Buzz Lightyear

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Buzz Lightyear
Buzz Lightyear.png
Type: Menu Icon Characters.png Character
From: Toy Story.png Toy Story
Voiced By: Tim Allen
House: Buzz's RV
Unlock Quest: Menu Icon Quests.png A Secret Mission in Uncharted Space
To infinity and beyond!
— Buzz Lightyear

Buzz Lightyear is a character from the Disney-Pixar film Toy Story (1995), and its franchise. He can be unlocked after opening the Toy Story Realm, and completing the quest A Secret Mission in Uncharted Space.

His home is a recreational camping vehicle. Once unlocked, he will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Characters Collection.


Buzz Lightyear is unlocked during the quest A Secret Mission in Uncharted Space, which is offered after unlocking the Toy Story Realm in the Dream Castle. Buzz Lightyear is encountered at the beginning of the quest. Near the end of the quest, after completing the objective to place Buzz's RV, he will arrive in the village.


Main article: Time.
Time Location
Player House Icon.png 12:00 AM Inside his home.
Dreamlight Valley.png 2:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.
Player House Icon.png 10:00 PM Inside his home.

Friendship Rewards

Buzz Lightyear will award the following rewards when Friendship levels are reached. Friendship can be leveled up through gifts, quests, conversation, or by hanging out.

Lvl Image Name Type
Friendship 2.png
Outer Space Wallpaper.png
Outer Space Wallpaper Wallpaper
Friendship 3.png
Buzz Buttons Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 4.png
Star Coin icon.png 500
Friendship 5.png
Pixar Ball.png
Pixar Ball Furniture
Friendship 6.png
Zurg Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 7.png
Star Coin icon.png 1,000
Friendship 8.png
Arched Window to Deep Space.png
Arched Window to Deep Space Furniture
Friendship 9.png
Buzz Portrait Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 10.png
Buzz Lightyear's Space Pack.png
Buzz Lightyear's Space Pack[1] Clothing
  1. Rewarded after completing the quest Menu Icon Quests.png The Definition of a Hero (Friendship 10.png Buzz Lightyear Level 10)


Main article Buzz's RV

Buzz lives in a RV camper which is unlocked and constructed during the quest A Secret Mission in Uncharted Space.


Realm Quests

Friendship Quests

Dream Styles

Style Name Unlocked
Buzz Lightyear Default.png Buzz Lightyear Default appearance
Stealthy Space Ranger.png Stealthy Space Ranger The Wonder of Pixar Star Path for Wonder of Pixar Token.png 50 (T6)
Premium Shop for Moonstone icon.png 2,500

Character Dialogue

General Dialogue

Buzz Lightyear.png


  • Good morning, Space Ranger!
  • Greetings!
  • Hello!
  • I've completed my patrol. All's quiet in this quadrant.
  • Rain is not ideal for my electronic components. [while raining]
  • This Valley appears to be approaching optimal condition.
  • TODO
Buzz Lightyear.png

Gift Responses:

  • Excellent.
  • You have my appreciation.
Buzz Lightyear.png

Hang Out Start Response:

  • Roger that.
Buzz Lightyear.png

Hang Out End Response:

  • Mission accomplished!

Player Goodbye Options:

  • TODO
  • Sorry, I can't right now.
  • TODO
Buzz Lightyear.png Scramblecoin Text

Scramblecoin Request Response:

Buzz Lightyear.png

May the best player win.

Scramblecoin Eager Float Text:

Buzz Lightyear.png

Space Ranger! Care to engage in a game of Scramblecoin?

Scramblecoin Player Victory Float Text:

Buzz Lightyear.png


Scramblecoin Player Draw Float Text:

Buzz Lightyear.png


Scramblecoin Player Defeat Float Text:

Buzz Lightyear.png


Daily Discussions

Got a question? [Space Ranger qualities]
Buzz Lightyear.png

Player, are you up for a test on the most important qualities of a Space Ranger?

→  Sounds fun.
Buzz Lightyear.png

[continue to next line]

→  I hope I don't flunk...
Buzz Lightyear.png

[continue to next line]

Buzz Lightyear.png

What do you think is more important? Bravery or integrity?

→  Bravery!
Buzz Lightyear.png To act boldly when necessary, regardless of fear! You're right -- bravery is essential.
Buzz Lightyear.png Though integrity is also extremely important.
Buzz Lightyear.png It helps you to be sure you're being brave fo the right reasons.
→  Integrity!
Buzz Lightyear.png To be honest and principled. To live a life worthy of a Space Ranger.
Buzz Lightyear.png Integrity is essential.
Buzz Lightyear.png Though you also have to be brave so you can do the right thing even when it's hard.
→  Aren't they the same thing?
Buzz Lightyear.png I don't believe so.
Buzz Lightyear.png Integrity is doing what's right. Bravery is acting, even when you're afraid. [reprompt]

Did I answer correctly...?

