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Type: Menu Icon Characters.png Character
From: The Sword in the Stone.png The Sword in the Stone
Voiced By: Jeff Bennett
House: Dreamlight Library
How exciting! Not knowing quite what will happen next. The thrill of discovery!
— Merlin

Merlin is a character from the Disney film The Sword in the Stone (1963). He is the first villager players encounter when beginning the game, and encountered in the Plaza.

His home is a tall stone wizard tower which is initially found in the Peaceful Meadow. He is already unlocked in the Dreamlight Valley Characters Collection when starting the game.


Merlin will be unlocked automatically when beginning a new game and his tower will already be placed in the Peaceful Meadow.


Main article: Time.
Time Location
Dreamlight Valley.png 12:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.
Icon Eating.png 7:00 AM Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace eating inside the Restaurant.
Dreamlight Valley.png 9:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.
Menu Icon Scrooge Store.png 12:00 PM Scrooge's Store browsing clothing and furniture items for sale.
Dreamlight Valley.png 2:00 PM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.
Icon Eating.png 7:00 PM Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace eating inside the Restaurant.
Dreamlight Valley.png 9:00 PM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.

Friendship Rewards

Merlin will award the following rewards when Friendship levels are reached. Friendship can be leveled up through gifts, quests, conversation, or by hanging out.

Lvl Image Name Type
Friendship 2.png
Bag of Tricks.png
Bag of Tricks Furniture
Friendship 3.png
Sword in the Stone Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 4.png
Star Coin icon.png 500
Friendship 5.png
Phial Holder.png
Phial Holder Furniture
Friendship 6.png
Bag of Tricks Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 7.png
Star Coin icon.png 1,000
Friendship 8.png
Potion Cupboard.png
Potion Cupboard Furniture
Friendship 9.png
Owl Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 10.png
Merlin's Marvelous Wizard Hat.png
Merlin's Marvelous Wizard Hat[1] Clothing
  1. Rewarded after completing the quest Menu Icon Quests.png The Final Trial (Friendship 10.png Merlin Level 10)


Main article Dreamlight Library

Merlin' lives in a library-tower called the Dreamlight Library. It is found on the west side of the Peaceful Meadow, and will be placed already when beginning a new game.


Story Quests

Dreamlight Valley
Eternity Isle

Friendship Quests

Dream Styles

Style Name Unlocked
Merlin Default.png Merlin Default appearance
Festive Merlin.png Festive Merlin Festive Star Path for Festive Token.png 50 (T5 Premium)
Bermuda Merlin.png Bermuda Merlin Premium Shop for Moonstone icon.png 2,500

Character Dialogue

General Dialogue



  • Come along! We have a destiny to fulfill.
  • Greetings, my friend!
  • Heh-heh. Things... well, they always seem to have a bit more magic when you're around, Player.
  • Oh... Oh! Hello!
  • Remember that the Well is a source of great power. Use the magic it bestows upon you wisely!
  • Yes, yes, there you are. Good!
  • Yes, yes, well met and all that.
  • It's enchanting to see how far you've come.
  • Ah, my friend!
  • Oh, it's you! Heh-heh... Well then...
  • Have we spoken today? Or was that tomorrow?

Gift Responses:

  • Thank you, my friend!
  • What a delightful little babble.
  • What a thoughtful gift.
  • You have my thanks.
  • Ah! This will make an interesting study.
  • Why it's... it's enchanting!

Hang Out Start Response:

  • Splendid idea! It will be a good opportunity to further our knowledge.
  • Yes, I suppose I could spare the time.
  • A quest? Let's be off, then!
  • Oh, I'd quite enjoy an outing. After you!
  • Yes, yes, there's always time to learn something!
  • A quest? Hehe-heh. I'm usually the one giving those.

Hang Out End Response:

  • That was quite fascinating. We should do it again soon.
  • Goodness, I found that quite enlightening.
  • Now then, do you feel you've learned something?
  • Until we venture forth again!
  • I think that went rather well.
  • Have we accomplished what you intended?

Player Goodbye Options:

  • Sorry, I can't right now.
  • See you later, Merlin!
  • Later, Merlin!
  • See you around.
Merlin.png Scramblecoin Text

Scramblecoin Request Response:


Now then, I've a few tricks up my sleeves, but magic is strictly forbidden!

Scramblecoin Eager Float Text:


Would you like to try your hand at a game of Scramblecoin, Player?

