Dandelion and Rising Penstemon Pot

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Dandelion and Rising Penstemon Pot
Dandelion and Rising Penstemon Pot.png
Type: Menu Icon Furniture.png Crafted Furniture
Crafting Category: Menu Icon Furniture.png Furniture
Categories: Decor.png Decor
Foliage.png Foliage
Placement: 2x2 (Surfaces)
Costs: Star Coin icon.png 431
Crafting Recipe: Flower Pots

Purple Rising Penstemon

Dandelion and Rising Penstemon Pot is a non-themed piece of craftable furniture. Crafting and placing 2 is an objective of the Story quest Scrooge McDuck's Grand Re-opening.

It can be crafted and collected using a crafting station, and once collected it will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Crafting Collection.

It can be positioned and placed using the Furniture menu inside the Inventory, and it can be placed either on the ground or on surfaces.

Related Items


Menu Icon Quests.png Scrooge McDuck's Grand Re-opening - Crafted during quest (2)

Quest Objectives

Dandelion and Rising Penstemon Pot is an objective during the following quests.

Quest Required Use
Menu Icon Quests.png Scrooge McDuck's Grand Re-opening Scrooge McDuck.png Menu Icon Story.png 2 Place near Scrooge's Store
