Mysterious Climbing Pick

Mysterious Climbing Pick
Mysterious Climbing Pick.png

A climbing pick that has the look of a trusty tool that has seen much use.

Type: Menu Icon Quests.png Quest Item
Found: Digging in The Wastes
From: Menu Icon Quests.png Gaston the... Hero? Gaston.pngFriendship 4.png

Mysterious Climbing Pick is a quest item which is collected during the Friendship Quest Gaston the... Hero?.

It is one of three treasures which are buried in locations photographed in the Memory which this quest unlocks. Later the quest requires tracking down the original owner of this brush, which is Scrooge McDuck.


  Gaston the... Hero? - Digging up a sparkling spot in front of the entrance to the Cave of Wonders in The Wastes area in the Glittering Dunes.

Quest Objectives

Mysterious Climbing Pick is an objective during the following quests.

Quest Required Use
  Gaston the... Hero?    1 Deliver to Gaston.
