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Type: Menu Icon Characters.png Character
From: Frozen.png Frozen
Voiced By: Danielle Bisutti
House: Ice Cavern
Unlock Quest: Menu Icon Quests.png Welcoming Elsa Frozen.png Elsa.png
Ice and snow. They come in so many shapes and textures. Hard ice. Soft flurries. Frost. Blizzards. They're all distinct. They feel different when I control them.
— Elsa

Elsa is a character from the Disney film Frozen (2013) and its franchise. She is unlocked during the quest Welcoming Elsa, which is available after welcoming Anna from the Frozen Realm.

Her home is an ice cavern found in the Forest of Valor. Once unlocked, she will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Characters Collection.


Elsa is unlocked during the quest Welcoming Elsa, which starts automatically after completing Anna's level 2 friendship quest An Icy Invitation. Unlocking Anna requires opening the Frozen Realm and completing the quests inside.


Main article: Time.
Time Location
Dreamlight Valley.png 12:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting her home.
Player House Icon.png 2:00 AM Inside her home.
Dreamlight Valley.png 6:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting her home.
Menu Icon Scrooge Store.png 8:00 AM Scrooge's Store browsing clothing and furniture items for sale.
Icon Eating.png 10:00 AM Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace eating inside the Restaurant.
Dreamlight Valley.png 12:00 PM Wandering the Valley or visiting her home.
Icon Eating.png 9:00 PM Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace eating inside the Restaurant.
Dreamlight Valley.png 11:00 PM Wandering the Valley or visiting her home.

Friendship Rewards

Elsa will award the following rewards when Friendship levels are reached. Friendship can be leveled up through gifts, quests, conversation, or by hanging out.

Lvl Image Name Type
Friendship 2.png
Frosted Hair.png
Frosted Hair Clothing
Friendship 3.png
Snowflake Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 4.png
Star Coin icon.png 500
Friendship 5.png
Blue "Frosty Finery" Evening Gloves.png
Blue "Frosty Finery" Evening Gloves Clothing
Friendship 6.png
Elsa Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 7.png
Star Coin icon.png 1,000
Friendship 8.png
Ice Throne.png
Ice Throne Furniture
Friendship 9.png
The Nokk Portrait Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 10.png
Gleaming Ice Gown.png
Gleaming Ice Gown[1] Clothing
  1. Rewarded after completing the quest Menu Icon Quests.png The Ice Cavern Mystery (Friendship 10.png Elsa Level 10)


Main article Ice Cavern

Elsa's house is an Ice Cavern located in the Forest of Valor, which is opened during Elsa's friendship quest Breaking the Ice. Unlike other villager homes it cannot be moved or relocated.


Realm Quests

Friendship Quests

Dream Styles

Style Name Unlocked
Elsa Default.png
Elsa Default appearance
Frozen — Elsa.png
Frozen — Elsa Premium Shop for Moonstone icon.png 2,500

Character Dialogue

General Dialogue



  • Hello.
  • Hello, my friend...
  • PLAYER, I'm so happy to see you.
  • TODO

Gift Responses:

  • I'm very grateful. Thank you!
  • TODO

Hang Out Start Response:


Oh... Yes. That would be lovely. Thank you.

Hang Out End Response:


That was a wonderful change of pace. I'd love to do it again sometime.


Player Goodbye Options:

  • Gotta go.
  • Sorry, I can't talk now.
  • TODO
Elsa.png Scramblecoin Text

Scramblecoin Request Response:


Shall we begin?

Scramblecoin Eager Float Text:


I'd love to play Scramblecoin, if you have the time.

Scramblecoin Player Victory Float Text:



Scramblecoin Player Draw Float Text:



Scramblecoin Player Defeat Float Text:



Daily Discussions

Do you have a question? [talking to people]

You spend a lot of time talking to people, don't you? I still find that difficult sometimes.

→   It's easy.

That's what Anna says. What makes it easy for you?

→  Trust.
Elsa.png Hmmm. That makes sense. I usually trust the person I'm talking to, so I shouldn't worry that they'll be upset if I say the wrong thing.
Elsa.png Thank you, PLAYER. That helps.
→  Indifference.
Elsa.png I guess it is easier to talk if you don't care about the people you're talking to.
Elsa.png Fortunately, I am seldom in that position.
→   Just say what you feel.

Well, I am getting better at understanding what I feel. I suppose that's a good step.

