“Life's just full of twists and turns. I went from studying like crazy at Monsters University to the mailroom at Monsters, Inc. And now, I'm the All-Time Laugh Record holder.”
— Mike Wazowski
Mike Wazowski is a character from the Disney-Pixar film Monsters, Inc. (2001), and its franchise. He is unlocked after opening the Monsters, Inc. Realm and completing the quest Eye on the Prize.
His home is a large brick apartment building where he lives together with Sulley. Once unlocked, he will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Characters Collection.
He can be unlocked by completing the Monsters, Inc. realm quest Eye on the Prize. It is available after unlocking the Monsters, Inc. Realm. During the quest Mike and Sulley's Apartment must be constructed for 20,000, and after the construction is complete Mike Wazowski will move to the Valley.
- Main article: Time
Friendship Rewards
Mike Wazowski will award the following rewards when Friendship levels are reached. Friendship can be leveled up through gifts, quests, conversation, or by hanging out.
- Main article Mike and Sulley's Apartment
Mike Wazowski lives in a large modern brick apartment building that is unlocked during the Monsters, Inc. Realm quest Eye on the Prize and costs 20,000 to construct. He shares the building with his best friend and roommate Sulley.
Realm Quests
Friendship Quests
Dream Styles
Character Dialogue
General Dialogue
- Hey, PLAYER!
- A good Jokester knows... to make people laugh tomorrow, you need a good night's sleep tonight!
- Couldn't ask for a better day.
- Great to see ya!
- Hey, hey, hey!
- Hey hey, it's the new intern!
- Hey, if it isn't my good pal, PLAYER!
- Hey, pal!
- How ya doin'?
- Keep it up and you'll be Jokester Assistant of the Year!
- Lookin' good today!
- Nice to see ya!
- Rain, huh? Well, Sulley's not gonna need any odorant. He'll smell like wet fur all day.
- Rainy days are made for staying inside and catching up on comedy classics.
- What's goin' on?
- *yawn* Time to get some shut-eye.
Gift Responses:
- Hey, I always wanted one of these!
- Hey, thanks!
- Wow, this is really thoughtful. Thanks, PLAYER.
- You shouldn't have! But do it again whenever you want.
Hang Out Start Response:
- I thought you'd never ask!
- I'm your monster!
- Sure! And while we're at it, can I run a few jokes by ya?
- You betcha!
Hang Out End Response:
- Hey, you've been a terrific audience.
- Never a dull moment with you, PLAYER!
- That was great! Remember: You can call me anytime!
- Time of my life!
Player Goodbye Options:
- Sorry, I can't right now.
Scramblecoin Text
Scramblecoin Request Response:
You are about to meet your match, my friend!
Scramblecoin Eager Float Text:
Scramblecoin Player Victory Float Text:
What a game! You're what we in the comedy biz like to call a headliner!
Scramblecoin Player Draw Float Text:
Scramblecoin Player Defeat Float Text:
I can't believe it... I actually won! Don't take it too hard, pal. You've got definite potential.
Daily Discussions
- Are you looking for something?
- How would you improve the Valley?
- What are you so happy about?
You know a lot about comedy, right?
Do I? I literally wrote the manual on it. Let me tell you a secret about jokes - success is all about reading your audience. |
I'll give you an example - pick someone, anyone in the Valley. |
→ Merlin.
Okay... Well, Merlin's a brainy guy. All about learning and books. |
For him, I'd do some wordplay. High-brow stuff. Ya know, take out the thesaurus for the punch line. That'll get him chuckling! |
→ Stitch.
Stitch is easy! Two words... |
Physical. Comedy. |
One pratfall would have that guy in stitches. |
Ha! Stitch in stitches! I kill me. |
→ Mother Gothel.
Ooh... She'd probably laugh at anything mean. Ya know, insult comedy. |
Some comics say that a laugh's a laugh, but that's really not my brand. |
- You seem deep in thought, Mike.
You seem deep in thought, Mike.
Well, ya know, life's just full of twists and turns. |
I went from studying like crazy at Monsters University to the mailroom at Monsters, Inc. And now, I'm the All-Time Laugh Record holder. |
→ That sounds like a wild journey!
Oh, it was! Taking on the Scare Games, scaring a summer camp, uncovering a major corporate scandal, and getting unofficially exiled to the Himalayas! |
... Wow. I think I need to start working on my autobiography. |
→ Dreams come true in strange ways sometimes.
→ You should be proud of yourself.
Aw, thanks pal. |
I AM proud of me. AND Sulley too. He's been with me all this time. A guy couldn't ask for a better friend. |
- You're a funny guy, right?
Observed Conversations
With Sulley
Talking about Mike's big burp ( Eye on the Prize)
This burp is gonna be huge!
Bigger than that time you drank that fish tank full of Drooler Cool at Oozma Kappa?
Oh, right! That one was a classic.
Totally. You put a dent in the ceiling!
With Sally ( Decay to Grow)
Mike, you were eating the compost?
Yeah, it's great on sushi, burgers, salads — you name it! My compliments to the chef!
But Mike... I need that compost for my garden. My plants won't grow without it.
Wait... you're telling me you're NOT eating this?!
No. It's fine if you want a bit of it, but please leave some for the garden too.
Okay. Your loss. But sure, I can share!