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Type: Menu Icon Characters.png Character
From: The Lion King.png The Lion King
Voiced By: Cameron Clarke
House: Pride Rock
Unlock Quest: Menu Icon Quests.png Stars to Guide Us The Lion King.png Simba.png
When I was a cub, I thought being king meant you could do whatever you wanted. But I know that's not true now.
— Simba

Simba is a character from the Disney film The Lion King (1994) and its franchise. He is unlocked after opening The Lion King Realm, and completing the quest Stars to Guide Us.

His home is a large rock formation where he lives together with Nala. Once unlocked, he will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Characters Collection.


Simba can be unlocked by opening The Lion King Realm for Dreamlight.png 10,000, and completing the quest Stars to Guide Us.


Main article: Time.
Time Location
Dreamlight Valley.png 12:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.
Player House Icon.png 1:00 AM Inside his home.
Icon Eating.png 5:00 AM Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace eating inside the Restaurant.
Dreamlight Valley.png 7:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.
Icon Eating.png 5:00 PM Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace eating inside the Restaurant.
Dreamlight Valley.png 7:00 PM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.

Friendship Rewards

Simba will award the following rewards when Friendship levels are reached. Friendship can be leveled up through gifts, quests, conversation, or by hanging out.

Lvl Image Name Type
Friendship 2.png
Tropical Ceiling Vines.png
Tropical Ceiling Vines Furniture
Friendship 3.png
Simba Cub Portrait Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 4.png
Star Coin icon.png 500
Friendship 5.png
Geometric Cuffed Pants.png
Geometric Cuffed Pants Clothing
Friendship 6.png
Palm Leaf 2 Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 7.png
Star Coin icon.png 1,000
Friendship 8.png
Lion Cub Living Door.png
Lion Cub Living Door Furniture
Friendship 9.png
Moonrise Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 10.png
Simba's "Circle of Life" Window.png
Simba's "Circle of Life" Window[1] Furniture
  1. Rewarded after completing the quest Menu Icon Quests.png The Dreamlight Grove (Friendship 10.png Simba Level 10)


Main article Pride Rock

Simba lives in Pride Rock, a large rock formation which is constructed during the quest Eyes in the Dark for Star Coin icon.png 15,000, where he lives together with Nala, Pumbaa, and Timon.


Realm Quests

Friendship Quests

Character Dialogue

General Dialogue



  • Hey, PLAYER!
  • Hey there, PLAYER!
  • How's it going?
  • It's great to see you.

Gift Responses:

  • I really appreciate it. Thanks!
  • Oh wow. That's really thoughtful.
  • This is great! Thanks!

Hang Out Start Response:


Sure. I always like hanging out with you.

Hang Out End Response:


You've probably got other things to do. No worries!


Player Goodbye Options:

  • Sorry, I can't talk now.
Simba.png Scramblecoin Text

Scramblecoin Request Response:


Hope you're ready for some competition.

Scramblecoin Eager Float Text:


C'mon, let's play Scramblecoin. It'll be great!

Scramblecoin Player Victory Float Text:


Oh! Hey, you're really good at this game. Nice win!

Scramblecoin Player Draw Float Text:



Scramblecoin Player Defeat Float Text:



Daily Discussions

Are you hungry?

I could go for some grubs right now...

→  You still eat bugs?

Sure. But mostly when I'm with Timon and Pumbaa. It's what we've always done.

→  Wouldn't you prefer zebra?

Zebra is more filling than bugs. But bugs have lots of different flavors. I have to try some of both.

→  How do you get enough protein?

You have to eat a LOT of bugs. And there are some pretty big bugs everywhere.

Do you have a question?

Player, I've seen these structures around that lots of Villagers live inside. Why do you live inside them?

→  There's warmth.

Oh, okay. They're like your nests. Kinda like birds.

→  There's shelter.

Oh, I get it. That's why we sleep in caves.

→  There's Wi-Fi.

I don't know what that is.

Do you need any advice?

Say, Player. What do you think's the most important part of being a good king?

→   Balance.

Right... everything exists in a delicate balance. I need to remember that.

→  What if you slip up?

Then you have to find the balance again. Everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is that you learn from them.

→  Sounds hard.

It is hard. But it's also very important.

