Mother Gothel

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Mother Gothel
Mother Gothel.png
Type: Menu Icon Characters.png Character
From: Tangled.png Tangled
Voiced By: Donna Murphy
House: Giant Willow
Unlock Quest: Menu Icon Quests.png The Curse Menu Icon Story.png
Magic is simply an advantage. A tool to be utilized to meet one's goals.
— Mother Gothel

Mother Gothel is a character from the Disney film Tangled (2010). She is unlocked after unlocking Ursula, Kristoff, and Donald Duck, and completing the quest The Curse.

Her home is a giant tree found in the Glade of Trust. Once unlocked, she will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Characters Collection.


Mother Gothel is unlocked during the quest The Curse. That quest has the player explore the giant tree in the Glade of Trust, which is where they'll meet and unlock Mother Gothel, and the tree is where she lives in the village.


Main article: Time
Time Location
Dreamlight Valley.png 12:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting her home.
Player House Icon.png 1:00 AM Inside her home.
Icon Eating.png 5:00 AM Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace eating inside the Restaurant.
Dreamlight Valley.png 7:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting her home.
Menu Icon Scrooge Store.png 12:00 PM Scrooge's Store browsing clothing and furniture items for sale.
Dreamlight Valley.png 2:00 PM Wandering the Valley or visiting her home.
Icon Eating.png 5:00 PM Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace eating inside the Restaurant.
Dreamlight Valley.png 7:00 PM Wandering the Valley or visiting her home.

Friendship Rewards

Mother Gothel will award the following rewards when Friendship levels are reached. Friendship can be leveled up through gifts, quests, conversation, or by hanging out.

Lvl Image Name Type
Friendship 2.png
Golden Tower Necklace.png
Golden Tower Necklace Clothing
Friendship 3.png
Dagger Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 4.png
Star Coin icon.png 500
Friendship 5.png
Long Curly Hair.png
Long Curly Hair Clothing
Friendship 6.png
Pub Sign Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 7.png
Star Coin icon.png 1,000
Friendship 8.png
Golden Dagger-Sharp Nails.png
Golden Dagger-Sharp Nails Clothing
Friendship 9.png
Sundrop Flower Portrait Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 10.png
Mother Gothel's Standing Mirror.png
Mother Gothel's Standing Mirror[1] Furniture
  1. Rewarded after completing the quest Menu Icon Quests.png Village Project: Restoring the Sunstone (Friendship 10.png Mother Gothel Level 10)


Main article Giant Willow

Mother Gothel lives in a large tree in the Glade of Trust called the Giant Willow. It is unlocked during the story quest The Curse.


Story Quests

Friendship Quests

Character Dialogue

General Dialogue

Mother Gothel.png


  • Player, what brings you to see Mother today?
  • Ugh, you again? Just teasing, dear. Delightful to see you.
  • TODO
Mother Gothel.png

Gift Responses:

  • Is this really the best thing you can think to give to me? Just kidding, darling. I love it.

Hang Out Start Response:

Mother Gothel.png

I guess I'll have to drop everything to answer your call. I'm just kidding. Of course, I'd be delighted.

Hang Out End Response:

Mother Gothel.png

Oh joy... I can't wait. Just joking. Come see me again whenever you wish.

Observed Dialogue

Mother Gothel.png

You're looking a bit run down, Player. ... Just teasing. You look almost as fabulous as me.


Player Goodbye Options:

  • Gotta go.
Mother Gothel.png Scramblecoin Text

Scramblecoin Request Response:

Mother Gothel.png

Oh, I do love games.

Scramblecoin Eager Float Text:

Mother Gothel.png

Amuse me, Player. I'm practically wilting away with boredom.

Scramblecoin Player Victory Float Text:

Mother Gothel.png


Scramblecoin Player Draw Float Text:

Mother Gothel.png


Scramblecoin Player Defeat Float Text:

Mother Gothel.png Oh?
Mother Gothel.png Yes, being this talented IS exhausting. Not that I'd expect you to understand. Just kidding, dear! You're wonderful.