Scramblecoin Player Victory Float Text:



Scramblecoin Player Draw Float Text:



Scramblecoin Player Defeat Float Text:



Daily Discussions

Did you hate the Middle Ages?
Merlin.png It's rather pleasant to be living in an era with so many modern conveniences.
Merlin.png Magic is useful, but pales before the wonder of indoor plumbing.
Merlin.png Tell me, Player, what is your favorite invention?
→  Airplanes.

Magnificent machines! Ahh, to fly through the sky like a bird without all those itchy feathers.

→  I agree with you... indoor plumbing.

It's a crowd pleaser, that is certain.

→  Cell phones.

Yes, those little connected boxes. They do seem more useful than pigeons... And unlike owls, they rarely talk back.

Do you have a question?

Player, do you know the distinction between Dark and Light Magic?

→  I do.

So, you already understand the nature of magic? Very good.

→  I don't.
Merlin.png It's a simple difference, really. Light Magic is performed for others.
Merlin.png Dark Magic is performed for yourself. Dark Magic is not necessarily evil, but is more easily turned to evil.

Now tell me: Which calls to you? Light Magic or Dark Magic?

→  Light Magic.

Light Magic. An altruistic choice. And one that will serve you well in your quest to restore the Valley.

→  Dark Magic.

Dark Magic can be powerful and compelling, but must be managed carefully.

→  Both.

A wise answer. Balance is difficult, but important.

Do you have time to talk?

I can tell by the look on your face that you have a question for me, Player. Well, what is it?

→  Why do you wear a blue robe and pointy hat?
Merlin.png Why, it's what I've always worn since I was a young lad. And I do suppose it helps people understand that I'm a wizard.
Merlin.png Part of being a wizard is managing people's expectations, you know.
Merlin.png That may even be the most important part.
→  How do you do magic?
Merlin.png There's no simple answer to that. But I can say that it takes years of study.
Merlin.png One must understand the nature of... well, nature! And how to influence it.
Merlin.png That is the secret to true power... knowledge.
→  How old are you?

As old as my tongue and just a bit older than my teeth.

Got any advice?
Merlin.png Player, have you noticed all the hidden treasures scattered about the Village?
Merlin.png Someone has left countless chests containing all sorts of valuable things. Vestments, furnishings, money...
Merlin.png It's quite a mystery as to who might have left them.
→  Maybe they're from before the Forgetting?
Merlin.png That would be the most logical assumption, yes.
Merlin.png Of course, just because something's logical doesn't mean it works that way here.
→  Maybe they just... appeared there.

An intriguing suggestion. Perhaps the Valley itself is trying to provide us with gifts.

Merlin.png In any case, some of the treasures are better hidden than others.
Merlin.png I suggest making a thorough investigation of the Valley. You never know where you might find something useful.
Have you ever time-traveled?

I have traveled extensively through time, Player. I've visited the past, and I remember a great deal of the future.

→  That sounds confusing.

[continue to next line]

→  That sounds useful.

Well, it gives me a unique perspective. And makes me an extremely valuable advisor.

→  Can I learn to time travel?

Player, I do not believe in impossibility. So I will say merely that it is improbable.

Let's do something fun!

Player... Now, I know you're not a wizard, but have you ever heard of a Wizards' Duel?

→  Yes.
Merlin.png Then you know how it works.
Merlin.png My last bout with Madam Mim... well, it... it was a bit of a grudge match, you might say. We needn't be so brutal.
→  No.
Merlin.png Well, it's a classic battle of wits, where each player takes turns changing into different things.
Merlin.png The goal is to defeat the other player's form!
Merlin.png Since you can't change forms, we'll just say the names of what we WOULD change into. And let's stick to animals, shall we?
Merlin.png Here, I'll start... I choose the form of a tortoise!
→  Raccoon.
Merlin.png A reasonable choice... A raccoon might be able to prey on a young tortoise.
Merlin.png But I assure you I am an old, venerable tortoise and quite immune to your raccoon attacks.
Merlin.png I win this duel.
→  Rabbit.
Merlin.png A rabbit? Do you intend to challenge tortoise-me to a race?
Merlin.png Well, I know a fable that will tell you how that goes. Heh-heh. I win.
→   Elephant


Merlin.png Seems a bit extreme, but I suppose in a contest of brawn an elephant would win against a tortoise.
Merlin.png Then I shall become a mouse and terrify your elephant.
→   Cat.


