Talk:Daily Discussions

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Revision as of 02:49, 9 April 2023 by Lizz (talk | contribs) (multiple partial convos)

Character-to-Character Discussions

It would be nice for completeness sake to document the between-villager conversations as well - however, I find them quite hard to capture. Below is the VERY partial information collected thus far, which isn't even ready for a main article with a "stub" classification. Lizz (talk) 18:38, 8 January 2023 (UTC)



[TODO - verify if any first line]


I cannot tell what gives you motion. Are you steam powered? Electric?

  • whistles*

You're pointing up. Do you mean... the sun? Ah-ha! What a marvelous source of power! I really must learn more about it.

Merlin, Ursula    

Ursula. Still using your magic to victimize innocent merfolk, I presume?


I only give them what they ask for. And you're still bowing to nobles?


I am an advisor to kings, madam!


Well, not all of us can stomach fawning over royalty.





Oh! [TODO - verify]


Hi, WALL-E! Doing anything interesting today?


... Directive!


"Directive"...? Oh! I remember; that's what you say when you're gardening.


Well, I know how much you like to garden. Have fun!


Ahh... [TODO - verify]


Maui, Remy    

Hey, you're a rat. Nice! You know I can change into a giant hawk.


Really... that's... well, that's alarming.


Alarming...? Oh, right. Because hawks eat--




Well, don't worry. I am a strictly non-rodent-eating demigod.





Thank you! The shells here are so pretty. I'd love to make something with them.


I could show you how to make a shell necklace, if you'd like.


That would be wonderful! Thank you!







I'm sure I'm safe...??? [TODO]


Nala, Simba

Hey, Simba. Bet you can't pin me.


I know I can't. You always win.


I don't know... Maybe you'll win this time.


Right. And maybe elephants will grow wings and fly.



TODO sleep 18 hours a day...


...and you spend the other six hours disparaging villagers.


If anyone here is an "ingrate," it is most certainly you.


Terribly sorry. You're not a useless ingrate.


You're a pompous windbag.


I don't know how I made such a grievous error.


Careful, Scar. I can always turn you into an adorable little rabbit for the children to cuddle.


Ariel, Maui

Maui... Moana said that you can turn into a shark. Is that true?


You betcha! With my magic hook, I can transform into a shark, hawk, beetle, iguana...


Wow! What do you like best? Being underwater or on land?


Don’t forget the air. Hawks can fly. Well, here's your answer...


Water, land, air, I love 'em all. And the best thing is, I don't have to choose!


TODO...something about singing a duet...




Oh, hi, Minnie! You know, I was wondering, when you were trapped between the Valley and... somewhere else, what was that like?


Well, it was a little scary... but I always knew I'd find some way to get back here if I just kept trying.


But Ariel, I heard that YOU were trapped on a deserted island. What was THAT like?


It was mostly lonely. I missed my friends so much.


And I'm so glad we're all together again now.


Me too! It's wonderful to be back in the Valley. (TODO VERIFY)



Gothel... do you use any sort of potion on your skin?


Potion? Goodness no. Why do you ask?


Your face is so smooth and your color's so... healthy.


Oh, you flatterer. I'll tell you my secret.


Parenting. Having children keeps you young...? [TODO - verify]


Anna, Maui    

Hi, Maui! I was wondering, could I--


Oh, of course. You want me to sign something. Sure! Maui always has time for his fans.


Uh, no, actually I just wanted--


Hey, don't worry about it. I know it's not every day you get a chance to meet your hero.


Take deep breaths. Do you need to sit down?


No. I just wanted to borrow some coconuts.


... Oh. Sure.








I see. So is he "elucidating" things to you?


Oh yeah. He's elucidating everything.







It helps them see better in the dark.



Mother Gothel


... TODO???...


Well, I... uh... I certainly have skills based on years of magical study.


Then you really must tell me, what is your secret to--


Guiding others? Imparting wisdom? looking so old?


Ha-ha, I'm just teasing!


Ahem. Madam, I see no value in furthering this conversation. Good day.

Donald Duck


Hey! Cat! Why are you looking at me like that?


I'm sure I haven't the faintest clue what you mean.


Just keep those teeth and claws to yourself, if you know what's good for you.


Ugh! Will the squawking never stop?!


Goofy, Merlin

Gawrsh Merlin, is Player really gonna be the leader of the Village?


Perhaps. Player has shown all the qualities one would desire in a wise and generous leader.


Well, if Player needs any help, I'll be there.


...Say, I've got a... [TODO]


Would ya like one?


Pumpkins...? No, sorry. I don't eat.


Oh, I didn't mean for ya to eat it.


I was thinkin' you could hollow it out and use it as a summer home. A-hyuck!






Well how about some fresh corn? [TODO-verify]


I'm a lion, you fool. [TODO - verify]


Do lions like turnips? [TODO - verify]


Ugh... [TODO - verify]


A-hyuck! [TODO - verify]

Minnie Mouse




Hm? Yes, dear?


I was making some new bows, and...


So I made this one, and I thought it would match your dress. Would you like it?


... Well, it is rather fashionable, and I see you've sewn it with a backstitch. I'll consider wearing your....TODO


Oh...well, here you go. (I....)...TODO

Buzz Lightyear


So you have a ship. But it's a ship...for water?




It doesn't fly through space. Not even in a converted [TODO verify] state?


I'm afraid not.






But I must say, I'm a bit disappointed.


Star Command, I have encountered alien life forms on this planet.




VERY strange life forms.




I'm sorry, WALL-E; I was just playing around. Come on! Let's play Space Rangers together.


WALL-EEEE! [TODO - verify]


Pretty sure a Mirabel/Elsa conversation exists, but my screenshots didn't capture it.










Elsa and I are SO different, but we're sisters. And love like that is really powerful.


I think I know what you mean.


Remind me to tell you all about my sister Isabela sometime.

Renaming page

Any chance we can rename/move this page to Daily Discussions instead of Daily discussions? My b for originally naming it with a lowercase - was matching the formatting used in the rotating dreamlight duty, but I see that the Friendship Dreamlight achievement uses a capital, and that looks way nicer. Lizz (talk) 18:51, 16 January 2023 (UTC)

Measuring friendship impact?

I've seen twice now if you respond with the "Melting Snow" response in an Olaf conversation, a -2 pink star pops up - presumably indicating that a negative Friendship impact has occurred. I'm not sure if there's any way to quantify/verify this impact -- if it's really a direct value, 2 is a minuscule amount (since A Place for Joy, his level 2 quest, rewards 260 -- though I have no idea how those totals are known either...?).

Interestingly, this is the only conversation choice I've ever seen/noticed that has shown a negative effect, with any character. I'm actually not sure if there are ways that friendship goes down in the game? Sometimes it seems like failing at catching fish negatively impacts friendship, but the UI can go so quickly that I don't catch it.

Would be interested in hearing if anyone else has seen any other negative friendship impacts, in daily discussions or other interactions. Lizz (talk) 02:24, 26 March 2023 (UTC)

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