“To infinity and beyond!”
— Buzz Lightyear
Buzz Lightyear is a character from the Disney-Pixar film Toy Story (1995), and its franchise. He can be unlocked after opening the Toy Story Realm, and completing the quest A Secret Mission in Uncharted Space.
His home is a recreational camping vehicle. Once unlocked, he will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Characters Collection.
Buzz Lightyear is unlocked during the quest A Secret Mission in Uncharted Space, which is offered after unlocking the Toy Story Realm in the Dream Castle. Buzz Lightyear is encountered at the beginning of the quest. Near the end of the quest, after completing the objective to place Buzz's RV, he will arrive in the village.
- Main article: Time.
Friendship Rewards
Buzz Lightyear will award the following rewards when Friendship levels are reached. Friendship can be leveled up through gifts, quests, conversation, or by hanging out.
- Main article Buzz's RV
Buzz lives in a RV camper which is unlocked and constructed during the quest A Secret Mission in Uncharted Space.
Realm Quests
Friendship Quests
Dream Styles
Character Dialogue
General Dialogue
- Good morning, Space Ranger!
- Greetings!
- Hello!
- I've completed my patrol. All's quiet in this quadrant.
- Rain is not ideal for my electronic components. [while raining]
- This Valley appears to be approaching optimal condition.
Gift Responses:
- Excellent.
- You have my appreciation.
Hang Out Start Response:
Hang Out End Response:
Player Goodbye Options:
- Sorry, I can't right now.
Scramblecoin Text
Scramblecoin Request Response:
May the best player win.
Scramblecoin Eager Float Text:
Space Ranger! Care to engage in a game of Scramblecoin?
Scramblecoin Player Victory Float Text:
Scramblecoin Player Draw Float Text:
Scramblecoin Player Defeat Float Text:
Daily Discussions
Got a question? [disagreement]
Player, I could use your help resolving a disagreement. |
Which is more difficult? Riding a horse or piloting an interstellar starcraft? |
→ Piloting an interstellar starcraft.
That's exactly what I think. Intergalactic flight is a complex endeavor. |
You have to account for thrust, velocity, coordinates, orientation, asteroids... The list goes on. |
→ Riding a horse.
I have to disagree. Riding a horse is not a complicated process at all. |
It's entirely straightforward. You only move in two dimensions! |
→ They're both hard in their own ways.
I have to disagree. Riding a horse is not a complicated process at all. |
It's entirely straightforward. You only move in two dimensions! |
With a horse, you just pull the ropes and the horse does all the work. |
→ They're called reins.
Well, whatever they're called, they're not as complex as the steering interface of an interstellar craft.
→ It's not easy to keep control of a horse.
- sigh* I suppose that's true. Maybe I've underestimated the difficulty.
Thanks for the perspective, Player. [TODO verify] |
→ Buzz, are you and Woody debating again?
... How did you know? [TODO verify]
Is there an emergency?
Attention, Player! This is a Zurg invasion drill!
→ An invasion? Give me details!
[continue to next line]
Emperor Zurg has sent three spacecraft to attack our Valley. They're armed with lasers and converging on the Castle. |
How will you respond? |
→ Ask Merlin to stop them with magic!
Leveraging the Valley's unique advantage! A sound tactic. Zurg doesn't know about magic. He'll be completely flummoxed.
→ Ask Mickey to distract them and steal their spaceships!
Turning the enemy's tools against them! Good strategy!
→ Invite them to a picnic!
An... unconventional strategy. But it just might work.
Well done, Player. You've passed the invasion drill with flying colors. If this had been a real invasion, the Valley would be safe.
Above conversation tree (i.e. "Going from Space Ranger to toy...") can also be prompted from "Tell me about you".
Above conversation tree (i.e. "...I have some knowledge of intergalactic travel.") can also be prompted from "Something on your mind?".
You look worried!
¡Player! ¡Necesito tu ayuda! ¡Mi modo español está atascado!
→ Oh no! you're stuck in Spanish mode!
[continue to next line]
→ You feeling okay, Buzz?
[continue to next line]
→ ¡No! ¡Modo español!
[continue to next line]
¡Me caí, y cuando desperté estaba atascado en modo español! ¡Ayuda!
→ Maybe Donald can help?
¿Pato Donald? ¡Sí! Por supuesto. ¡Muchas gracias, Player!
→ Does Goofy know Spanish?
¿Goofy? ¡Absolutamente no! Continuaré mi búsqueda en otro lado. Buen día, colega.
→ Could Belle help, maybe?
Quizás tiene un libro que puede explicar cómo revertir esta aflicción. Gracias, colega. Has sida de gran ayuda.
Observed Conversations
- 1.2: Added
- 1.5: Updated portrait
- 1.7: New Daily Discussion topic added: You look worried!