Iron Crafting Station

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Iron Crafting Station
Iron Crafting Station.png
Type: Menu Icon Furniture.png Crafted Furniture
Crafting Category: Functional Items.png Functional Items
Functionality: Crafting.png Crafting Station
Placement: 4x2
Reward From: Menu Icon Quests.png Scrooge McDuck's Grand Re-opening Scrooge McDuck.png Menu Icon Story.png
Crafting Recipe: Iron Ingot (10)

Hardwood (10)

Iron Crafting Station is a non-themed piece of functional crafted furniture. It functions as a crafting station, and once placed it can be interacted with to make crafted recipes.

It is given as a reward after completing the quest Scrooge McDuck's Grand Re-opening, and can also be crafted using a crafting station. It can be collected either by crafting it or picking it up, and once collected it will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Crafting Collection.

It can be positioned and placed using the Furniture menu inside the Inventory.