Buzz Lightyear.png It was a trick question, my friend.
Buzz Lightyear.png The truth is, you need both.
Got a question? [disagreement]
Buzz Lightyear.png Player, I could use your help resolving a disagreement.
Buzz Lightyear.png Which is more difficult? Riding a horse or piloting an interstellar starcraft?
→  Piloting an interstellar starcraft.
Buzz Lightyear.png That's exactly what I think. Intergalactic flight is a complex endeavor.
Buzz Lightyear.png You have to account for thrust, velocity, coordinates, orientation, asteroids... The list goes on.
→  Riding a horse.
Buzz Lightyear.png I have to disagree. Riding a horse is not a complicated process at all.
Buzz Lightyear.png It's entirely straightforward. You only move in two dimensions!
→  They're both hard in their own ways.
Buzz Lightyear.png I have to disagree. Riding a horse is not a complicated process at all.
Buzz Lightyear.png It's entirely straightforward. You only move in two dimensions!
Buzz Lightyear.png With a horse, you just pull the ropes and the horse does all the work.
→  They're called reins.
Buzz Lightyear.png

Well, whatever they're called, they're not as complex as the steering interface of an interstellar craft.

→  It's not easy to keep control of a horse.
Buzz Lightyear.png
  • sigh* I suppose that's true. Maybe I've underestimated the difficulty.
Buzz Lightyear.png Thanks for the perspective, Player. [TODO verify]
→  Buzz, are you and Woody debating again?
Buzz Lightyear.png

... How did you know? [TODO verify]

Is there an emergency?
Buzz Lightyear.png

Attention, Player! This is a Zurg invasion drill!

→   A what?
Buzz Lightyear.png The evil Emperor Zurg is the sworn enemy of the Galactic Alliance. And by association, Dreamlight Valley!
Buzz Lightyear.png He's extremely dangerous, dresses exclusively in purple, and speaks with a very deep voice.
→   You know Zurg's not real, right?
Buzz Lightyear.png Yes. I'm well aware that I'm a toy and Zurg – if he were here – would also be a toy. However, Zurg attack drills help keep everyone alert and ready.
Buzz Lightyear.png It's important to prepare for real threats, such as pets or over-enthusiastic younger siblings.
→  Okay. Tell me about this invasion.
Buzz Lightyear.png

[continue to next line]

→  I don't think I need an invasion drill.
Buzz Lightyear.png That's what many think. Then an invasion of cranky toddlers happens, and they're completely unprepared.
Buzz Lightyear.png Don't be unprepared, Player.
→  Right! Got it. And he's invading us?
Buzz Lightyear.png

Yes. I'm well aware that I'm a toy and Zurg -- if he were here -- would also be a toy. However, Zurg attack drills help keep everyone alert and ready.

→  An invasion? Give me details!
Buzz Lightyear.png

[continue to next line]

Buzz Lightyear.png Emperor Zurg has sent three spacecraft to attack our Valley. They're armed with lasers and converging on the Castle.
Buzz Lightyear.png How will you respond?
→  Ask Merlin to stop them with magic!
Buzz Lightyear.png

Leveraging the Valley's unique advantage! A sound tactic. Zurg doesn't know about magic. He'll be completely flummoxed.

→  Ask Mickey to distract them and steal their spaceships!
Buzz Lightyear.png

Turning the enemy's tools against them! Good strategy!

→  Invite them to a picnic!
Buzz Lightyear.png

An... unconventional strategy. But it just might work.

Buzz Lightyear.png

Well done, Player. You've passed the invasion drill with flying colors. If this had been a real invasion, the Valley would be safe.

Something on your mind?
Buzz Lightyear.png Going from Space Ranger to toy was a bit of an adjustment.
Buzz Lightyear.png But I've mostly got the hang of it now.
→  You're a good toy.
Buzz Lightyear.png

[Friendship.png +2 Friendship]I try to bring the same dedication and professionalism to it as I would to being a Space Ranger.

→   Look! An evil alien!
Buzz Lightyear.png WHERE? Get behind me, cadet! I'll shoot it with my laser!
Buzz Lightyear.png ... Nice try. There is no alien. But I won't be fooled like that again.
→  You're too smart.
Buzz Lightyear.png Well, I am, after all, a highly trained space ranger...
Buzz Lightyear.png I mean, I'm a toy. A highly trained toy.
→  It's Emperor Zurg!
Buzz Lightyear.png EMPEROR ZURG! Where?! That intergalactic villain! He'll answer for his crimes--!
Buzz Lightyear.png ...
Buzz Lightyear.png You got me again.