Daily Discussions

Anything you need?
Mother Gothel.png

Player, you have my attention. Shall I give you some motherly advice?

→  Okay!
Mother Gothel.png Oh, it's so nice to have someone appreciate my kindness!
Mother Gothel.png Unlike some ungrateful children who will remain unnamed.
→  You're not my mother.
Mother Gothel.png

True, but I give very good advice.

→  Your advice is kind of toxic.
Mother Gothel.png Toxic! Oh, I'm wounded, Player!
Mother Gothel.png I come to you offering nothing but support, and you insult me.
  • sigh* Fine. Give me some advice.
Mother Gothel.png

What would you like advice about, dear?

→  Life.
Mother Gothel.png Well, life is a race, Player. If you're not winning, you're losing.
Mother Gothel.png And most people are forever losing. You must make sure you win -- always.
→  Romance.
Mother Gothel.png Oh my advice about romance is simple...
Mother Gothel.png Don't.
Mother Gothel.png It's never worth it. You can only depend on yourself.
→  Reasons I shouldn't leave my tower.
Mother Gothel.png

I see. Now you're the one teasing me. I'll remember that.

Do you never tire of looking at yourself?
Mother Gothel.png Ahh, I never tire of looking at my cheekbones. High cheekbones are universally attractive, and mine are particularly fine.
Mother Gothel.png Good bone structure is the foundation of beauty.
→  That's kind of creepy.
Mother Gothel.png

Only for those who don't share it, dear.

→  I imagine you like that because it doesn't fade with age.
Mother Gothel.png

Very insightful. Now be a dear and never speak to me of age again.

→  Beauty comes from the inside.
Mother Gothel.png

People say that, but they never mean it.

I love taking care of the Valley.
Mother Gothel.png

Ah, Player... It's occurred to me that only you and I have the interests of this Valley at heart; don't you agree?

→  Yes, I do.
Mother Gothel.png

Finally, someone who listens to me!

→  What makes you think that?
Mother Gothel.png

Well, just look around...

→  I think everyone cares for the Valley in their own way.
Mother Gothel.png

Perhaps, but how many of them have proof to support their claims? Few or none, I'm sure.

Mother Gothel.png

They're all living in their grand Houses, only caring for themselves and their personal whims. Unlike me. Why, I've truly dedicated myself to tending to the Giant Willow.

→  I love the Giant Willow!
Mother Gothel.png Then maybe YOU ought to live in it! Ha-ha! Only kidding, dear. Don't look so serious.
Mother Gothel.png After all, I was the one who helped you grow that Giant Willow in the first place, you know.
→  Why do you look after it?
Mother Gothel.png Because someone needs to! Plants are like children. They require constant care if you don't want them to grow up spoiled.
Mother Gothel.png I was the one who helped you make sure the tree would grow strong and tall. So... of course, I stayed to watch over it.
→  You can always stop, you know...
Mother Gothel.png Then there would be no one to care for the willow I helped you grow. No, Player. I must stay where I am.
Mother Gothel.png And that is proof that only you and I care about what's best for our Valley.
Something bothering you?
Mother Gothel.png Have you seen that absurd stall in the Meadow?
Mother Gothel.png Run by... who is it... Doofy? The selection is so paltry.
→  What do you mean?
Mother Gothel.png

The wares are nothing but bland, common items.

→  I like Goofy's Stall.
Mother Gothel.png

And I'm sure it's fine if you need something common, such as apples.

→  Excuse me. His name is Goofy.
Mother Gothel.png

Whoever he is, he has an inexcusably sparse stock.

Mother Gothel.png

It's completely useless if you're in need of more... unique... ingredients.

