Mulan's Tea Stall

Mulan's Tea Stall
Mulan's Tea Stall.png
Proprietor: Mulan
Unlock Quest: Menu Icon Quests.png A Daily Regime Mulan.pngFriendship 2.png

Mulan's Tea Stall is a stall which offers free tea Ingredientss after a set amount of time. It is unlocked during Mulan's level 2 friendship quest A Daily Regime.

It provides two benefits:


To unlock the stall the Mulan Realm need to be unlocked and Mulan needs to be at Friendship level 2. Speak to Mulan to begin the quest A Daily Regime. During the quest, Mulan will award the stall and give an objective to place it in the Valley.

Items Offered

All three slots offer unique tea ingredients, and three can be collected at no cost.

Item Limit Price
  Chrysanthemum Tea Leaves 3   0
  Jasmine Tea Leaves 3   0
  Oolong Tea Leaves 3   0

Quest Objectives

Mulan's Tea Stall is an objective during the following quests.

Quest Required Use
  A Daily Regime    1 Place, purchase ingredients from it.