→   Respect.

That is important. I have to respect all the creatures in my kingdom, from the ants to the antelope.

→  And meerkats.

Hey, have you been talking to my friend Timon? Heh-heh.

→  But ants are small.

They may be small, but they're still important.

→  But you eat antelope.

Yep. And someday, I'll die, and my body will feed the grass. The antelope will eat the grass. It's all part of the Circle of Life.

→  Power.

That sounds like something Scar would say.

Simba.png When I was a cub, I thought being king meant you could do whatever you wanted. But I know that's not true now.
Simba.png If you had a choice, Player, do you think you'd want to be a ruler?
→  Yes.

I respect that, though I hope it's for the right reasons.

→  No.

I don't blame you. Being king is a tough job.

→  I already am.

I guess this Village is your kingdom, isn't it? Well, I hope you rule it well.

Is everyone getting along?
Simba.png My buddy Timon's still a little nervous around Nala. Before they met, she tried to eat Pumbaa.
Simba.png I'd like them to be better friends. Got any advice?
→   Dinner party.

Have a party about dinner? What would we eat?

→  Bugs.
Simba.png Timon and Pumbaa would love that. And Nala's starting to come around on 'em.
Simba.png She’s learning they can be slimy, yet satisfying.
→  Antelope.
Simba.png Uhh... Timon and Pumbaa don't eat antelope.
Simba.png And I think seeing Nala eat an antelope would just make Timon more nervous.
→  A chocolate cake?

I don't know what that is... but I bet Timon and Pumbaa would like it.

→  Hunting together.

I think going hunting with Nala would just make Timon more nervous. He's naturally wary of carnivores.

→  Hang out.

You mean spend some time relaxing together? That might help... if Timon can relax at all.

Something on your mind?

Nala's so amazing. She's smart and really strong.

→  She does a lot to help around here.
Simba.png Yeah, she takes on a lot of responsibility for the safety of the Valley.
Simba.png I think she sees everyone here as part of her pride.
→  I'm glad she's part of the Village.

Me too. She's pretty great to be around.

→  Blech. You sound all lovey-dovey.

I guess I do. Pretty lucky, huh?

What are you up to today? [roar]
Simba.png I don't have much occasion to roar here. I don't want to get out of practice. Let's see...
Simba.png Oh, sorry! Hope I didn't startle you, PLAYER. But... uh, what'd you think?
→  Perfect!

Thanks! My dad was a really great teacher.

→  It's a little loud.
Simba.png That's kind of the point of a roar.
Simba.png Gotta get everyone's attention.
→  Maybe a little more growl at the end?

You think so? Yeah, I can see that. I'll try to work it in.

What are you up to today? [Sunlit Plateau trip]
Simba.png Hey, Player. I'm heading out for a trip around the Sunlit Plateau with Nala.
Simba.png We're gonna visit all our old haunts. The water hole. The bendy tree.
→  Is this a date?

A date...?


You know. Doing something with someone you love. Usually you give them flowers and chocolates.


So... I should get some flowers for Nala? I don't know if she'd like that.


Ah, forget it. I guess it's just a silly human thing.

→  Sounds like fun.

It'll be nice to have some time together, just the two of us.

→  What about the Elephant Graveyard?
Simba.png I think we'll steer clear of that place.
Simba.png Too many bad memories.
What's on your mind? [bats birds]
Simba.png PLAYER, Nala and I are trying to figure something out.
Simba.png Maybe you can help: Are bats birds?
→  Yes, bats are birds.
Simba.png That's what I thought!
Simba.png They fly, they're not bugs... It just makes sense.
→  No, bats aren't birds.
Simba.png That's what Nala says. She thinks since bats don't have feathers, they're not birds.
Simba.png But I say, if it flies, and it's not a bug, it's a bird.
→  I have no idea.

I'm pretty sure bats are birds. They fly, they're not bugs... It just makes sense.

What's on your mind? [lion pun]
Simba.png Ya know, Player, some folks think I'm lazy...
Simba.png ...because I'm always "lion" around.
Simba.png You get it? "Lion" around?
→  Oh no. That's a terrible pun.
Simba.png You think so...? I thought I'd try it out, just to see.
Simba.png I told Timon and Pumbaa it wasn't funny, but they said it was.
→  Who'd you learn that joke from?
Simba.png Some hyenas. But then my friends, Timon and Pumbaa said it was pretty funny.
Simba.png Guess their sense of humor rubbed off on me a bit. Or maybe a lot.
→  At least you're honest and not a "cheetah."