→  Like what?
Mother Gothel.png Well, as a purely theoretical example...
Mother Gothel.png A youth serum.
Mother Gothel.png Or parsnips.
→  Are you gonna brew evil potions?
Mother Gothel.png Evil potions? Never. Perish the thought.
Mother Gothel.png And don't ever confuse me with Ursula again.
→  You could talk to Goofy about it.
Mother Gothel.png I've spoken to that... individual.
Mother Gothel.png I fear that whatever changes he attempts to make will be less than inspiring.
What's wrong?
Mother Gothel.png Player, I'm feeling a bit run-down. Unappreciated. Alone.
Mother Gothel.png Say something to make me feel better.
→  Your hair is so dark and glossy.
Mother Gothel.png

I've often thought it's one of my best features.

→  Your dress sense is on point.
Mother Gothel.png

It is, isn't it? This is velvet, you know.

→  You're capable and cunning.
Mother Gothel.png

Mmm. That's true, I am.

Mother Gothel.png

Go on. There must be more.

→  You're absolutely ruthless.
Mother Gothel.png I'll assume you meant that as a compliment.
Mother Gothel.png Ahh, I feel much better now. Thank you, dear.
→  You're a strong, independent woman.
Mother Gothel.png I am, aren't I?
Mother Gothel.png Ahh, I feel much better now. Thank you, dear.
→  Your skin has very few wrinkles!
Mother Gothel.png Correction, dear -- my skin has NO wrinkles.
Mother Gothel.png Clearly, your eyesight leaves something to be desired.
You know so many things.
Mother Gothel.png Player, I feel that I must share a bit of my knowledge of the world, so you have a chance to survive out here on your own...
Mother Gothel.png Now, you must have noticed the flowers growing around the Village. So beautiful and majestic... like me! Ha-ha-ha!
→  I love flowers!
Mother Gothel.png Of course you do. After all, who doesn't?
Mother Gothel.png You must remember that every part of the Valley is home to one or two specific types of flowers...
→  What about them?
Mother Gothel.png Well, I know how children are, so I feel it needs to be said... Try not to eat them. It wouldn't be good for you. Also...
Mother Gothel.png You must remember that every part of the Valley is home to one or two specific types of flowers...
→  Ugh, flowers...
Mother Gothel.png Player, you really don't have an eye for beauty, do you?
Mother Gothel.png Oh well, not everyone can appreciate the finer things.
Mother Gothel.png Still, you should remember that every part of the Valley is home to one or two specific types of flowers...
Mother Gothel.png

[random response from the following options]

  • In the Plaza, you'll find Dandelions, a common, charmless weed that reminds me a little of you! Ha-ha, only kidding, dear. But also Penstemons of many colors.
  • If you want Rising Penstemons or Daisies, you'll have to go to the Meadow.
  • Some flowers even grow on the sand of Dazzle Beach. Hydrangeas and Sunflowers to be exact.
  • If ever you need Bell Flowers or Star Lilies, look under the trees in the Forest of Valor.
  • For example, if you visit my beloved Glade, you'll find all sorts of Marsh Milkweed. White, orange, purple, blue... Almost a rainbow of them.
  • But only one type of flower grows in the Frosted Heights -- the Passion Lily. Though it does come in many colors.
  • Bromeliads and Houseleeks grow only on the Sunlit Plateau.
  • If you feel brave enough to explore the Forgotten Lands, you can gather Impatiens and Nasturtiums. Appropriately named flowers for that ugly place, if you ask me.
  • You look like you have a question.
    Mother Gothel.png

    Tell me, what do you think magic is, Player?

    →  Power.
    Mother Gothel.png

    Oh, you couldn't be more wrong

    →  Cheap trickery.
    Mother Gothel.png

    Ha! That skepticism will serve you well. But you're wrong.

    →  I'm not sure.
    Mother Gothel.png

    Well, at least you're willing to admit your ignorance.

    Mother Gothel.png Magic is simply an advantage.
    Mother Gothel.png A tool to be utilized to meet one's goals.
    →  That's very cynical.
    Mother Gothel.png

    Perhaps to you. To me, it's merely practical.

