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Type: Menu Icon Characters.png Character
From: Beauty and the Beast
Voiced By: Julie Nathanson
House: Beast's Castle
Unlock Quest: Menu Icon Quests.png A Prince in Disguise Beauty and the Beast.png The Beast.png
Hmm? Oh, I'm sorry. I was thinking about a new book I read.
— Belle

Belle is a character from the film Beauty and the Beast (1991). She is unlocked after completing the quest A Prince in Disguise and placing Beast's Castle anywhere in the Valley.

Her home is a large castle where she lives together with The Beast. Once unlocked, she will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Characters Collection.


Belle is unlocked after opening the Beauty and the Beast Realm for Dreamlight.png 12,500) and completing the quest A Prince in Disguise. During the quest Beast's Castle must be constructed for Star Coin icon.png 20,000, and as soon as the construction is complete Belle will move to the Valley.


Main article: Time
Time Location
Dreamlight Valley.png 12:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting her home.
Player House Icon.png 5:00 AM Inside her home.
Dreamlight Valley.png 9:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting her home.
Icon Eating.png 11:00 AM Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace eating inside the Restaurant.
Dreamlight Valley.png 1:00 PM Wandering the Valley or visiting her home.
Icon Eating.png 10:00 PM Chez Remy or Tiana's Palace eating inside the Restaurant.

Friendship Rewards

Belle will award the following rewards when Friendship levels are reached. Friendship can be leveled up through gifts, quests, conversation, or by hanging out.

Lvl Image Name Type
Friendship 2.png
Silver Platter Set.png
Silver Platter Set Furniture
Friendship 3.png
Chip and Glove Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 4.png
Star Coin icon.png 500
Friendship 5.png
Enchanted Rose Varsity Jacket.png
Enchanted Rose Varsity Jacket Clothing
Friendship 6.png
Framed Phillipe Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 7.png
Star Coin icon.png 1,000
Friendship 8.png
Grand Reading Nook.png
Grand Reading Nook Furniture
Friendship 9.png
Book Basket Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 10.png
Royal Gold Ball Gown.png
Royal Gold Ball Gown[1] Clothing
Royal Gold Ballroom Suit.png
Royal Gold Ballroom Suit[1] Clothing
  1. 1.0 1.1 Rewarded after completing the quest The Chronicles of the Ancients (Friendship 10.png Belle Level 10)


Main article Beast's Castle

Belle lives in a large traditional style castle together with The Beast. It is unlocked during the quest A Prince in Disguise, and costs Star Coin icon.png 20,000 to construct.


Realm Quests

Friendship Quests

Dream Styles

Style Name Unlocked
Belle Default.png
Belle Default appearance
Belle's Green Gown.png
Belle's Green Gown Starlight House Dream Bundle for Moonstone icon.png 4,000
Winter's Wonder Belle.png
Winter's Wonder Belle Royal Winter Star Path for Royal Winter Token.png 50 (T5 Premium)

Character Dialogue

General Dialogue



  • A new day means the possibility of a new adventure!
  • Bonjour!
  • Hello, PLAYER! What are your plans for the day?
  • Hmm? Oh, I'm sorry. I was thinking about a new book I read.
  • I'm reading the most wonderful book, PLAYER! I can't wait to tell you about it.
  • Look at the sun... It's so lovely here.
  • Oh, you're just who I was hoping to speak with.
  • This Village is very different from the one back home.
  • Weather like this always makes me want to stay inside with a good book.

Gift Responses:

  • A gift? How kind of you.
  • For me? How thoughtful!
  • I'm very grateful.
  • Oh, thank you so much.
  • This is lovely -- thank you!

Hang Out Start Response:


I am a pretty good assistant -- just ask my father.

Hang Out End Response:


Are we done? Well, I was happy to help!




