Talk:Daily Discussions

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Revision as of 21:01, 17 January 2023 by Lizz (talk | contribs) (Goofy vs. Woody partial convo)

Character-to-Character Discussions

It would be nice for completeness sake to document the between-villager conversations as well - however, I find them quite hard to capture. Below is the VERY partial information collected thus far, which isn't even ready for a main article with a "stub" classification. Lizz (talk) 18:38, 8 January 2023 (UTC)


TODO sleep 18 hours a day...


...and you spend the other six hours disparaging villagers.


If anyone here is an "ingrate," it is most certainly you.


You're a pompous windbag.


I don't know how I made such a grievous error.


Careful, Scar. I can always turn you into an adorable little rabbit for...TODO




Wow! What do you like Best? Being underwater or on land?


Water, land, air, I love 'em all. And the best thing is, I don't...???TODO




Hm? Yes, dear?


I was making some new bows, and...


So I made this one, and I thought it would match your dress. Would you like it?


... Well, it is rather fashionable, and I see you've sewn it with a backstitch. I'll consider wearing your....TODO


Oh...well, here you go. (I....)...TODO


So you have a ship. But it's a ship...for water?




It doesn't fly through space. Not even in a converted [TODO verify] state?


I'm afraid not.






But I must say, I'm a bit disappointed.


Gawrsh Merlin, is PLAYER really gonna be the leader of the Village?


Perhaps. PLAYER has shown all the qualities one would desire in a wise and generous leader.


Well, if PLAYER needs any help.....TODO...???






I'm sure I'm safe...???TODO


...Say, I've got a...TODO


Would ya like one?


Pumpkins...? No, sorry. I don't eat.


Oh, I didn't mean for ya to eat...TODO


I was thinkin' you could hollow it out and use it as a summer home. A-hyuck! TODO-verify

Renaming page

Any chance we can rename/move this page to Daily Discussions instead of Daily discussions? By b for originally naming it with a lowercase - was matching the formatting used in the rotating dreamlight duty, but I see that the Friendship Dreamlight achievement uses a capital, and that looks way nicer. Lizz (talk) 18:51, 16 January 2023 (UTC)

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