Merlin.png Yes, that is a classic response. Cat catches mouse.
Merlin.png Then I will make the classic response in turn and transform into a dog.
→  Wolf.

Hmph. Wolf and dog. One is a descendant of the other, so the forms are quite close. I shall declare this contest a draw.

→  Human.
Merlin.png Very clever! Humans are indeed animals. And they've domesticated almost every dog on the planet!
Merlin.png An astute response. I concede the game to you, Player. You win!
→  Dragon.
Merlin.png Ah! No creatures of legend! That is against the rules... I did tell you that part, didn't I?
Merlin.png Well either way, there is no rule-bound response to dragon, so our little contest is over.
→  Dog.

Hmph! Any mouse worth his salt can evade a dog. No, I think I've won this one.

→  Robot.

A robot is not an animal. I win by default!

Something wrong?
Merlin.png Now, I must say, something is perplexing me, Player.
Merlin.png Clearly, not all the laws of physics apply here in Dreamlight Valley.
Merlin.png From the way you're able to cross between worlds, it appears space and time here are merely strong suggestions... not ironclad laws.
Merlin.png Yet other things remain immutable. Take gravity, for instance. What goes up still invariably comes down!
→  I wish it didn't. I'd love to fly.
Merlin.png Yes, I imagine it's an intriguing possibility for you.
Merlin.png But for now, I'm afraid you'll have to content yourself with exploring the mysteries of the Valley down here on the ground.
→  It's weird. Maybe we should run some tests.
Merlin.png Ah-ha! A fine idea indeed.
Merlin.png Er... just don't throw anything too valuable from anywhere too high, all right?
→  Maybe the laws of physics only work if we believe they do.
Merlin.png A fascinating idea!
Merlin.png Perhaps if we could get all the Villagers to try NOT to follow the law of gravity anymore, it would disappear!
Merlin.png No, no, no. That's preposterous. How would that even be possible? Never mind me.

In any case, it seems that we are bound together by something much greater than gravity. I've a theory that it's friendship, but I'm still investigating.

Something you wanted to ask?

What small discoveries will you make today, Player?

→   Well, I'm talking to you.
Merlin.png Indeed! A conversation can be full of discoveries. What will we say? What will we think?
Merlin.png Where might our inquiry lead us?
→  Hopefully somewhere useful.
Merlin.png Practical conversations, with purpose and reason, are quite valuable.
Merlin.png But there are many discoveries to be found in the free flow of thought as well.
→  Probably just around in circles.

Well, when you don't know exactly where you're going, sometimes you get there faster going in circles instead of keeping to a straight line.

→  You make talking to someone sound more exciting than it is...

Everything can be exciting with the correct perspective.

→   I don't know.

How exciting! Not knowing quite what will happen next. The thrill of discovery!

→  Yeah!

Well, good luck on your journey, my friend!

→  Maybe?

Ahh... you respond to uncertainty with more uncertainty. A perfectly appropriate response.

→  It actually makes me nervous.
Merlin.png Well, being anxious is perfectly understandable. Just don't let it thwart your curiosity.
Merlin.png One must be ready for uncertainty before one can thrive in it.
→   Small discoveries? What do you mean?

Well, anything can be an opportunity for discovery, if you have the proper attitude.


For example, a trip to Goofy's Stall. Who knows what one will discover in his inventory today?

→  That doesn't sound very exciting.
Merlin.png Perhaps not on an ordinary day. But what if today is extraordinary?
Merlin.png The choice is yours.

Goodness, you're certainly getting into the spirit of things.

→  Being around Goofy is always full of surprises.
Merlin.png Ah, yes. His boundless kindness, his unique wisdom...
Merlin.png ...and his occasional prodigious clumsiness...
Merlin.png Well, there's no one quite like Goofy, is there?
Time for another philosophical question!

Have you ever considered being a squirrel?

→  Sounds fun!
Merlin.png Well, I suppose the leaping about can be a bit fun at first, but a squirrel's life is hazardous.
Merlin.png Downright dangerous, even!
→  Sounds dangerous.
Merlin.png Indeed it is! The squirrel is a tiny creature with enormous problems!
Merlin.png How it's survive throughout the ages is one of nature's big mysteries.
→  Can you do that?
Merlin.png I could. Though I won't; not now. We have other things to do.
Merlin.png But I still encourage you to CONSIDER being a squirrel. Think about it...
Merlin.png The squirrel's life is hazardous. Downright dangerous!