Player Goodbye Options:

  • Bonjour, Belle!
  • Don't let me get in the way of daydreaming!
  • Enjoy it -- you're my guest!
  • I hope yours is exciting!
  • Improving the Village, as always!
  • Please -- no spoilers!
  • We'll talk later! Gotta go.
  • What are you waiting for? Go get cozy!
Belle.png Scramblecoin Text

Scramblecoin Request Response:


I can't wait to try out some of the strategies I've been reading about.

Scramblecoin Eager Float Text:



Scramblecoin Player Victory Float Text:


Oh! That was so much fun! I'll have to keep researching if I hope to win against you.

Scramblecoin Player Draw Float Text:



Scramblecoin Player Defeat Float Text:


The strategies I read about worked! Thank you for a lovely game, PLAYER.

Daily Discussions

Anything on your mind, Belle?

Player, I'm thinking of writing a book. Do you have any advice for how I should start?

→  What made you decide to do that?
Belle.png Well, I've loved books for as long as I can remember.
Belle.png So I thought it would be interesting to write some stories of my own.
→  At the beginning!

That does seem logical. Though I've read that some authors start by knowing their ending and finding their way to it.

→  Probably choose a topic?
Belle.png That is a good first step. Hmm... I suppose it could be about...
Belle.png An enchanted castle!
A whole book, though?
What an ambitious challenge!

I suppose you're right. I just want to make something for people to enjoy as much as I've enjoyed books by others.

  • Are you bored? Let's do something fun!
Are you bored? Let's do something fun!
Belle.png Hello, Player. I was wondering if you'd like to play a little game with me. It's something I've been thinking about since I met Lumiere and Cogsworth.
Belle.png If you were transformed into an object, what would you be?
→  A clock!

I can see that. You are useful and dependable like Cogsworth.

→  A candelabra!

Well, you are cheerful and bright. Very much like Lumiere!

→   Hmm... tough question!

I agree. But don't just think of things like clocks or teapots. It could be almost anything.

→   Something that's outside — like a well or a bench!

Is being outside important to you?

→  Yes — I love being outside!

Then I hope that bench-Player has been properly waterproofed!

→  It's more that I couldn't stand being indoors all the time.


→  A bookcase!
Belle.png Oh, that's wonderful! You could keep all your favorite books on your shelves!
Belle.png In fact, that might be my choice... Hmm... but could I still read the books?
→  A... xylophone?


Aren't you chipper today!

I just met Kristoff, Player. Did you know his best friend is a reindeer?!

→  Sven! I bet he's just adorable!

I'd love to meet him. Papa and I have a horse named Philippe whom I adore.

→  Think he's a little smelly?
Belle.png I imagine so. Though that's all right.
Belle.png Papa and I have a horse named Philippe whom I adore.
Belle.png And he has his own special barnyard aroma.
→  Have you ever met a reindeer?
Belle.png No. I've read about them, but I don't think there are reindeer in France.
Belle.png Papa and I do have a horse named Philippe whom I adore.

I wonder if Philippe would get jealous if he ever met Sven.

→  Has that happened before?

Actually, yes. Papa and I took care of a pony for one of our neighbors last year and Philippe was not happy.

→  I'm sure they'd get along great!

I hope so. Philippe can be a bit persnickety, though.

→  Do horses get jealous?

You'd be surprised. Papa and I took care of a pony for one of our neighbors last year, and Philippe was not happy.


But after some extra apples and spending lots of time with him, he always feels better.

Belle! I was looking for you!

Hello, Player. Was there something you wanted to ask me?

→  What's it like being an inventor's daughter?
Belle.png Oh... well... it's interesting... and inspiring, and often rather fun.
Belle.png Papa has always encouraged me to learn about everything I can.
Belle.png Not everyone at home understands us. And that can be... difficult.
Belle.png But I love my father, and I would do anything for him.
→  Do you have a favorite book?
Belle.png Oh, I could never pick just one!
Belle.png I love some books when I'm in a particular mood.
Belle.png Some I love anytime and read over and over.
Belle.png And some I've read just once, but they'll be with me forever.
→  I've heard you've tried a food called "gray stuff." How is it?
Belle.png It's surprisingly delicious!
Belle.png I'm sure you could find the recipe and make it if you'd like to try some.
Do you have any questions?