Oh wow! Good one! I'm gonna have to remember that.

What's on your mind? [sunrise]

I love getting up early and watching the sunrise.

→  It's very beautiful.
Simba.png Yeah. And it's different every morning. Different colors. Different light.
Simba.png It makes everything feel new.
→  Why do you like it so much?
Simba.png I think it reminds me of my dad?
Simba.png He got up early once to show me our kingdom at the first light of sunrise.
→  Does it remind you of something?
Simba.png When I was a very small cub, Rafiki introduced me to all the animals of the kingdom.
Simba.png I don't really remember. But sometimes I have dreams.
Simba.png Dreams of being very tiny, and being lifted. And bright sunlight.
What's on your mind? [swimming]
Simba.png Ya know, Player, I love swimming. Especially when it's hot out.
Simba.png I gotta find a nice lagoon to swim in.
→  I thought cats didn't like water.
Simba.png Well, it took some getting used to – when I was young I didn't have a place to swim.
Simba.png You don't want to get lion hair in the water hole.
Simba.png But now I love it.
→  Who taught you to swim?
Simba.png Timon and Pumbaa. Well, kind of.
Simba.png Pumbaa fell into a pond, and I jumped in to help him.
Simba.png Eventually we realized the water was shallow enough that we could stand up.
→  Does Nala like swimming?
Simba.png ... Not so much.
Simba.png It's mostly just a me thing.
You look a little confused. What's up?
Simba.png I'm trying to figure out this riddle Rafiki once told me.
Simba.png What hide during the day, but guide us at night?
→  Fireflies.
Simba.png They do hide during the day! Or at least I can't see 'em.
Simba.png And it's fun to chase 'em. That's kind of like them guiding us. Right?
→  Stars.
Simba.png I think you're right. Stars only come out at night.
Simba.png And I know I've been guided by the stars...
→  Nocturnal travel guides?

I'm not sure what that is. But I doubt it's what Rafiki was talking about.

Observed Conversations

With Merlin

...told me that the great kings of the past look down on us from the stars.


I don't doubt it, lad.


Is that... magic?

Merlin.png Of a sort.
Merlin.png Where we're going. Where we've been.
Merlin.png Stories of the past. Hints of the future.
Merlin.png All those things can be seen in the stars.
→   With Nala
Simba asks Nala about her absence from the gathering (Menu Icon Quests.png The Great Gathering)

Hey, Nala. Player and I missed you at the party–


Party?! Simba, we were supposed to meet to scout for food.


Oh no! That was today...

Nala.png Yes. I know you wanted to have a gathering, but you also said you'd help me.
Nala.png And that's not all. Some of my memories of the Valley are starting to come back.
Nala.png I remember you used to have some sort of special role here, Simba.
Nala.png I think we need to figure out what it was. Or bad things will keep happening here.
Simba.png I'm sorry, Nala! I honestly just forgot.
Simba.png And you're right. We need to figure out this memory you've had.
Simba tells Nala the Dreamlight Trees are back (Menu Icon Quests.png Seed of Memories)

Nala, I wanted to...

Nala.png The Dreamlight Trees...!
Nala.png You brought them back!

Well, not just me. Player helped a lot!


Oh Simba, I'm so happy!


I remember everything now, Nala.

Nala.png Me too! With the Dreamlight Trees around...
Nala.png Now there'll be plenty of food for every animal in the Valley.
Nala.png You did well, Simba.
Nala.png I'm really happy.

Me too. Hey, maybe we can go relax under one of those trees later. What do you say?

With Scar (Menu Icon Quests.png Seed of Memories)
Scar.png Simba, Simba, Simba... I see the Dreamlight Tree is back...
Scar.png How... delightful.
Scar.png I imagine congratulations are in order.

Just stay away from the tree, Scar.

Scar.png Oh, I wouldn't dream of trying anything.
Scar.png But only because I know it would make Player terribly cross with me.
