Stone Slab

Stone Slab
Stone Slab.png

Ariel found this slab covered in runes at the bottom of the Mystical Cave near a strange door.

Type: Menu Icon Quests.png Quest Item
Found: Given by Ariel
From: Menu Icon Quests.png The Ancient Doorway Ariel.pngFriendship 10.png

Stone Slab is a quest item which is given by Ariel during the quest The Ancient Doorway. It needs to be "charged" four times (indicated by glowing gems on the slab) by speaking to different villagers.

After showing to Merlin, deliver the slab to Ariel, Remy, Moana, then Ursula to charge it. Then place it inside the Mystical cave on Dazzle Beach. The space where it needs to be placed is just beside the glowing altars - it's marked by a space on the wall which looks like the Stone Slab.


  The Ancient Doorway - Given by Ariel

Quest Objectives

Stone Slab is an objective during the following quests.

Quest Required Use
  The Ancient Doorway    1 Place in the Mystical Cave

