“You're my favorite deputy!”
— Woody
Woody is a character from the Disney-Pixar film Toy Story (1995), and its franchise. He can be unlocked after opening the Toy Story Realm, and completing the quest You're My Favorite Deputy.
His home is a colorful carousel, which is initially broken and repaired during the quest The Illumination. Once unlocked, he will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Characters Collection.
Woody is unlocked during the quest You're My Favorite Deputy. The quest becomes available after completing A Secret Mission in Uncharted Space, which is offered after unlocking the Toy Story Realm in the Dream Castle. Woody is encountered at the beginning of the quest. Near the end of the quest, after completing the objective to place Woody's Carousel, he will arrive in the village.
- Main article: Time.
12:00 AM
Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.
2:00 AM
Inside his home.
6:00 AM
Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.
Friendship Rewards
Woody will award the following rewards when Friendship levels are reached. Friendship can be leveled up through gifts, quests, conversation, or by hanging out.
- Main article Woody's Carousel
Woody lives in a large carousel which is unlocked during the quest You're My Favorite Deputy. It is initially broken and in disrepair, but is cleaned and fixed during the quest The Illumination. It plays a carousel version of "You've Got a Friend in Me" when the Player is near it.
Realm Quests
Friendship Quests
Character Dialogue
General Dialogue
- Hey there.
- Hey-howdy-hey!
- Howdy, partner!
- Thanks for stoppin' by.
- Boy, am I glad to see you.
Gift Responses:
- Thanks!
- Well, whaddaya know... Thanks!
Hang Out Start Response:
Sure! You know you've got a friend in me.
Hang Out End Response:
So long, partner!
Player Goodbye Options:
- Gotta go.
- Sorry, I can't talk now.
- Talk to you later.
- We'll talk later.
Scramblecoin Text
Scramblecoin Request Response:
In case you haven't heard, I'm kind of an expert at board games.
Scramblecoin Eager Float Text:
Howdy, partner! How about a game of Scramblecoin?
Scramblecoin Player Victory Float Text:
Scramblecoin Player Draw Float Text:
Scramblecoin Player Defeat Float Text:
Daily Discussions
Above conversation (Y'know, kids are amazing...) can also prompt from "Do you have any questions?"
Got a question for me?
Say, Player, have ya ever been to a rodeo?
→ Yes.
They're fun, aren't they?
→ No.
Oh, you're missin' out! They're loads of fun.
→ Why do you ask?
I'm just thinkin' about how much fun rodeos can be.
All that riding, and lassoing, and sheep wrangling... |
And then at the end, you've gotta save the whole rodeo from a giant pig named Dr. Porkchop. |
→ Cool.
Yep, there's nothin' like a good old-fashioned rodeo. We ought to have one here in the Valley sometime.
→ Wait, are you talking about real rodeos or pretend rodeos?
Well, I'm a toy, so I've only been to pretend rodeos. |
But they can't be that different, can they? |
→ Um... giant pig?
They don't have that tradition at real rodeos? |
It was very popular at the rodeos in Andy's room. |
So... What's it like being a toy?
Y'know, I've been a toy for a long time, Player. |
And I like to think I've learned a thing or two about it. Go ahead: Ask me anything about being a toy. |
→ What are the best games?
Tricky question. The answer is: Whatever games your kid likes best. Some toys are built for specific games. Checkers. Teatime. |
But if you're a teatime doll and your kid likes superheroes? You've gotta be flexible. Find yourself a cape. |
→ How do you avoid people seeing you move?
Whenever you see someone, you freeze. That's instinct. Even when Buzz thought he was a Space Ranger, he still froze around humans. |
But it's also important to freeze in the right spot. Where your kid last left you is best. But if you can't get there, get somewhere you can easily be found. |
→ How do you find the right kid?
A lot of toys think there's only one right kid for them. I used to think like that, too. But not anymore. |
You take care of the kid you're with. That's what it means to be a toy. |
Something on your mind? [disagreement]
Hey Player -- be a pal and settle a little disagreement.
Which is harder: ridin' a horse or flyin' a spaceship?
→ Riding a horse.
Exactly. You get it!
→ Flying a spaceship.
What?! No, no, no! Spaceships are all just buttons and blinky lights.
→ They're both hard in their own ways.
Okay, fine. You MAY be right. But on a spaceship, all you've gotta do is push the right buttons.
When you're ridin' a horse, you've gotta understand the horse, guide 'em, protect 'em.
You really have to get to know your steed. They're your partner.
→ Hm. Relationships ARE complicated...
Couldn't have said it better myself.
→ I guess it depends on the horse.
Y'know, that's fair. |
And I'll bet it all depends on the spaceship too... |
Why don't we call it a draw? |
→ What about... a space-horse?
A space-horse? Have they got those now? |
I'll have to ask Buzz. They must be sold separately. |
What's on the agenda for today?
Hey, Player, I was thinkin' maybe you and I are overdue for some playtime. |
What do ya say? I'll be the sheriff and you be the bank robber hidin' out at the old stables. |
→ Sure. Let's play.
Oh, oh, this is gonna be great! |
Ahem... '"This town ain't big enough for the two of us, partner! It's time to surrender."' |
→ "I ain't gonna turn myself over to some lily-livered coward like you!"
"Looks like what we got here is a good old-fashioned standoff."' |
Psst. Player. We need a big stunt. You got any ideas? |
→ A daring chase!
"Where you goin'?! Get back here, you low-down, thievin' varmint!" |
Great stuff, Player. That was really dramatic. |
We gotta do this again soon. |
→ A jump from the hayloft!
"Whoa! You landed right on the back of a horse! Get back here, you thievin' varmint!" |
Great stuff, Player. That was really dramatic. |
We gotta do this again soon. |
→ I get in my spaceship and fly away.
Wait, wait, wait... Time out... |
Spaceships are really Buzz's territory. |
Maybe we should reschedule and invite him if we wanna include space stuff. |
→ Maybe some other time.
Sure, Player. We'll just reschedule.
What's on your mind?
Hey, Player, do you need me to squeeze into any small spaces for you? |
Any nooks and crannies you want me to search? Or crawl spaces you need me to check out? |
→ Uh, not right now, but I'll let you know if I do.
Sounds good. |
Just know that if you need help with anything like that, I'm the toy for the job. |
→ You don't need to constantly make yourself useful, you know.
Aw, I know I don't need to. But I like bein' useful. |
Plus, I bet I could find all sorts of stuff hidden around this Village. |
- 1.2: Added
- 1.5: Updated portrait