Snow Kid

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Snow Kid
Snow Kid.png
Type: Menu Icon Furniture.png Crafted Furniture
Crafting Category: Menu Icon Furniture.png Furniture
Categories: Decor.png Decor
Placement: 2x2
Crafting Recipe: Snowball (8)

Fabric (2)
Pebbles (3)

Snow Kid is a non-themed piece of craftable furniture.

It can be crafted and collected using a crafting station, and once collected it will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Crafting Collection.

It can be positioned and placed using the Furniture menu inside the Inventory.

Placing this will earn credit toward the Village Task "Do You Wanna Craft a Snowman?".

Related Items

Code Distribution

Snow Kid could be collected from the mailbox after redeeming a code in the settings menu for a limited time.

The code was shared through a social media post on December 19, 2023 and expired on February 5, 2024.[1]

In-Game Messaging

It's a Snow Day!
We just "snow" you'll love this gift. Enjoy creating the perfect winter scene outdoors in your Valley with these items!