    →  That's very practical.
    Mother Gothel.png

    Perhaps to you. To me, it's merely practical.

    →  I believe there's more to magic than that.
    Mother Gothel.png

    And people will use that belief to take advantage of you.

    You look worried.
    Mother Gothel.png

    Player! Did I see a gray hair in my reflection? Look at my hair. Is any of it gray?!

    →   No gray hairs.
    Mother Gothel.png

    Oh, what a relief! One must be very careful about one's appearance, you know.

    →  You look great!
    Mother Gothel.png

    That's kind of you to say. Of course it's true, but it's still sweet of you to say it.

    →  How old are you?
    Mother Gothel.png Didn't anyone ever teach you that it's impolite to ask a woman's age?
    Mother Gothel.png And I know you'd never be impolite to me. Isn't that right, dear?
    →  I see a wrinkle.
    Mother Gothel.png


    →   I see one gray hair.
    Mother Gothel.png

    Grrr... I must find Rapunzel quickly. If only she cared about her poor, dear mother.

    →  You're such a good mother.
    Mother Gothel.png

    I am, aren't I? Why ever would Rapunzel run away? She's terribly ungrateful.

    →  You only want her hair.
    Mother Gothel.png What a horrid thing to say! I love my daughter.
    Mother Gothel.png It's the cruelty of the world that wants to take advantage of her gift.
    →   Lots of gray hairs!
    Mother Gothel.png

    No. NO! I'm becoming old and withered!

    →  You look fine.
    Mother Gothel.png Do I? Well. Perhaps for now.
    Mother Gothel.png But this is just the start. After the gray comes the wrinkles.
    Mother Gothel.png I will NOT lose my youthfulness!
    →  There's nothing wrong with getting old.
    Mother Gothel.png Ha! You're almost as deluded as my daughter.
    Mother Gothel.png When you're old, the world discards you. You become... irrelevant. I WILL stay young, no matter the cost!
    →  Yep.
    Mother Gothel.png

    So cruel. When YOU are old, I hope YOU have an unfeeling reprobate who taunts you with it.

    You seem to have a lot on your mind.
    Mother Gothel.png Player, good. Let's talk through a purely hypothetical situation.
    Mother Gothel.png If you were, say, tracking your wayward daughter through the forest...
    Mother Gothel.png How would you convince her to come home?
    →  Ask her nicely.
    Mother Gothel.png Yes, I'll just ask her politely to stop acting out and sit in her tower like a good girl.
    Mother Gothel.png You've obviously never met a teenager.
    →  Trick her.
    Mother Gothel.png

    Well, of course that's my instinct as well. I'm glad you agree, Player.

    →  Let her go.
    Mother Gothel.png

    Never! Rapunzel belongs with me, and NOTHING will ever change that.

    Observed Conversations

    With Minnie
    Minnie Mouse.png

    Excuse me, Miss Gothel?

    Mother Gothel.png

    Hm? Yes, dear?

    Minnie Mouse.png I was making some new bows, and I had some lovely dark red fabric...
    Minnie Mouse.png So I made this one, and I thought it would match your dress. Would you like it?
    Mother Gothel.png

    ...Well, it is rather fashionable, and I see you've sewn it with a backstitch. I'll consider wearing it as a favor to you.

    Minnie Mouse.png

    Oh... well, here you go. (I suppose that's "villain" for "thank you.")

    With Ursula (Menu Icon Quests.png Secrets & Schemes)

    Did you find that last batch of potions to your liking, dear?

    Mother Gothel.png

    They worked like a dream. I'm quite grateful.

    Ursula.png Now if only there was a way to get rid of the biggest pest of all around here.
    Ursula.png That pompous, blustering windbag...
    Mother Gothel.png

    You must be referring to that insufferable know-it-all–


    You guessed it – MERLIN!

    Mother Gothel.png

    Ah well, a girl can only dream. Talk soon, my dear!