Above conversation tree (i.e. "Going from Space Ranger to toy...") can also be prompted from "Tell me about you".

Tell me about you.
Buzz Lightyear.png Player, I have some knowledge of intergalactic travel.
Buzz Lightyear.png But I wonder if I should learn more about traveling the seas so I can look out for dangers in the waters around the Valley.
Buzz Lightyear.png What do you know about ships of a more... nautical nature?

Hmm. Well, you'll need a boat like Moana's and...

→  ...a sail.
Buzz Lightyear.png Harnessing the power of the wind? Right.
Buzz Lightyear.png But considering I'm a foot tall, I'm not sure I'd be able to steer properly if the winds get too powerful.
→  ...some oars to row it.
Buzz Lightyear.png Row? With my arms?
Buzz Lightyear.png Considering I'm a foot tall, I'm not sure I could wield a big enough oar to move a boat like that.
→  ...a motor.
Buzz Lightyear.png A gasoline-powered combustion engine?
Buzz Lightyear.png That's a bit old-fashioned, and considering I'm a foot tall, I'm not sure I could control it.
Buzz Lightyear.png

I'll have to search for a toy-sized solution to this challenge.

Above conversation tree (i.e. "...I have some knowledge of intergalactic travel.") can also be prompted from "Something on your mind?".

What are you doing?
Buzz Lightyear.png

Player, have you seen anything unusual in the Gamma Quadrant?

→  All clear, sir!
Buzz Lightyear.png

Good to hear. And I commend you for remembering our code word for the Meadow. Carry on.

→  I saw something odd near there.
Buzz Lightyear.png

Thanks, Space Ranger! I'll check it out. And I commend you for remembering our code word for the Meadow.

→  You DO know we're not really in space... right?
Buzz Lightyear.png Shh! Player, Gamma Quadrant's our code word for the Meadow.
Buzz Lightyear.png Someone hasn't been studying the Star Command training handbook I wrote up.
What's on the agenda for today?
Buzz Lightyear.png Player, I was hoping we could run through a short training scenario together.
Buzz Lightyear.png I'll play a Space Ranger patrolling the sector for signs of villainy. You'll be one of the minions of the evil Emperor Zurg.
→   Initiate training scenario.
Buzz Lightyear.png

Ahem... "Halt! There's a warrant out for your arrest in ten sectors!"

→   "You'll never apprehend me, Lightyear! Take this! Pew pew!"
Buzz Lightyear.png

"Deflector shields to maximum power!"

→  "Lasers to maximum power PLUS TEN!"
Buzz Lightyear.png "Gah! Agh! Curse your state of the art laser technology!"
Buzz Lightyear.png End scenario. Excellent work, Player. I'll need to keep honing my skills to have a hope of defeating you.
Buzz Lightyear.png Let's do this again sometime.
→  "Oh yeah? Well, I'll turn on my EXTRA SPECIAL deflector shields!"
Buzz Lightyear.png "Gah! Agh! Your lasers have rebounded on me just as I lowered my deflector shields."
Buzz Lightyear.png End scenario. Excellent work, Player. I'll need to keep honing my skills to have a hope of defeating you.
Buzz Lightyear.png Let's do this again sometime.
→  I get on my horse and ride away.
Buzz Lightyear.png Wait just a nanosecond... Pause training scenario...
Buzz Lightyear.png Horses are more of a Sheriff Woody thing.
Buzz Lightyear.png They're well outside the parameters of this simulation.
→   "Buzz...I am your best friend."
Buzz Lightyear.png

"My best friend...? What sort of devious lie is that? Did Zurg tell you to say that?"

→   "You got me. Guess I'll just have to blast you with my laser!"
Buzz Lightyear.png

"Deflector shields to maximum power!"

→  "Lasers to maximum power PLUS TEN!"
Buzz Lightyear.png "Gah! Agh! Curse your state of the art laser technology!"
Buzz Lightyear.png End scenario. Excellent work, Player. I'll need to keep honing my skills to have a hope of defeating you.
Buzz Lightyear.png Let's do this again sometime.
→  "Oh yeah? Well, I'll turn on my EXTRA SPECIAL deflector shields!"
Buzz Lightyear.png "Gah! Agh! Your lasers have rebounded on me just as I lowered my deflector shields."
Buzz Lightyear.png End scenario. Excellent work, Player. I'll need to keep honing my skills to have a hope of defeating you.
Buzz Lightyear.png Let's do this again sometime.
→  I get on my horse and ride away.
Buzz Lightyear.png Wait just a nanosecond... Pause training scenario...
Buzz Lightyear.png Horses are more of a Sheriff Woody thing.
Buzz Lightyear.png They're well outside the parameters of this simulation.
→   "Search your feelings. You know it to be true."
Buzz Lightyear.png

"Can it be possible...?"

