu Icon Characters.png Characters

Menu Icon Events.png Events

Menu Icon Quests.png Quests

Menu Icon Companions.png Companions

Menu Icon Meals.png Meals

Menu Icon Clothing.png Clothing

Menu Icon Furniture.png Furniture

Menu Icon Shop.png Premium Shop Bundles

  • Royal Deco Bedroom (Moonstone icon.png 3,365)
  • Royal Deco Living Room (Moonstone icon.png 4,850)
  • Art Deco Lifestyle (Moonstone icon.png 3,040)
  • Villainous Vibe (Moonstone icon.png 1,250)
  • Scholarly Study Set (Moonstone icon.png 1,250) (Removed)[2]
  • Celestial Book Nook (Moonstone icon.png 1,750) (Removed)[2]
  • Field Day Ensemble (Moonstone icon.png 1,200)
  • Art Deco Poster Collection (Moonstone icon.png 1,200)

Icy Wings (Moonstone icon.png 1,750)

  • Touch of Arendelle Kitchen (Moonstone icon.png 1,500)
  • Touch of Arendelle Pantry (Moonstone icon.png 1,200)
  • Mickey Mouse Sweater Trio (Moonstone icon.png 1,000)
  • Pride Lands Backpack Set 1 (Moonstone icon.png 2,250)
  • Beach Vibes (Moonstone icon.png 1,200)
  • Space-Time Set (Moonstone icon.png 850)
  • Art Deco Poster Collection (Moonstone icon.png 1,200)
  • Touch of Arendelle Corner (Moonstone icon.png 750)
  • Pride Lands Backpack Set 2 (Moonstone icon.png 1,500)

Crafting.png Crafting

Menu Icon Quests.png Quest Items

Motifs Icon.png Motifs

Menu Icon Wallpaper.png Wallpaper

Menu Icon Flooring.png Flooring

Face Paint

Character Dream Styles

House Dream Styles


  • Dreamlight Valley Memory 4 image updated
  • Dreamlight Valley Memory 17
  • Dreamlight Valley Memory 18
  • Old Ruler's Lost Diaries Memory 39
  • Old Ruler's Lost Diaries Memory 40
  • Old Ruler's Lost Diaries Memory 41
  • Old Ruler's Lost Diaries Memory 42
  • Old Ruler's Lost Diaries Memory 43
  • Old Ruler's Lost Diaries Memory 44


  • Sold Out signs added in each empty slot at Scrooge's Store
  • Pressing A on Xbox no longer Fast-Travels to Plaza by default when no location selected on map
  • Multiple image updates for Mickey & Friends, The Sword in the Stone, and Cinderella Furniture items
  • Removed brown rock on southern overlook in Peaceful Meadow[1]
  • Character Houses with multiple residents (e.g. Arendelle Castle) can be visited if at least one awake resident is visiting, even if a Villager is asleep inside. This can allow the otherwise inaccessible Character to be interacted with during their sleep schedule.

Bugs Introduced

  • Dark Wood Vintage Chest is now Indoors-only; Light Wood Vintage Chest can still be placed Indoors or Outdoors
  • Scrooge's Clothing Catalog is no longer functional - no categories display to select
  • Prince Eric can no longer hang out
  • Critters cannot be fed if a Training Manual is in inventory or certain Mirabel-related quests are active
  • If you previously owned an item contained in a Premium Bundle (e.g. Ornate Curtain, Mortar 'n' Pestle), the bundle displays as 'Owned' and cannot be purchased
  • Premium Shop items count towards Collection Menu totals[3][4]

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Kristoff's Stall has received a slight overhaul. In previous updates, we made some changes to his stall, with a goal of striking a balance between making the shop more interesting and enticing (i.e. adding iron ingots), and ensuring that gathering rare materials isn’t made trivial (i.e. adding a daily limit). We heard your feedback – especially about the change to coal – and kept iterating. As a result, we've tweaked the settings a little and brought back something you loved. The daily buy limit has been removed for coal and we’ve increased the buy limit for everything else at the stall (from 3-5 to 10-20).
  • Miracle Growth Elixir, Miracle Pickaxe Polish, Miracle Shovel Varnish, Miracle Fishing Bait (and their Even More Miraculous alternatives) have had their efficiency increased and the resources required to craft them reduced.
  • Various optimizations, including performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
  • The New Game button has moved to the settings menu and is now called Reset Game.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to navigate around the menu while cooking.
  • Remembering Old Times quest: Players should no longer encounter issues taking the photo necessary to progress in this quest.
  • Stitch's Hobby quest: The TV in this quest should no longer pose a progression blocker or disappear from the player’s inventory.
  • Trash-clearing quests: Cleaning trash piles in Goofy and Merlin’s homes should now result in successful progression in these quests.
  • A Deal with Ursula quest: After further investigation of this quest, issues involving placing the crystals on the pedestals should be fixed.
  • The Final Trial quest: Players should now be able to pick up the Falling Water to progress in this quest.
  • How Far You'll Go quest: The game should no longer crash when initiating a conversation with Moana to give her a fish.
  • Magic Moments quest: Reduced sushi quest requirement to resolve an issue some players were encountering.
  • What Home Feels Like quest: A new fix has been deployed to help resolve the pesky Glittering Herring bug. We will closely monitor this topic alongside the update launch, as we know this quest has been prickly for some players.
  • The Definition of a Hero quest: Making the asphalt and balloon arch should now progress the quest as intended.
  • With Great Power quest: The Crystal Key should no longer disappear or duplicate for players progressing in this quest.
  • The Ceremony quest: Players should now be able to take the final photo without getting stuck on the photo screen.
  • A Space Ranger Reputation quest: Buzz Lightyear and Ursula should now speak with each other, triggering the next step of the quest.
  • Fixed an issue which was causing some players’ games to freeze when leveling up either the avatar or villager, most notably after talking with them.
  • Fixed an issue in which villager houses disappear and cannot be recovered.
  • The crafting menu should now function more reliably as an issue which would cause movement to be disabled after selecting an item and switching tabs has been resolved.
  • Improved the spawning of ground-based materials in certain biomes.
  • The mailbox will no longer display duplicates of received mail.
  • You can now purchase those pesky candles in Scrooge McDuck General Store!
  • And many more fixes!


