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Type: Menu Icon Characters.png Character
From: Encanto.png Encanto
Voiced By: Stephanie Beatriz
House: Mini-Casita
Unlock Quest: Menu Icon Quests.png The Golden Doorknob Merlin.png
This is a great gift! And I've seen some amazing gifts.
— Mirabel

Mirabel Madrigal is a character from the Disney film Encanto (2021). She is first unlocked during the quest The Golden Doorknob, after constructing Mini-Casita.

Her home is a highly-animated home modeled after her home from the film. Once unlocked, she will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Characters Collection.


To unlock Mirabel, you have to find and pick up the Golden Doorknob in the Peaceful Meadow and bring Mini-Casita back to the Village during the quest The Golden Doorknob.


Main article: Time.
Time Location
Player House Icon.png 12:00 AM Inside her home.
Dreamlight Valley.png 2:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting her home.
Icon Eating.png 3:00 AM Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace eating inside the Restaurant.
Dreamlight Valley.png 5:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting her home.
Icon Eating.png 3:00 PM Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace eating inside the Restaurant.
Dreamlight Valley.png 5:00 PM Wandering the Valley or visiting her home.
Menu Icon Scrooge Store.png 6:00 PM Scrooge's Store browsing clothing and furniture items for sale.
Dreamlight Valley.png 8:00 PM Wandering the Valley or visiting her home.
Player House Icon.png 10:00 PM Inside her home.

Friendship Rewards

Mirabel will award the following rewards when Friendship levels are reached. Friendship can be leveled up through gifts, quests, conversation, or by hanging out.

Lvl Image Name Type
Friendship 2.png
Round Green Wireframe Glasses.png
Round Green Wireframe Glasses Clothing
Friendship 3.png
Mirabel Drawing Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 4.png
Star Coin icon.png 500
Friendship 5.png
Ceremony Day Gift.png
Ceremony Day Gift Furniture
Friendship 6.png
Capybara Drawing Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 7.png
Star Coin icon.png 1,000
Friendship 8.png
Wooden Fabric Display.png
Wooden Fabric Display Furniture
Friendship 9.png
Swirl Glasses Drawing Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 10.png
Teal Dreamlore Ruana.png
Teal Dreamlore Ruana[1] Clothing
Emerald Dreamlore Skirt.png
Emerald Dreamlore Skirt[1] Clothing
  1. 1.0 1.1 Rewarded after completing the quest Menu Icon Quests.png A Festival of Friendship (Friendship 10.png Mirabel Level 10)


Mirabel's Mini-Casita
Main article Mini-Casita

Mirabel lives in a sentient house called Mini-Casita, a downscaled version of Casita from the film. The interior is a recreation of Casita's nursery that serves as Mirabel's bedroom. Mini-Casita will move various small parts of itself and make noise to greet the Player when they come near it. It is unlocked during the quest The Golden Doorknob, and does not cost anything additional to construct.



Friendship Quests

Character Dialogue

General Dialogue



  • ¡Buenos días!
  • Buenas noches.
  • Hi!
  • ¡Hola!
  • ¡Hola, PLAYER!
  • So, how's it going?
  • What's up, my friend?
  • TODO

Gift Responses:

  • A present? For me? Thank you so much!
  • For me? ¡Gracias, PLAYER!
  • ¡Gracias!
  • I love it!
  • This is a great gift! And I've seen some amazing gifts.
  • TODO

Hang Out Start Response:

  • Need some help? I'm your girl!
  • Oh, I am definitely in. Let's go!
  • You want to do some stuff? Let's do some stuff!

Hang Out End Response:

  • Looks like we're done!
  • We have got to do that again. I really like spending time with you!
  • Woo! Yes! That was so much fun.
  • We did such great stuff! Thanks for letting me join you.

Observed Dialogue:

  • You kinda remind me of my sister Luisa. She works INCREDIBLY hard.
  • Coming through!
  • Time to make my family proud!
  • My sister Isabela would LOVE all the flowers here.
  • Anything I can help with?
  • The little animals here would really like my cousin Antonio.
  • Beautiful rain like this always makes me think of the Encanto.
  • Everyone here has their own special gifts, just like my family.

Player Goodbye Options:

  • Gotta go.
  • See you later!
  • Sorry, can't talk now.
  • Sorry, I can't right now.
  • We'll talk later!
  • We'll talk soon, okay?
  • TODO
Mirabel.png Scramblecoin Text

Scramblecoin Request Response:


I'm ready. Let's do this!

Scramblecoin Eager Float Text:


¡Hola! Wanna play a game of Scramblecoin?