Player, would you tell me about where you come from? I love learning about different places.

→   I come from a faraway land...

That's amazing! Knowing you, I imagine it must be filled with magic.

→  No, it's kind of boring, unfortunately.

Oh, I'm sorry. I feel that way about my village sometimes, too.

→  Yes! The magic of friendship and love!

That really is the most important kind of magic, isn't it?

→  More like wonderful inventions!

Really? Oh, I wish my father could see it.

→   It's ordinary. Just like me.

Player, you certainly are not ordinary. In fact, you're VERY special.

→  Sometimes I don't feel very special.
Belle.png Oh, I understand. We all have days like that now and then...
Belle.png But look at where you are right now... and look at all that you've accomplished here!
Belle.png You've done so much for the Villagers. It's important to remember that.
→  You're just saying that.
Belle.png No. It's true.
Belle.png I wouldn't tell you something just to be polite. You're very special, PLAYER. We all see it.
→  I AM special!

And if you ever need reminding, just look around at all you've done.

Dreamlight Valley looks like something out of a storybook.

Player, I've been thinking... If this were a story, you'd certainly be written as the hero.

→  I'm no hero.

I disagree. But if you KNEW you were the hero, then it wouldn't be much of a story, would it?

→  Definitely!

Well, I'd want to read all about your adventures.

→  I'm more of the storyteller.

Oh... you know, you're right! You've created many adventures here already.


Hmm... what kind of character do you think I would be?

→  The damsel in distress.

Someone waiting around to be rescued? Oh, I don't think that's me at all. I'm quite capable of taking care of myself and rescuing others.

→  You're definitely the hero.
Belle.png Do you think so? Well, I do enjoy adventures... and traveling to new places... and helping others!
Belle.png Thank you, Player.
→  The genius inventor.

That's very kind. I've certainly learned a lot from my father, so I'd be happy to aspire to fill that role.

Hi Belle! You settling in nicely?
Belle.png Hello, Player. I wanted to tell you how much I'm enjoying my time here. I've made so many new friends!
Belle.png Especially Minnie. She loves books as much as I do.
→  That's good to hear!

It's nice to have friends with similar interests.

→  How did you two meet?
Belle.png We were both visiting Merlin to borrow books.
Belle.png So we ended up just trading books instead!
→  That must be a surprise!
Belle.png It's wonderful!
Belle.png I'm used to having only Papa and the Bookseller to talk to about literature.
Belle.png Minnie has books about the most unusual subjects.
Belle.png Yesterday she was reading all about steamboats.
Belle.png Papa's log-cutting machine runs on steam. I imagine they're similar, don't you think?
→  You should ask!

I will. We always enjoy discussing what we're reading.

→  No idea...

Well, then maybe we can both learn.

→  Yes. It's a boat that runs on steam.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to take a trip on one?! I'll have to ask Minnie if she's ever done that.

How do you like the Valley?
Belle.png Player, does it ever seem like some of the people here...
Belle.png are as exciting to be around as the characters in a wonderful book?
→  Like Merlin?
Belle.png Yes! I've read so many books about wise old wizards...
Belle.png It's wonderful to meet one in person!
→  Like WALL-E?
Belle.png Actually, WALL-E reminds me of Papa's inventions.
Belle.png I wonder if someday my father could invent something as astounding as him...
→  Like the fact that you can't throw a stick without hitting royalty?
Belle.png Yes, that's exactly what I mean!
Belle.png Oh, but please don't throw sticks at anyone.
How's your book, Belle?
Belle.png Do you have a favorite kind of book, Player?
Belle.png Is there a type of story or style that you always come back to?
→  Mystery!

