“Refer to me as the Grand Vizier. Or perhaps soon... Sultan of all I survey.”
— Jafar
Jafar is a character from the Disney animated film Aladdin (1992). He introduced through series of story related quests on Eternity Isle, and unlocked during the quest The Lesser Evil, after completing the main storyline.
He is the primary antagonist of the "A Rift in Time" game expansion, and is only available to players who have purchased it. His home is the large castle in Eternity Isle. Once unlocked, he will be added to the Eternity Isle Characters Collection.
After purchasing the "A Rift in Time" game expansion a hologram of Jafar will immediately greet you in the Plaza, beginning the quest The Port of Many Worlds to travel to Eternity Isle. Throughout many of the story related quests on Eternity Isle the player will encounter Jafar. He will ultimately be unlocked after confronting him in the final Eternity Isle story quest The Now and Then, and then inviting him in a follow up quest from Oswald, called The Lesser Evil.
- Main article: Time
Friendship Rewards
Jafar will award the following rewards when Friendship levels are reached. Friendship can be leveled up through gifts, quests, conversation, or by hanging out.
- Main article Agrabah Palace
Jafar lives in the large palace in Eternity Isle. It can be accessed after completing the quest Mysterious Mickey, and beginning the quest The Palace of Time. After unlocking Jafar as a Villager during the quest The Lesser Evil he will use the Palace as his home and it will be unlocked at no cost.
Story Quests
Friendship Quests
Character Dialogue
General Dialogue
- Player, the pleasure is all mine.
- Everything here is so... sparkly. That was not a compliment.
- How... wonderful to see you.
- How may I be of service?
- How refreshing. It rarely rains in Agrabah.
- I do prefer being indoors to the harsh glare of the sun.
- I find it advantageous to be awake while others slumber.
- If you find yourself in need of counsel, I am at your service.
- It seems you too are an early riser.
- One must rise early to achieve one's goals.
- The night is rather helpful when hiding secrets...
- This Valley is not quite the jewel that Agrabah is, but perhaps with time and my assistance...
- Well, this weather certainly reminds me of home.
- What a pleasant respite from all that cheery sunshine.
- Whatever is the matter, Player?
- Yes?
- You know, should you ever need to rest... I would be honored to ensure things run smoothly in your stead.
Gift Responses:
- A gift? Is this some sort of trap?
- It is about time someone acknowledged my contributions.
- For me? What a charming token.
Hang Out Start Response:
- What... (ahem)... frivolities do you have in mind today?
- I suppose. I have nothing better to do.
- It will be my pleasure to accompany you. You are the leader here, after all.
Hang Out End Response:
- At last. That was becoming tiresome.
- Farewell, Player.
- I take my leave.
Player Goodbye Options:
- Bye, Jafar!
- Hm, no. See you later!
- Let's talk later, Jafar.
- Okay, bye!
- Talk to you later.
- Sorry, I can't right now.
Scramblecoin Text
Scramblecoin Request Response:
You do not seem intimidated... Perhaps you ought to be.
Scramblecoin Eager Float Text:
Would you care to challenge me in a game of Scramblecoin?
Scramblecoin Player Victory Float Text:
I will not underestimate you again.
Scramblecoin Player Draw Float Text:
I am not done yet!
Scramblecoin Player Defeat Float Text:
Learn from your losses. It is the only way to ensure success.
Daily Discussions
Any questions for me?
I have watched your work here for quite some time, and you seem to be... exhaustingly virtuous. |
Do you not tire of endlessly serving others' needs? |
→ I was destined to help people.
How fortunate for the Valley to have such a generous benefactor.
→ Wow, thank you, bestie!!!
The offer stands... if you NEVER call me that again.
→ I'll take that as a compliment.
If you must.
→ Your words are nice, but the tone not so much.
My most abject and humblest apologies.
- Do you have a question, Jafar?
Do you have a question, Jafar?
Player, what do you know of magic?
→ Mostly what Merlin tells me.
Then you have a limited education. |
Merlin's moralizing keeps him from exploring the most interesting branches of magic. |
Magic is a tool. No more moral than a sword or hammer. |
→ I agree!
You do? Marvelous.
It just means that the magic user needs to be sure of the goodness in their own heart!
Oh. How disappointing.
→ I'm not so sure about that...
I've only seen magic here that brings light and happiness.
Oh. How disappointing.
→ I've worked a lot with Dreamlight.
So I have seen. That is a potent form of sorcery. |
While I have no magic myself, I have worked with a number of magical ephemera — not just the lamp. |
I remember something about a Mystic Blue Diamond?
→ I know there's Light Magic and Dark Magic.
Light? Dark? Such useless distinctions. |
Magic is a tool. No more moral than a sword or hammer. |
→ I agree!
You do? Marvelous.
It just means that the magic user needs to be sure of the goodness in their own heart!
Oh. How disappointing.
→ I'm not so sure about that...
How's it going?
You do a great deal of work managing people, do you not, Player? |
Might I recommend a useful technique? |
Hypnotism. |
→ You mean hypnotize people to do what I want?
Precisely. You will get things done so much more quickly!
Surely it is the prerogative of great people such as ourselves to rise about the petty concerns of morality?
Don't push it, Jafar.
... very well.
→ That seems unethical.
Unethical perhaps. But also effective.
→ Nope. It's wrong.
Surely it is the prerogative of great people such as ourselves to rise about the petty concerns of morality?
→ Don't push it Jafar.
... very well.
→ I'm not hypnotizing my friends, Jafar.
I do not see why not. It will not hurt them. |
It just makes things... easier. |
Surely it is the prerogative of great people such as ourselves to rise about the petty concerns of morality?
Don't push it Jafar.
... very well.
Jafar, I think you should take up a hobby.
A hobby? Whatever for?
→ To give you something to do other than take over the Valley.
[Refer to other answer.]
Something bothering you?
That flying object, EVE, followed me from my home to the Castle and back again. |
Everyone here is so suspicious. It gets tiresome being watched all the time. |
→ You shouldn't have tried to take over the Valley.
Yes, yes. But nothing ventured, nothing gained. And I am nothing without my ambition. |
You might as well ask a bird not to fly. Ask Scrooge McDuck not to seek riches. |
Ask Goofy not to be... goofy. |
→ If you work hard, you'll win back our trust.
I shall be very honest with you, PLAYER... |
That is not high on my list of priorities. |
→ Take it as a compliment.
A compliment. I am watched because you know I am supremely skilled and dangerous? |
When viewed in that light it IS somewhat flattering. |
You seem rather pleased with yourself.
I have a precise method of dealing with seemingly insurmountable problems. |
Do you know what it is? |
→ Extreme manipulation?
In other words, persuasion. Such a wonderful method for eliciting cooperation.
→ Disguising yourself as an old man?
Only in extreme situations. |
All that hunching is murder on the back. |
→ Making your parrot power a machine?
He gets the job done, even with his never-ending stream of complaints.
But you haven't really achieved your goals, have you?
Not yet... but a wise man bides his time.