Scramblecoin Player Victory Float Text:



Scramblecoin Player Draw Float Text:



Scramblecoin Player Defeat Float Text:



Daily Discussions

Got a question for me?
Mirabel.png I've gotta know something, because when I tell Antonio about you, he's gonna ask.
Mirabel.png What's your favorite animal?
→  Chigüiro.
Mirabel.png Antonio would love that. He's had a lot of chigüiro friends visiting lately.
Mirabel.png They really like Casita.
→  Jaguar.
Mirabel.png Oh, good choice. Big cats are so majestic.
Mirabel.png Antonio has a jaguar friend who gives him rides on its back.
Mirabel.png Maybe don't try that with Scar, though.
→  Butterfly.

Aww. I like those too.

→  It's too hard to choose!

I understand that. Antonio can never pick a favorite either. He says they're all his friends.

I've got a question for you.

For me? Great! What've you got?

→  How's your abuela?
Mirabel.png She's good! She's really learning how to relax.
Mirabel.png And the whole family's been getting a lot better at talking things through.
Mirabel.png It can be hard, but it's been really helpful for everyone.
→  What do you do when you miss your family?
Mirabel.png Hmm... Well, I guess I try to do something that reminds me of them.
Mirabel.png When I'm missing my mamá, I try to cook some of the things she does. Like arepas.
Mirabel.png They're not as good as Mamá's, but they definitely remind me of her.
Mirabel.png And if I'm missing my cousin Antonio, I'll sit and listen to the birds or watch the animals.
→  Has Antonio found any new animals?
Mirabel.png He's made a lot of new chigüiro friends lately.
Mirabel.png They're great to have around. So chill.
Let's get to know one another better. Ask me anything.

Player, do you have any sisters?

→   I do.

And... do you get along?

→  We do.
Mirabel.png That's great. I've always gotten along with my sister Luisa.
Mirabel.png Isabela on the other hand... We had a pretty rocky relationship for a long time, but we're doing really well now!
→  Not really.
Mirabel.png I understand. Siblings can be tough. They're always there, and they know just how to annoy you.
Mirabel.png My sister Isabela and I had a rocky relationship for a while. But it's gotten a lot better.
→  Sometimes.
Mirabel.png That's pretty normal, I think. Siblings can be a lot.
Mirabel.png My sister Isabela and I had a rocky relationship for a while. But it's gotten a lot better.

→   No, but I have other siblings.

And... do you get along?

→  We do.
Mirabel.png That's great. I've always gotten along with my sister Luisa.
Mirabel.png Isabela on the other hand... We had a pretty rocky relationship for a long time, but we're doing really well now!
→  Not really.
Mirabel.png I understand. Siblings can be tough. They're always there, and they know just how to annoy you.
Mirabel.png My sister Isabela and I had a rocky relationship for a while. But it's gotten a lot better.
→  Sometimes.
Mirabel.png That's pretty normal, I think. Siblings can be a lot.
Mirabel.png My sister Isabela and I had a rocky relationship for a while. But it's gotten a lot better.
→  I'm an only child.

Really? Wow! With a family as large as mine, that takes a lot for me to imagine.

Something on your mind?
Mirabel.png Player, how are you? Just checking in.
Mirabel.png You do a lot around here, which kind of reminds me of my sister Luisa.
Mirabel.png And people who take on a lot... well, sometimes they take on too much.
→  I'm just getting started!
Mirabel.png Really? Okay. As long as you're feeling good about it, I say go for it!
Mirabel.png And hey, you know I'm always here if you need some help.
→  Maybe I should relax some more.
Mirabel.png Yes! Do that! Lay back. Find a hammock. Enjoy the weather.
Mirabel.png That's one thing my family's learned recently. It's important to notice when you're carrying way too much.
→  I'm cracking under all the pressure!!!
Mirabel.png ¡Ayyy! That's not good. And, in case you didn't know, your eyelid's twitching.
Mirabel.png If you're overdoing it, you need to take some time for yourself.
Some weather we're having, huh? (when raining)

When the weather's like this, I always think of my Tía Pepa.