    With Olaf (Menu Icon Quests.png A Place for Joy)

    Hello, Mother Gothel! We've got a very special gift for you.

    Mother Gothel.png

    ... Raw fish?! Why would you possibly want to give me raw fish?

    Olaf.png ... Because I thought you'd like them.
    Olaf.png Did you know that salmon change color and have an excellent sense of smell?!
    Mother Gothel.png

    How nice for them. Now, run along and stop pestering me with useless nonsense.

    With Beast (Menu Icon Quests.png The Crown or the Claw)
    Mother Gothel.png

    Well, well, if it isn't the overgrown kitten!

    The Beast.png

    Grrrr... does that mean you'd like to see my claws?

    Mother Gothel.png Oh, don't be ridiculous. You're not going to do anything to me. Think of what people might say.
    Mother Gothel.png Think of what your darling Belle might say!
    The Beast.png

    Don't you dare say her name!

    Mother Gothel.png

    How feisty! Someone's in a tizzy over unrequited love.

    The Beast.png
    • ROARRRR!!!*
    Mother Gothel.png

    Yes dear, yowl away. I'm sure that will make her come running.

    With Vanellope (Menu Icon Quests.png Boss Up)
    Vanellope.png Prepare to greet candy-coated destruction, WITCH!
    Vanellope.png Reveal your ODIOUS FINAL FORM!
    Mother Gothel.png

    Oh, you can't possibly be talking to me. Your manners are deplorable, dear.

    Vanellope.png You... aren't going to throw lightning or fire at me? Nothing?!
    Vanellope.png You're just a vain old lady who lives in a tree...? I'm kinda sad for you.
    Mother Gothel.png

    Old? OLD?! How dare you! This conversation is OVER!

    With Scar (Menu Icon Quests.png Curious About Critters)
    Mother Gothel.png

    Are you certain now is a good time for this? You're looking a bit... peaked.



    Mother Gothel.png

    Oh relax; I'm just teasing. You really do take things far too seriously, you know.


    If you're not interested...

    Mother Gothel.png Wait... I admit you caught my interest. I even started a little something of my own.
    Mother Gothel.png AHEM. The wilted flower, the wilted life, as time moves forward, I'm filled with strife.

    Terrible tempo. And rather derivative, no?

    Mother Gothel.png



    Sorry, I'm feeling too "peaked" to be constructive in my critiques.

    With Rapunzel (Menu Icon Quests.png Glowing Up)
    Mother Gothel.png

    What's this? An Eternal Sundrop Charm? How... charming. Thank you, dear. You can go.


    Um... Mother? I've been thinking—

    Mother Gothel.png

    Thinking someone as lovely as me doesn't NEED a charm? Tell me more, darling.


    I want to say that I can't—

    Mother Gothel.png

    Can't believe I've forgiven your for breaking all my rules and betraying my trust?


    That's not it— I just— I want— ... I mean, I DON'T want—

    Mother Gothel.png

    Speak up, Rapunzel. Stop mumbling. You know how I hate the mumbling.

    Rapunzel.png I... I... I don't want to see you anymore!
    Rapunzel.png ... Unless it has nothing to do with my magic.
    Mother Gothel.png Oh? Aren't we independent? Very well...
    Mother Gothel.png Go and have your fun. But you'll come crying to Mother soon enough.
    With Hades (Menu Icon Quests.png Yes, Your Lugubriousness)

    Welcome to Scrooge's Store, currently under new management!

    Mother Gothel.png

    No need for chatter. I require a new crimson silk gown. And none of that low-end imitation fabric..


    Oh, unfortunately I think we're out of crimson silk. But can I interest you in—

    Mother Gothel.png

    No. If I wanted something else I'd ask for it.


    We have many other valuable—

    Mother Gothel.png

    Never mind. If you can't help me, you can't. Ta-ta!




    • 1.0: Added
    • 1.3: New Daily Discussion topics added: I love taking care of the Valley. You know so many things.
    • 1.5: Updated portrait