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Perfect for dipping in some cheese or chopping up and throwing in a stir-fry.

Type: Menu Icon Ingredients.png Ingredient
Ingredient Type: Vegetables.png Vegetable
Placement: 1x1 (Surfaces)
Seed: Celery Seed
Growth Time: Gardening.png 10 min
Gardening Bonus.png 9 min Ancient's Landing.png
Sells for: Star Coin icon.png 65
Energy: Energy.png+60
Gift Reward: Friendship.png 50
Found: Ancient's Landing
From: Gardening

Celery is a vegetable type ingredient used in cooking. It can be grown from Celery Seeds, which are purchased from Goofy's Stall in Ancient's Landing.

The seeds are unlocked for sale after the initial repair of Goofy's Stall in Ancient's Landing. After planting it takes 10 minutes to grow, and 1 watering until it can be harvested.

It can be consumed to regain energy, or used as an ingredient in cooked meals. Once collected it will be added to the Eternity Isle Ingredients Collection.

Ingredients can be placed in the world by highlighting them inside the Inventory window and selecting Drop. After removing from inventory, they can be positioned using furniture placement mode.

Ingredient Specific Recipes

Celery is specifically required in the following recipes, and other ingredients of the same type can't be substituted.

Image Name Stars Energy Sell Price Ingredients
Best Fish Forever.png
Best Fish Forever ★★★★ Energy.png+4,420 Star Coin icon.png 1,431 Sea Snail
Robot Fish
Blend of the Bayou.png
Blend of the Bayou ★★★★★ Energy.png+4,108 Star Coin icon.png 2,409 Prisma Shrimp
Any Spice
Bony Osso Buco.png
Bony Osso Buco ★★★★ Energy.png+1,192 Star Coin icon.png 272 Skeleton Fish
Any Vegetable

Quest Objectives

Celery is an objective during the following quests.

Quest Required Use
Menu Icon Quests.png A Garden in the Desert Scrooge McDuck.png 6 Grow and harvest in the Glittering Dunes
Menu Icon Quests.png The Flying Metal Nuisance Jafar.png Menu Icon Story.png 1 Use to cook Best Fish Forever