→  Why is that?
Mirabel.png Tía Pepa's gift is that her moods can change the weather.
Mirabel.png It's really easy to tell how she's feeling. You just have to look up!
→  Is her gift being able to predict the weather?
Mirabel.png Close! But not quite.
Mirabel.png Tía Pepa's gift is that her moods can change the weather.
Mirabel.png It's really easy to tell how she's feeling. You just have to look up!
→  I bet her gift has to do with the weather.
Mirabel.png You're right! Her moods can change the weather.
Mirabel.png So when the sky looks like this, I can't help but think... I hope Tía Pepa's okay.
What are you up to today?
Mirabel.png Player, I'm thinking about adding some new embroidery to my skirt.
Mirabel.png What do you think I should add?
→  Another butterfly!
Mirabel.png Good call!
Mirabel.png You can never have enough butterflies.
→  Some flowers.
Mirabel.png Flowers... huh? I've already got a few flowers, buuuut...
Mirabel.png I could add some of the new flowers my sister Isa's growing! They're really wild and different.
→  Maybe an elaborate letter M?
Mirabel.png An M? Like for Mirabel? Or Madrigal?
Mirabel.png Either way, I like it!
What are your parents like?

Mamá and Papi? They're incredible. I love them SO much!

→  What's your mom like?
Mirabel.png Well, she really cares about people.
Mirabel.png And her arepas are TO DIE FOR.
Mirabel.png Or, well, I guess kind of the opposite of that. Her cooking heals people. That's her gift.
→  What's your dad like?
Mirabel.png He's amazing. Sure, he can be a bit clumsy. But he tries soooo hard.
Mirabel.png And when it's really important, when I need him, he's always there for me.
Mirabel.png Yeah. He's kind of the best.
→  You must miss them a lot.
Mirabel.png I do. But I know I'll see them again soon.
Mirabel.png If I ever get the chance, I'd love to show them the Valley!
Mirabel.png Mamá would love to learn all the different foods made here, and Papi would be so excited to talk to everyone.
What's on your mind?

Have I ever told you about my Tío Bruno?

→  What's he like?
Mirabel.png Well, some people think he's odd. But I love all the odd things about him.
Mirabel.png He really likes the color green. And rats. And the rats like him back.
Mirabel.png You know, I bet he'd love to meet Remy. Oh! And write a telenovela series about him -- ¡La pasión de la rata chef!
→  He can see the future, right?
Mirabel.png Yes! That's his gift. It's really powerful, but it can be a little complicated.
Mirabel.png Sometimes the future has problems in it. And people don't want to hear that.
Mirabel.png You know, now that I think about it, he and Merlin would have a lot to talk about.
→  I thought you didn't talk about him?
Mirabel.png Not anymore! I talk about him as much as I can.
Mirabel.png I never want people to not talk about Bruno again.
  • What's up? [at night?]
What's up?
Mirabel.png There are so many stars here. And everyone shines.
Mirabel.png I mean literally shines. With all the little sparkly, glowing bits. What's the deal with that?
→  It's magic.


→  I think it's Dreamlight?

Neat! … I don't know what that is.


Merlin told me about it. It's a kind of magic, and everything here is made of it.


Everything? That's amazing! And pretty. Super pretty!

→  You could ask Merlin.
Mirabel.png You're right! I'm sure he'll know.
Mirabel.png He's like a wise abuelo for the entire Valley.

Observed Conversations

With Minnie
Reminiscing about their time in the Here and There

Merlin said you were stuck somewhere else during the Forgetting. I was too!

Minnie Mouse.png It was so odd. I was just... between places.
Minnie Mouse.png Not quite here. Not quite there.
Mirabel.png Exactly! It made me think about my Tío Bruno.
Mirabel.png He lived between the walls of our house for a long time. He could see and hear us, but we didn't know he was there.
Minnie Mouse.png

Hmm... Yes, I suppose it was a bit like that.

Talking about embroidery
Minnie Mouse.png

I've been meaning to tell you, Mirabel – I love the embroidery on your skirt!


Thanks, Minnie! I did it myself.

Minnie Mouse.png

You did?! Well, you're very talented. I've never tried embroidery.


I'd be happy to teach you sometime.

With Timon

What about you?

Timon.png Well, I guess Pumbaa and Simba are pretty much my family.
Timon.png I don't know what I'd do without those two knuckleheads.

That sounds like a family to me.

With Scrooge (Menu Icon Quests.png Meddling Mirabel)

Mr. McDuck?

Scrooge McDuck.png

Ah, Mirabel, lass. I hope you're not gonna invite me on another walk with Donald.

Mirabel.png Well... not exactly. I wanted to give you this.
Mirabel.png It makes me sad to see you and Donald angry at each other.
Mirabel.png Family is so important.
Mirabel.png Maybe this is something you and Donald can share to remind you of that.
Scrooge McDuck.png Aye, that's a fine photo of the two of us, isn't it?
Scrooge McDuck.png Aw, I suppose I cannae be mad at Donald forever.
Mirabel.png I'm sure he probably feels the same way.
Mirabel.png I hope you enjoy the food!
Scrooge McDuck.png

Oh, we will. And you're right. Family IS important!
