“How exciting! Not knowing quite what will happen next. The thrill of discovery!”
— Merlin
Merlin is a character from the Disney film The Sword in the Stone (1963). He is the first villager players encounter when beginning the game, and encountered in the Plaza.
His home is a tall stone wizard tower which is initially found in the Peaceful Meadow. He is already unlocked in the Dreamlight Valley Characters Collection when starting the game.
Merlin will be unlocked automatically when beginning a new game and his tower will already be placed in the Peaceful Meadow.
- Main article: Time.
Friendship Rewards
Merlin will award the following rewards when Friendship levels are reached. Friendship can be leveled up through gifts, quests, conversation, or by hanging out.
- Main article Dreamlight Library
Merlin' lives in a library-tower called the Dreamlight Library. It is found on the west side of the Peaceful Meadow, and will be placed already when beginning a new game.
Story Quests
- Dreamlight Valley
- Eternity Isle
Friendship Quests
Dream Styles
Character Dialogue
General Dialogue
- Come along! We have a destiny to fulfill.
- Greetings, my friend!
- Heh-heh. Things... well, they always seem to have a bit more magic when you're around, Player.
- Oh... Oh! Hello!
- Remember that the Well is a source of great power. Use the magic it bestows upon you wisely!
- Yes, yes, there you are. Good!
- Yes, yes, well met and all that.
- It's enchanting to see how far you've come.
- Ah, my friend!
- Oh, it's you! Heh-heh... Well then...
- Have we spoken today? Or was that tomorrow?
Gift Responses:
- Thank you, my friend!
- What a delightful little babble.
- What a thoughtful gift.
- You have my thanks.
- Ah! This will make an interesting study.
- Why it's... it's enchanting!
Hang Out Start Response:
- Splendid idea! It will be a good opportunity to further our knowledge.
- Yes, I suppose I could spare the time.
- A quest? Let's be off, then!
- Oh, I'd quite enjoy an outing. After you!
- Yes, yes, there's always time to learn something!
- A quest? Hehe-heh. I'm usually the one giving those.
Hang Out End Response:
- That was quite fascinating. We should do it again soon.
- Goodness, I found that quite enlightening.
- Now then, do you feel you've learned something?
- Until we venture forth again!
- I think that went rather well.
- Have we accomplished what you intended?
Player Goodbye Options:
- Sorry, I can't right now.
- See you later, Merlin!
- Later, Merlin!
- See you around.
Scramblecoin Text
Scramblecoin Request Response:
Now then, I've a few tricks up my sleeves, but magic is strictly forbidden!
Scramblecoin Eager Float Text:
Would you like to try your hand at a game of Scramblecoin, Player?
Scramblecoin Player Victory Float Text:
Scramblecoin Player Draw Float Text:
Scramblecoin Player Defeat Float Text:
Daily Discussions
Do you have a question?
Player, do you know the distinction between Dark and Light Magic?
→ I do.
So, you already understand the nature of magic? Very good.
→ I don't.
It's a simple difference, really. Light Magic is performed for others. |
Dark Magic is performed for yourself. Dark Magic is not necessarily evil, but is more easily turned to evil. |
Now tell me: Which calls to you? Light Magic or Dark Magic?
→ Light Magic.
Light Magic. An altruistic choice. And one that will serve you well in your quest to restore the Valley.
→ Dark Magic.
Dark Magic can be powerful and compelling, but must be managed carefully.
→ Both.
A wise answer. Balance is difficult, but important.
Have you ever time-traveled?
I have traveled extensively through time, Player. I've visited the past, and I remember a great deal of the future.
→ That sounds confusing.
[continue to next line]
→ That sounds useful.
Well, it gives me a unique perspective. And makes me an extremely valuable advisor.
→ Can I learn to time travel?
Player, I do not believe in impossibility. So I will say merely that it is improbable.
Let's do something fun!
Player... Now, I know you're not a wizard, but have you ever heard of a Wizards' Duel?
→ Yes.
Then you know how it works. |
My last bout with Madam Mim... well, it... it was a bit of a grudge match, you might say. We needn't be so brutal. |
→ No.
Well, it's a classic battle of wits, where each player takes turns changing into different things. |
The goal is to defeat the other player's form! |
Since you can't change forms, we'll just say the names of what we WOULD change into. And let's stick to animals, shall we? |
Here, I'll start... I choose the form of a tortoise! |
→ Raccoon.
A reasonable choice... A raccoon might be able to prey on a young tortoise. |
But I assure you I am an old, venerable tortoise and quite immune to your raccoon attacks. |
I win this duel. |
→ Rabbit.
A rabbit? Do you intend to challenge tortoise-me to a race? |
Well, I know a fable that will tell you how that goes. Heh-heh. I win. |
Something wrong?
Now, I must say, something is perplexing me, Player. |
Clearly, not all the laws of physics apply here in Dreamlight Valley. |
From the way you're able to cross between worlds, it appears space and time here are merely strong suggestions... not ironclad laws. |
Yet other things remain immutable. Take gravity, for instance. What goes up still invariably comes down! |
→ I wish it didn't. I'd love to fly.
Yes, I imagine it's an intriguing possibility for you. |
But for now, I'm afraid you'll have to content yourself with exploring the mysteries of the Valley down here on the ground. |
→ It's weird. Maybe we should run some tests.
Ah-ha! A fine idea indeed. |
Er... just don't throw anything too valuable from anywhere too high, all right? |
→ Maybe the laws of physics only work if we believe they do.