→  "Ha! I tricked you into letting your deflector shields down! Eat laser beams!"
Buzz Lightyear.png "Gah! Agh! Your diabolical ruse got me to lower my deflector shields just long enough to fire your lasers on me."
Buzz Lightyear.png End scenario. Excellent work, Player. I'll need to keep honing my skills to have a hope of defeating you.
Buzz Lightyear.png Let's do this again sometime.
→  "We've got a lot of catching up to do."
Buzz Lightyear.png Wait, wait... Pause training scenario...
Buzz Lightyear.png This whole simulation is so implausible that I question its utility for training purposes.
Buzz Lightyear.png Perhaps we can run it again once we do some retooling.
→  Maybe some other time.
Buzz Lightyear.png

Of course, Player.

What's on your mind?
Buzz Lightyear.png

Player, do you ever look up at the stars and wonder at their infinite possibility?

→  Absolutely.
Buzz Lightyear.png

That's good to hear. I'm glad you appreciate it too.

→  Not really.
Buzz Lightyear.png Well, I encourage you to try it sometime.
Buzz Lightyear.png Beyond this planet, there are worlds we can't possibly imagine.
→  Wow, Buzz. That's really deep.
Buzz Lightyear.png It is?
Buzz Lightyear.png Huh. I guess it is.
Buzz Lightyear.png Well, I stand by what I say.
Buzz Lightyear.png Beyond this planet, there are worlds we can't possibly imagine.
What's up? [training scenario]
Buzz Lightyear.png

Player, would you like me to run you through a quick space-flight training scenario?

→  Sure, sounds fun.
Buzz Lightyear.png

Fun? Most definitely. But it's also serious business.

→  This sounds dangerous.
Buzz Lightyear.png

It's all strictly hypothetical.

Buzz Lightyear.png

The skills you learn from training scenarios like this will help you if you ever have to pilot a real interstellar spacecraft.


Okay. Hit me with this scenario.

Buzz Lightyear.png

You're piloting a small starfighter. The hyperdrive has been damaged. Zurg's minions are on your tail, firing positron torpedoes at you.

Buzz Lightyear.png

What sort of maneuver do you use to get away from Zurg's minions?

→  I slingshot my starfighter around the Sun.
Buzz Lightyear.png Yes! The gravitational force should be exactly what it takes to get you far away from Zurg's attack ships...
Buzz Lightyear.png ...and give you time to repair your hyperdrive.
→  I turn around and face them head-on.
Buzz Lightyear.png That's bold. You might not be able to outrun them...
Buzz Lightyear.png ...but with a sudden offensive maneuver, you might just surprise them enough to gain the upper hand.
→  I lead them right into an asteroid field.
Buzz Lightyear.png A small interstellar spacecraft might be able to weave between the asteroids...
Buzz Lightyear.png ...but Zurg's attack ships wouldn't stand a chance.
Buzz Lightyear.png

Smart thinking, Player.

What's up? [favorite planet]
Buzz Lightyear.png

Player, which planet is your favorite?

→  I'm pretty fond of Earth.
Buzz Lightyear.png That's understandable. After all, it is our home.
Buzz Lightyear.png And it's a beautiful one.
→  Jupiter! It's big.
Buzz Lightyear.png Yes, it is an impressive planet in terms of size.
Buzz Lightyear.png And did you know that the red spot on its surface is a giant storm?
Buzz Lightyear.png Fascinating stuff.
→   Neither of those...
Buzz Lightyear.png

A different planet, then?

→  I like Saturn. Pretty rings.
Buzz Lightyear.png Saturn's rings are quite impressive.
Buzz Lightyear.png Did you know they're made almost entirely of ice?
Buzz Lightyear.png Fascinating stuff.
→  Mars. It's red. Red is cool.
Buzz Lightyear.png Well, did you know that Mars has red soil because of oxidation?
Buzz Lightyear.png Fascinating stuff.
→   Some other planet...
Buzz Lightyear.png

A different planet, then?