Almost all the world is larger than the creature, and a good portion wants to eat it!


Now, what do you think we can learn from a squirrel?

→  Empathy for the vulnerable.

Yes, yes. That is a noble lesson to learn. What a promising thought.

→  How to survive.

A practical and important lesson indeed. When life is hard, we must find ways to carry on.

→  Walnuts are good.

I suppose that's technically true, but not really what I was driving at.

What are you doing today?

Player, just in time! I've spent the morning making a close study of the Night Thorns around the Village.


What kind of a study?


Well, I enchanted one so it would get up and walk around.

→  Uh... why?

[continue to next line]

→  How fascinating!

[continue to next line]

→  You WHAT?!

[continue to next line]


I wanted to understand its motivations. With the gift of locomotion we can see what it does when not tied to the earth. What it CHOOSES to do.


... And what did it do?

Merlin.png Leapt across the table and assailed me, of course.
Merlin.png Nasty things. Evidently they really do harbor ill intent towards us.
→  Merlin! You could have been hurt!

[continue to next line]

→  It's amazing the things you'll do in the pursuit of knowledge.

[continue to next line]


Oh, a little danger is worth it, as long as we learn something.


And what did we learn...?


Not to enchant Night Thorns, of course.

What's on your mind?

Player, have you spent much time feeding the creatures around the Valley?

→  Oh yes!
Merlin.png Wonderful! We must remember that the Valley has quite a peculiar ecosystem.
Merlin.png The tiniest creatures are of vital importance... even if we don't understand how yet.
→  A little bit. But I should do it more.

[continue to next line]

→  Every time I get close, they run or hide!
Merlin.png Well, heed my advice. I've been observing them closely for quite some time.
Merlin.png Some of these small animals are timid, while others are more friendly and playful.
Merlin.png If you're ever in doubt... just stand utterly still and observe them.
Merlin.png In fact, that's not terrible advice for life in general...
Where does magic come from?
Merlin.png Well, now that depends on the sort of magic. My magic is very different from Elsa's.
Merlin.png Which is also ery different from the Fairy Godmother's magic.
→  Where does YOUR magic come from?

Why, from understanding the nature of the world! And history! Philosophy! And well, heh-heh, I was born with a certain gift.

→  Where does Elsa's magic come from?
Merlin.png I'm not certain, but I believe it is linked to the forces of nature.
Merlin.png A sign of her connection to something greater.
→  Where does the Fairy Godmother's magic come from?

Oh, you'll have to ask her. But I believe it has something to do with dreams and wishes.

You had a question?

Tell me, Player... what do you think is the most important quality for being a good leader?

→  Pulling a sword from a stone.

[Friendship.png -2 Friendship] Heh-heh. Yes, I see you know how to play to your audience. But Arthur could never have done that if he didn't inherently have the quality of compassion!

→  Taking care of people.

Yes! That is the very essence of leadership! Caring for the people that you lead.

→   Being awesome.

Awesome? Hmph. But for what purpose are you being "awesome"?

→  To do good.

Yes! That is the very essence of leadership! Having a true purpose to care for the people that you lead.

→  To feel awesome.

You, my friend, have a lot to learn.

You seem to be pondering something important...

Yes, indeed... Player, what do you suppose is the essential nature of evil?

→  Selfishness.

An interesting insight. You may be correct.

→  Power.

A rather disquieting truth.

→  It has something to do with green smoke.

I cannot fault your pattern recognition.

You seem... upset about something.

Blast it, if I have to talk to Ursula once more today, I may lose my temper!

→  Did you two argue again?
Merlin.png Player, you may assume that Ursula and I are always disagreeing.
Merlin.png The moments we are not are pure anomalies.
→  Why don't you like her?
Merlin.png Aside from her general villainy? Victimizing innocent merfolk?
Merlin.png She's... she's mercenary about magic! I simply will not abide that.
→  I wish you two could get along.
Merlin.png With that villainous sea witch?! Never!
Merlin.png The day we "get along," I insist you check me for curses.
Share some of your wisdom with me.
Merlin.png Very well... Player, choose a person in the Valley...
Merlin.png ...who best represents the concept of order.
→  Buzz Lightyear.