A fascinating idea! |
Perhaps if we could get all the Villagers to try NOT to follow the law of gravity anymore, it would disappear! |
No, no, no. That's preposterous. How would that even be possible? Never mind me. |
In any case, it seems that we are bound together by something much greater than gravity. I've a theory that it's friendship, but I'm still investigating.
Something you wanted to ask?
What small discoveries will you make today, Player?
What are you doing today?
Player, just in time! I've spent the morning making a close study of the Night Thorns around the Village.
What kind of a study?
Well, I enchanted one so it would get up and walk around.
→ Uh... why?
[continue to next line]
→ How fascinating!
[continue to next line]
→ You WHAT?!
[continue to next line]
I wanted to understand its motivations. With the gift of locomotion we can see what it does when not tied to the earth. What it CHOOSES to do.
... And what did it do?
Leapt across the table and assailed me, of course. |
Nasty things. Evidently they really do harbor ill intent towards us. |
→ Merlin! You could have been hurt!
[continue to next line]
→ It's amazing the things you'll do in the pursuit of knowledge.
[continue to next line]
Oh, a little danger is worth it, as long as we learn something.
And what did we learn...?
Not to enchant Night Thorns, of course.
You had a question?
Tell me, Player... what do you think is the most important quality for being a good leader?
→ Pulling a sword from a stone.
[ -2 Friendship] Heh-heh. Yes, I see you know how to play to your audience. But Arthur could never have done that if he didn't inherently have the quality of compassion!
→ Taking care of people.
Yes! That is the very essence of leadership! Caring for the people that you lead.
→ Being awesome.
Awesome? Hmph. But for what purpose are you being "awesome"?
→ To do good.
Yes! That is the very essence of leadership! Having a true purpose to care for the people that you lead.
→ To feel awesome.
You, my friend, have a lot to learn.
You seem to be pondering something important...
Yes, indeed... Player, what do you suppose is the essential nature of evil?
→ Selfishness.
An interesting insight. You may be correct.
→ Power.
A rather disquieting truth.
→ It has something to do with green smoke.
I cannot fault your pattern recognition.
I've been wondering about wizardry...
Could I learn to be a wizard?
Well, you clearly have magical ability. But the question you must ask is "why do you WANT to be a wizard?"
→ To be powerful.
Then no. Likely not. A true wizard seeks to help others, not overpower them.
→ To learn.
Then you are already on the path.
→ I want a cool hat like yours.
You need not become a wizard for that, Player. |
You may wear whatever hat you wish. |
Can you tell me about familiars?
Well, a familiar is a creature companion who assists in magic. |
Now then, Player, what sort of animal would you choose as a familiar? |
→ An owl.
Like my dear friend, Archimedes. I commend the choice.
→ A rabbit.
[continue to next line]
→ Something else.
Have you a particular animal in mind?
→ A squirrel.
There are certainly plenty of those around.
→ A cat.
Oh, they're popular. Quite popular.
→ An aardvark.
What's up, Merlin?
Tell me, Player, what magic have you seen today?
→ I saw the sunrise.
Ah, that is magic indeed.
→ I saw you cast a spell.
You... I thought I saw you hanging about.
→ I don't think I've seen any.
Then you must pay more attention, Player. The natural world is filled with magic.
You seem frustrated.
Blast it all! Confounded absurdities! |
Player, there is nothing more frustrating than trying to get an incantation to work and failing! |
→ What's wrong?
Well, you see, it's very technical. All to do with stars. And magnets. |
Perhaps if I hold a piece of Aquamarine... I must try again! |
→ Maybe you should take a break?
That may be wise. I can't recall the last time I ate. |
Ah-hah! Perhaps that's the source of my frustration! |
→ Aren't you supposed to be good at this?
I beg your pardon. I am an excellent wizard! And when one is good at something, one must push oneself to higher heights! |
Now, let me try this again... |
Observed Conversations
With Fairy Godmother ( Fire Alarm)
Ah, my dear old friend! How good it is to see you again! |
All this Forgetting business means we haven't had our little tea-time chats in far too long. |
Oh-ho-ho! I'd forgotten about that! We must resume as soon as possible! |
Now then, why were we... |
Oh yes! I'm afraid this is not a social call, Merlin. Player and I are on a quest. |
We're looking for a way to douse the fires in the Forgotten Lands. |
An industrious quest indeed! |
Why, I've tried to solve that problem myself but, heh, it's quite the conundrum... |
None of my experiments have been successful at all! |
Well, I'm here now, dear. And I'm sure the two of us will get to the bottom of this little pickle.
Oh, I'm afraid neither of us holds the key to solving this. |
What we need is Dreamlight Magic. |
Goodness, yes... Of course. So only Player can manage it... |
Well, thank you, Merlin. We'll be off. But you and I must meet for tea again soon. |
With Tiana ( Back from the Bayou)
Welcome to Tiana's Meal Stall, Merlin! I hope you enjoy the food.
What a marvelous endeavor! I often find myself lost in research and lacking the time to cook.
Well, that's what the Stall's here for – enjoy!
Most certainly. Thank you, Tiana. And I hope my dishwashing enchantment was useful?
It was the bee's knees! But don't tell that to my dishwashers back in New Orleans.
Oh yes, I can see how that would be a problem. You have my word.
- Merlin has the most Daily Discussions of any Villager, with a total of 25.
- When Merlin asks the Player if they've considered being a squirrel, this is a reference to a scene from the original film where he asked Arthur the same question, which resulted in both of them turning into squirrels.
- 1.0: Added
- 1.3: New Daily Discussion topics added: Got any advice?, Something wrong?, Something you wanted to ask?, What are you doing today?, What's on your mind?