Oh, I do like a good mystery. It's such fun to try and solve the puzzles!

→  Fairy tales, no contest.
Belle.png Oh, some of my favorite stories are fairy tales!
Belle.png Magical characters, talking animals, amazing places to visit in your imagination...
Belle.png I can read them over and over.
→   Let me think...

I know, it's difficult for me to pick too.

→  Romance!
Belle.png Romance! Well, there are some beautiful stories about love.
Belle.png It's funny... Lately, I've found myself interested in those books, too.
→  Non-fiction.
Belle.png My father loves technical books on physics and complicated mechanisms.
Belle.png I've read a few. They're not my favorites, but they certainly are interesting.
→  I'm not much of a reader...

Oh... Well, I'm sure that you have other things you like to do.

Tell me about your father!
Belle.png Player, I'd love to tell you about my father. He's an inventor. His most recent invention is a log-cutting machine.
Belle.png But he's also made a model of the solar system, and a device for washing dishes!
→  A log-cutting machine?!
Belle.png Yes. It cuts logs into firewood and runs on steam!
Belle.png He was going to enter it in a fair, but I'm afraid he didn't make it there.
Belle.png But hopefully next year. He's sure to win first prize!
→  A model solar system?!
Belle.png Yes. It has the sun, the Earth, and all the planets we can see through our telescope.
Belle.png He hung them on a metal wire and created a mechanism so they'll rotate when he turns a crank!
Belle.png I loved it when I was a child. Actually, I still do.
→  He made a DISHWASHER?!
Belle.png Yes. Though he did break most of our dishes testing it...
Belle.png But once we were able to buy new dishes, it was very useful!
Tell me about yourself.
Belle.png For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to have adventures, To see new places. To talk to people who understand me.
Belle.png Do you long for anything like that?
→  I'm the same!
Belle.png Oh, I'm so glad to hear that.
Belle.png It's nice to have someone around who understands.
→  I just want to stay here and take care of the Village.

Well, I'm glad your dream is coming true!

→  I'm happy with myself – the place doesn't matter!
Belle.png That's a wonderful way to look at things. I suppose if you think about the world around you with adventure in mind...
Belle.png ...then every day can be exciting, no matter where you are!
  • What do you think of Dreamlight Valley?
What do you think of Dreamlight Valley?

This Village reminds me a little of the village where I live with my father.

→   Was there a baker?

Oh yes. He bakes the most wonderful bread every day. Do you come from a rural village?

→  I do!

Then we have a lot in common. But I hope you felt like you belonged there. Sometimes I felt I was just too different from everyone else.

→  Actually... I'm from a big city.

How exciting! I've always dreamed of visiting a large city — maybe even living there!

→  I like to live far from people...

Well, I'm glad you can come here and have company.

→  But I can make this Village bigger!

I'm sure you will. Why, with the way things are growing, it may be more like a city soon.

→   Do you miss it?
Belle.png Oh, there are some things I miss very much. Especially my father. But... I never really felt like I belonged.
Belle.png Do you ever feel out of place? Like you don't quite belong?
→  All the time!

Then you understand. It's nice to know someone who does.

→  No way – I feel at home wherever!


→  I'm strange and I love it!


  • What's your favorite hobby?
What's your favorite hobby?

Do you like to read, Player? I love books that take me to different worlds filled with adventure.

→   I love reading!
Belle.png You do?! Well, I think we're going to be very good friends.
Belle.png I've read all of my books so many times. Do you have any stories I could borrow?
→  I left all my books at home!

Oh, that's too bad. Well, you're welcome to borrow one of mine anytime you'd like.

→  Only if you'll lend me one of yours.
Belle.png Of course!
Belle.png I'll lend you my favorite... It's about far-off places, daring swordfights and magic spells.
Belle.png And there's a surprise in chapter 3 that I think you'll really like.
→  I prefer not to lend out my books.


→   I'd rather go see a movie.