Yes... yes... his principles are ordered and disciplined. I agree! Buzz Lightyear is a splendid choice!

→  Scrooge McDuck.

Interesting. He does provide structure to our Valley through his various enterprises.

→  Remy.
Merlin.png Well, Remy does bring meals together in harmonious ways.
Merlin.png And that is a very orderly thing to do.
Have you been pondering anything philosophical lately?

I have! Player, what do you consider to be the fundamental nature of good?

→  Kindness.

Ah, yes. If goodness can be said to exist in one concept, kindness may be it.

→  Beauty.

Now, that is a rather superficial interpretation. But then beauty is many things to many different people, I suppose.

→  Sparkles.
Merlin.png That is more decoration than nature, Player.
Merlin.png But I suppose you could say that the truly good do sparkle.
Merlin, what do you think about robots?
Merlin.png Hmm... I can't say that I've studied them. But that WALL-E chap is quite fascinating.
Merlin.png One would think he runs on magic. But no.
→  He's powered by the sun!

Precisely! Much like the plants and trees around us!

→  What's the difference between magic and technology?
Merlin.png Well, magic is a combination of innate ability and careful study.
Merlin.png And technology... Heh-heh. I suppose you could say it's the same!
→  Are you sure he's not magic?

To be perfectly truthful, I can't be certain. I don't understand him well enough yet.

I've been wondering about wizardry...

Could I learn to be a wizard?


Well, you clearly have magical ability. But the question you must ask is "why do you WANT to be a wizard?"

→  To be powerful.

Then no. Likely not. A true wizard seeks to help others, not overpower them.

→  To learn.

Then you are already on the path.

→  I want a cool hat like yours.
Merlin.png You need not become a wizard for that, Player.
Merlin.png You may wear whatever hat you wish.
How's your library going?
Merlin.png Splendidly! Not surprisingly, Belle is my best patron.
Merlin.png Have you thoughts on what book I should lend her next?
→  A fairy tale.

She'll most certainly enjoy that.

→  A math textbook.

Really? Though I'm sure she's quite adept, I don't know how engaging that would be.

→   Something else.

Have you a book in mind?

→  A thrilling adventure.

Well, she does love that one about a prince in disguise.

→  An encyclopedia.
Merlin.png She generally prefers fiction.
Merlin.png But she may still be interested. We shall see.
→  A book on magic.


You seem deep in thought.
Merlin.png Ah yes, Player. I was pondering the nature of chaos.
Merlin.png Which of our residents do you feel best represents the concept of chaos?
→  Stitch.

Most certainly! Why, he is a nexus of pandemonium.

→  Donald Duck.

Really? To me, Donald does not so much embody chaos as he attracts it.

→  Olaf.

No, no. Olaf has childlike curiosity and enthusiasm. That is quite different from chaos.

Can you tell me about familiars?
Merlin.png Well, a familiar is a creature companion who assists in magic.
Merlin.png Now then, Player, what sort of animal would you choose as a familiar?
→  An owl.

Like my dear friend, Archimedes. I commend the choice.

→  A rabbit.

[continue to next line]

→   Something else.

Have you a particular animal in mind?

→  A squirrel.

There are certainly plenty of those around.

→  A cat.

Oh, they're popular. Quite popular.

→  An aardvark.


What's up, Merlin?

Tell me, Player, what magic have you seen today?

→  I saw the sunrise.

Ah, that is magic indeed.

→  I saw you cast a spell.

You... I thought I saw you hanging about.

→  I don't think I've seen any.

Then you must pay more attention, Player. The natural world is filled with magic.

You seem frustrated.
Merlin.png Blast it all! Confounded absurdities!
Merlin.png Player, there is nothing more frustrating than trying to get an incantation to work and failing!
→  What's wrong?
Merlin.png Well, you see, it's very technical. All to do with stars. And magnets.
Merlin.png Perhaps if I hold a piece of Aquamarine... I must try again!
→  Maybe you should take a break?
Merlin.png That may be wise. I can't recall the last time I ate.
Merlin.png Ah-hah! Perhaps that's the source of my frustration!
→  Aren't you supposed to be good at this?
Merlin.png I beg your pardon. I am an excellent wizard! And when one is good at something, one must push oneself to higher heights!
Merlin.png Now, let me try this again...
What goes into a good magic word?
Merlin.png Oh well, Player; many words can have a magical effect.
Merlin.png But they are not all equal in power.
Merlin.png Do you know the most powerful magic word of them all?
→  Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo

That is three words, but very potent ones when said by the Fairy Godmother.