→  It is.

Thank you, PLAYER. That helps.

→  If they don't like what you say, that's their problem.

I don't think that's a very responsible approach.

→  Just start.
Elsa.png Well, that's what Anna and Olaf do. They just start talking. It's almost like they jump off a cliff into words.
Elsa.png It's kind of impressive and...really brave.
Do you have a question? [opinion on Kristoff]

Player. What do you think of Kristoff?

→  He's a stand-up guy.

I'm glad you think so. I value your opinion. He seems to make Anna happy. So I like him.

→  He's a bit of a fixer-upper.
Elsa.png You think so? I guess he's a bit rough around the edges.
Elsa.png But he seems to make Anna happy. So I like him.
→  He smells like reindeer.
Elsa.png He does. I suppose that's something of a drawback.
Elsa.png But he seems to make Anna happy. So I like him.
Elsa... have you ever considered getting into fashion design?

What do you mean?


You've made so many beautiful dresses!

→  I love the shimmery blue dress you made.
Elsa.png Ha! I enjoyed that one. It was important to me to wear something new.
Elsa.png Though thinking back on what I did back then is embarrassing.
→  I like the white dress with the diamond pattern.

Thank you. I was very proud of that one.

→  The dresses you wear around Arendelle are so pretty.

Oh, I don't make those. Those are normal dresses. Other people sew them. I do commission them, though.

Elsa.png I enjoy thinking about the cut and shape of clothing, what it means and how it makes people feel.
Elsa.png When I was young, I used it to control myself. My gloves.
→  I'm glad you got rid of those.

I am too. They felt necessary at the time, but they were painful to wear. It's good to feel the breeze on my fingertips.

→  You wore those to keep Anna safe.

I did. I felt so guilty for so long. But I was a child. It's silly to blame a child for an accident.

→  Now you're older.

I am. And I know how to trust myself.

Tell me about your powers.
Elsa.png Ice and snow. They come in so many shapes and textures. Hard ice. Soft flurries. Frost. Blizzards.
Elsa.png They're all distinct. They feel different when I control them.
→  What does ice feel like?

Ice is sharp and clear. It's very hard... it never bends, but it can curve. I enjoy working with ice. It's precise.

→  What does snow feel like?

Snow is light and airy. It's made up of so many little flakes. That can make it harder to control. I'm keeping track of many parts.

→  Does it feel different to create life?
Elsa.png Yes. It's strange... it's like there's this warmth within the ice. But it's not normal warmth. It's cold warmth. And it's aware.
Elsa.png You can probably tell... it's hard to describe.
You know a lot about magic.

I've learned a lot about my powers in the last year. And about the Spirits of Nature. Would you like me to tell you about any of them?

→  Water.
Elsa.png The Water Spirit is also called the Water Nokk. It takes the form of a horse and has the power of the ocean.
Elsa.png The Nokk guards the Enchanted Forest fiercely and won't respect you unless you prove yourself worthy.
→  Fire.
Elsa.png The Fire Spirit appears as a tiny salamander who leaves a trail of fire as it runs. We call it Bruni.
Elsa.png Its flames can be frightening, but it only makes them in times of unrest of strife. Bruni likes it when I make snowflakes that it can eat.
→  Earth.
Elsa.png The Earth Giants can be dangerous if you disturb them.
Elsa.png They sleep most of the time, so you might mistake them for hills or mountains.
Elsa.png But if they wake, they stomp and throw boulders. So... it's best not to wake them.
→  Wind.
Elsa.png The Wind Spirit can be a playful, gentle breeze, or a swirling vortex. Olaf named it Gale.
Elsa.png My mother knew Gale when she was a young girl. Gale helped her save my father.
Elsa.png And Gale guided us at many points during our journey through the Enchanted Forest.
You look preoccupied. [Added 1.3]

Player. I've been thinking about Olaf.

→  What about him?

About what he represents.

→  He's a sweetheart.

I'm also very fond of him.

→  He's annoying.

He can be a little exasperating at times.


He was the first living being I made out of snow. I've started being more careful about making life.

→  That's smart.

I hope so. I just feel responsible for anything I create.

→  No! Make an army of tiny snowmen!
Elsa.png I kind of already did. I had a cold. And I accidentally made snowmen when I sneezed.
Elsa.png There are a lot of them. And I feel responsible for all of them. Probably no more living snowmen for a while.