Oh... I don't know what that is. Would you tell me about it?

→  It's sort of like a... play?

Oh, I love plays! There's a traveling troupe that comes through our village each spring and puts on the most wonderful plays!

→  That's... a bit complicated.

Oh, I understand. I'd love to catch up, when you have some time.

→  It's like magic.

How interesting. I'd love to learn more when you have the time.

You feeling all right, Belle?
Belle.png Player, do you have a moment? I'm worried about the Beast.
Belle.png Do you think he'll find friends here? I have, and I really want that for him too.
→  I'm sure he will!
Belle.png I hope so. He could really use a friend.
Belle.png At his castle, he had the servants for company, but now? Well...
Belle.png He could use someone who's just a friend.
→  It may take time...
Belle.png You're right. These things often do take time.
Belle.png It certainly took me a while to see his good side and to really like him.
→  I'll help him!
Belle.png Will you? Oh, thank you. That would be wonderful.
Belle.png And I'll help too.
You seem restless, Belle!

You know, Player, I've been thinking I might want to try something new.

→  Time for an adventure!

That would be wonderful! I love visiting new places, experiencing new things, and meeting new people!

You're in luck. There are new people coming here all the time!
At least, if I manage to help them out!

Well, I know you helped me, so I'm sure you've done the same for others.

→  No longer into books?
Belle.png No, it's not that at all!
Belle.png It's just that sometimes I get inspired by what I read and want to experience it for myself.
→  Maybe talk to Moana? She's the adventurous sort!
Belle.png Is she? Oh, I can't wait to talk to her!
Belle.png Does she like books too?

I know she likes stories.


Thank you, Player. The Village would be far less interesting without you here to look out for everyone.

→  Just doing my best!

And your best is marvelous!

→  It's a solemn responsibility.
Belle.png I appreciate that you take it so seriously.
Belle.png But you mustn't forget to have fun now and then!
→  ... I'm looking out for people?
Belle.png Of course you are. You've done so much for everyone here.
Belle.png You're a very respected leader.

Observed Conversations

With Beast
Apologizing to Belle (Menu Icon Quests.png A Prince in Disguise)
The Beast.png

Belle, I'm really sorry for losing my temper. I should have asked why you were there so we could talk about it.


Thank you for saying that. I didn't mean to upset you. I was just... trying to understand more about you.

The Beast.png

You can ask me anything. But first... this is for you. For your writings.

Belle.png A journal... Oh, it's wonderful!
Belle.png Thank you. I'll use it to write about all of our adventures. In fact, do you think it might be time to have our next adventure?
The Beast.png

I would like that...

Giving Belle her gift (Menu Icon Quests.png Belle's Enchanted Day)
The Beast.png

Belle... I have a gift for you.

Belle.png Oh! My book! I wondered where this went.
Belle.png I was reading it before the Forgetting, but I couldn't find it anywhere.
The Beast.png

It was in pieces, I'm afraid. I did my best to mend it.

Belle.png Oh, you did a wonderful job!
Belle.png Hmm... there's just one thing...
Belle.png The part where the prince is revealed – it seems to be in the wrong spot.
The Beast.png

UGH! I knew I'd make a foolish mistake. I wanted it to be perfect!

Belle.png Oh, but it is!
Belle.png That only makes it more perfect.
With Moana

Moana, I've heard that you're an adventurer. That must be so exciting!

Moana.png Well, I am a wayfinder. And I did go on a pretty big adventure with Maui across the sea to restore the heart of Te Fiti.
Moana.png Which was amazing... and scary... and definitely exciting!

Goodness, I've only read about adventures like that.


Well, if you don't get seasick, we could go sailing together one day.


That would be wonderful!


  • 1.7: Added
  • 1.9: Added default Dream Style image
  • 1.10: * Idle fishing animation added, only appears in default Dream Style.
  • 1.12: Appearance in game updated
  • 1.13: Portrait in game updated

* Denotes uncertain version.