→  Alakazam


→  Please?

Quite correct. Well done!

Observed Conversations

With Simba

...told me that the great kings of the past look down on us from the stars.


I don't doubt it, lad.


Is that... magic?

Merlin.png Of a sort.
Merlin.png Where we're going. Where we've been.
Merlin.png Stories of the past. Hints of the future.
Merlin.png All those things can be seen in the stars.
With Scar
Merlin.png XXXXXX
Merlin.png If anyone here is an "ingrate," it is most certainly you.
Scar.png Terribly sorry. You're not a useless ingrate.
Scar.png You're a pompous windbag.
Scar.png I don't know how I made such a grievous error.

Careful, Scar. I can always turn you into an adorable little rabbit for the children to cuddle.


With Ursula (Menu Icon Quests.png The Curse)

Confound it, Ursula! I have the spell, but I can't be the one who performs it! It MUST be you.

Ursula.png Fine. Once again, I'll do ALL the work!
Ursula.png Just remember: You brought me this spell. Your hands aren't clean of this, old man.

I'm putting my trust in you, Ursula. DO NOT make me regret it.

With Fairy Godmother (Menu Icon Quests.png Fire Alarm)
Merlin.png Ah, my dear old friend! How good it is to see you again!
Merlin.png All this Forgetting business means we haven't had our little tea-time chats in far too long.
The Fairy Godmother.png Oh-ho-ho! I'd forgotten about that! We must resume as soon as possible!
The Fairy Godmother.png Now then, why were we...
The Fairy Godmother.png Oh yes! I'm afraid this is not a social call, Merlin. Player and I are on a quest.
The Fairy Godmother.png We're looking for a way to douse the fires in the Forgotten Lands.
Merlin.png An industrious quest indeed!
Merlin.png Why, I've tried to solve that problem myself but, heh, it's quite the conundrum...
Merlin.png None of my experiments have been successful at all!
The Fairy Godmother.png

Well, I'm here now, dear. And I'm sure the two of us will get to the bottom of this little pickle.

Merlin.png Oh, I'm afraid neither of us holds the key to solving this.
Merlin.png What we need is Dreamlight Magic.
The Fairy Godmother.png Goodness, yes... Of course. So only Player can manage it...
The Fairy Godmother.png Well, thank you, Merlin. We'll be off. But you and I must meet for tea again soon.
With Tiana (Menu Icon Quests.png Back from the Bayou)

Welcome to Tiana's Meal Stall, Merlin! I hope you enjoy the food.


What a marvelous endeavor! I often find myself lost in research and lacking the time to cook.


Well, that's what the Stall's here for – enjoy!


Most certainly. Thank you, Tiana. And I hope my dishwashing enchantment was useful?


It was the bee's knees! But don't tell that to my dishwashers back in New Orleans.


Oh yes, I can see how that would be a problem. You have my word.

With Belle (Menu Icon Quests.png Book Hunt)

Merlin... if you have a moment, there's something I'd like to discuss.


An intellectual pursuit, I hope! And what would that be?

Belle.png Player and I wanted to help the Library...
Belle.png we found some of your missing books.
Merlin.png You did?! Why, that's... that's stupendous! I was sure I'd never get them back. Goodness, I must say I'm quite impressed.
Merlin.png In fact, I'd like to invite you both to become honorary Dreamlight Librarians!

A librarian?! Oh, that would be wonderful! Thank you so much!

Merlin.png Of course, you'll have to familiarize yourself with my classification system.
Merlin.png Perhaps you can start by finding the proper place for all the books you've brought back.

But what if we put something on the wrong shelf?

Merlin.png Heh. Don't you worry. I've cast an enchantment for such an occasion.
Merlin.png If you put something in the wrong section, the shelf itself will let you know.


  • Merlin has the most Daily Discussions of any Villager, with a total of 25.
  • When Merlin asks the Player if they've considered being a squirrel, this is a reference to a scene from the original film where he asked Arthur the same question, which resulted in both of them turning into squirrels.


  • 1.0: Added
  • 1.3: New Daily Discussion topics added: Got any advice?, Something wrong?, Something you wanted to ask?, What are you doing today?, What's on your mind?