→  Mercury. It's so tiny!
Buzz Lightyear.png Ah, yes, Mercury. It's the smallest and closest to the Sun in our solar system.
Buzz Lightyear.png Fascinating stuff.
→  Neptune. It's so icy!
Buzz Lightyear.png Neptune? Well, that is one of the coldest places in the solar system.
Buzz Lightyear.png It wouldn't make much of a vacation spot, but it is fascinating.
→   No... neither of those...
Buzz Lightyear.png

We're running low on planets, Player.

→  Venus. It's our closest neighbor.
Buzz Lightyear.png Venus, huh? That's the hottest planet in this whole system.
Buzz Lightyear.png Even if we had actual space suits, I don't think either of us would last long there.
→  Uranus. It's got so many moons.
Buzz Lightyear.png Last time I counted, it had over twenty.
Buzz Lightyear.png It's always nice when something comes with a lot of accessories.
→   Hm... Neither of those...
Buzz Lightyear.png

I don't think there are any more planets in our solar system, Player.

→  I maintain that Pluto is a planet and it's my favorite.
Buzz Lightyear.png

As a Space Ranger, or at least a toy one, I must remain neutral on this contentious issue.

→  My favorite planet is the Sun.
Buzz Lightyear.png Well, my friend, that's a bit outside the boundaries of my question, but I can't fault your selection.
Buzz Lightyear.png This solar system's Sun is certainly impressive.
Buzz Lightyear.png A yellow dwarf, if I'm not mistaken.
You seem to have a lot of thoughts.
Buzz Lightyear.png Player, I have a question... Have you ever realized something new about yourself? Or something new about the world around you?
Buzz Lightyear.png Something that completely changed how you saw things?
→   Yes, I have.
Buzz Lightyear.png

Interesting. And how did you handle that change?

→  I got really upset.
Buzz Lightyear.png That's understandable. I certainly... Let's just say I'm not proud of how I handled a few things in my past.
Buzz Lightyear.png The less we speak of the Mrs. Nesbitt incident, the better.
→  I asked for help.
Buzz Lightyear.png I did too. And I got help from a good friend. That made all the difference.
Buzz Lightyear.png It's a... long story.
→  I don't remember.
Buzz Lightyear.png

Hmm... A lot of people around here seem to have forgotten things. I hope it's just the Forgetting and not something even more sinister.

→   No, I haven't.
Buzz Lightyear.png

Then I suppose you've always known who you are. Who you're supposed to be. That must be... comforting.

→  It is!
Buzz Lightyear.png

Well, I'm happy for you, Player. You know, you remind me of Bonnie. She's never afraid to be herself. It's admirable.

→  It's actually kind of boring.
Buzz Lightyear.png

I guess having identity-shattering revelations does make life more interesting. Though I'm not sure it's the sort of interesting I want often.

You look worried!
Buzz Lightyear.png

¡Player! ¡Necesito tu ayuda! ¡Mi modo español está atascado!

→  Oh no! you're stuck in Spanish mode!
Buzz Lightyear.png

[continue to next line]

→  You feeling okay, Buzz?
Buzz Lightyear.png

[continue to next line]

→  ¡No! ¡Modo español!
Buzz Lightyear.png

[continue to next line]

Buzz Lightyear.png

¡Me caí, y cuando desperté estaba atascado en modo español! ¡Ayuda!

→  Maybe Donald can help?
Buzz Lightyear.png

¿Pato Donald? ¡Sí! Por supuesto. ¡Muchas gracias, Player!

→  Does Goofy know Spanish?
Buzz Lightyear.png

¿Goofy? ¡Absolutamente no! Continuaré mi búsqueda en otro lado. Buen día, colega.

→  Could Belle help, maybe?
Buzz Lightyear.png

Quizás tiene un libro que puede explicar cómo revertir esta aflicción. Gracias, colega. Has sida de gran ayuda.

Observed Conversations

With Ursula (Menu Icon Quests.png A Space Ranger Reputation)
Ursula.png If it isn't the toy child's plaything.
Ursula.png What can I do for you, angelfish?
Buzz Lightyear.png

I am Buzz Lightyear, and I'm here to put an end to your evil schemes–


My SCHEMES? Oh, do tell me more.

Buzz Lightyear.png

I'm here on the authority of the Dreamlight Valley division of Star Command–

Ursula.png Hahahaha!
Ursula.png Oh, you're hilarious, dear! Did you really think you could scare me?
Ursula.png Why, I've seen blobfish who are more intimidating than you.
Buzz Lightyear.png

Well, I... I...

Ursula.png That's what I thought.
Ursula.png Run along. Perhaps there's a bunny rabbit you can intimidate.
Buzz Lightyear.png

We'll go. But trust me: this isn't over.


  • 1.2: Added
  • 1.5: Updated portrait
  • 1.7: New Daily Discussion topic added: You look worried!