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Type: Menu Icon Characters.png Character
From: Mulan (Universe)
Voiced By: Isaac Robinson-Smith
House: Mulan's House
Unlock Quest: Menu Icon Quests.png Clearing the Road Mulan (Universe).png Mushu.png
Yeah, yeah, I know I'm small. But I am MIGHTY! Got it?
— Mushu

Mushu is a character from the film Mulan (1998). He is unlocked after opening the Mulan Realm and completing the quest Clearing the Road.

His home is a traditional-Chinese style house where he lives together with Mulan. Once unlocked, he will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Characters Collection.


Mushu is unlocked after opening the Mulan Realm for Dreamlight.png 15,000 Dreamlight and completing the quest Clearing the Road. The previous quest, Protecting the Camp, requires Mulan's House to be constructed for Star Coin icon.png 20,000, and once the construction is completed Mulan will move to the Valley, and the last steps in Clearing the Road can be completed. After finishing the quest Mushu will move to the Valley into Mulan's House.


Main article: Time
Time Location
Player House Icon.png 12:00 AM Inside his home.
Dreamlight Valley.png 4:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.
Menu Icon Scrooge Store.png 2:00 PM Scrooge's Store browsing clothing and furniture items for sale.
Dreamlight Valley.png 4:00 PM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.

Friendship Rewards

Mushu will award the following rewards when Friendship levels are reached. Friendship can be leveled up through gifts, quests, conversation, or by hanging out.

Lvl Image Name Type
Friendship 2.png
Red Dragon Firework.png
Red Dragon Firework Furniture
Friendship 3.png
Magnolia Pattern Material.png
Touch of Magic Material Material
Friendship 4.png
Star Coin icon.png 500
Friendship 5.png
Guardian Track Pants.png
Guardian Track Pants Clothing
Friendship 6.png
Dragon Seal Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 7.png
Star Coin icon.png 1,000
Friendship 8.png
Guardian Incense Burner.png
Guardian Incense Burner Furniture
Friendship 9.png
Mushu Mask Motif.png
Design Motif Motif
Friendship 10.png
Guardian Track Jacket.png
Guardian Track Jacket[1] Clothing
  1. Rewarded after completing the quest The Tiny Villagers Society (Friendship 10.png Mushu Level 10)


Main article Mulan's House

Mushu lives in a traditional-Chinese style house with Mulan. It is unlocked during the Mulan Realm quest Protecting the Camp, and costs Star Coin icon.png 20,000 to construct.


Realm Quests

Friendship Quests

Character Dialogue

General Dialogue



  • Hey there, PLAYER!
  • Don't you mortals ever sleep?
  • I'm ready to get this show on the road!
  • I've got your back — whatever you need.
  • The Valley's Guardian dragon at your service.
  • What's going on?
  • Yeah, yeah, I know I'm small. But I am MIGHTY! Got it?

Gift Responses:

  • Don't mind if I do!
  • Oh, this is nifty! You sure are bringing honor to your family.
  • Ooh, I like this. I like this a LOT.

Hang Out Start Response:


Aw, I knew you liked me.


Say the word and I'm there!


Who's your favorite dragon? Me, right? Go on, you can say it.

Hang Out End Response:


I should go check on Mulan. See how she's doing.


Oh, we're done? Gotcha.


You need a break? No problem. I know you mortals don't have my dragon super-energy.


Player Goodbye Options:

  • Let's talk later.
  • See you around.
Mushu.png Scramblecoin Text

Scramblecoin Request Response:


I am in it to win it!

Scramblecoin Eager Float Text:



Scramblecoin Player Victory Float Text:


Ooh! You got me.

Scramblecoin Player Draw Float Text:



Scramblecoin Player Defeat Float Text:



Daily Discussions

Can you tell me about being a spirit Guardian?

You got questions about my job? Ask away! I am an expert Guardian, you know.

→  What do you do?
Mushu.png That's easy. I protect the Fa family from danger!
Mushu.png Guide 'em in big life choices, protect 'em from harm...
Mushu.png You know, Guardian stuff.
→  You only guard one family?
Mushu.png Yep. The Fa family. Mulan's family. Families have their own Guardians.
Mushu.png Technically, I serve the ancestors.. They tell me what to do, and I go and do it.
→  Are there other Guardians?
Mushu.png Yeah. In the Fa family, we got an ox, a monkey, and a few others.
Mushu.png The monkey and me are pretty good friends. She's not all "I-am-a-Guardian-I-must-be-serious-at-all-times" like the others.
Mushu.png Uh, don't ask about the Great Stone Dragon, though. He's on a leave of absence.
  • How do you feel about Mulan?
How do you feel about Mulan?

Mulan? *sniff* She's my pride and joy. My all-grown-up hero who saved China!

→  She's really cool.


→  You must have great friends.


→  Is she really that impressive?
Mushu.png Is she really that impressive? That's what you're asking me?
Mushu.png I don't know. Why don't you ask THE EMPEROR OF CHINA?!
Mushu.png Pshaw.
So Mulan's pretty famous, huh?

Oh yeah. Everyone knows Mulan. She's famous across all of China now!


But I'll let you in on a little known fact: I'm pretty much the secret to her success.

→  I'm skeptical.
Mushu.png What?! I am scandalized by your doubt. Scandalized.
Mushu.png You just ask Mulan. She'll back me up on this.
→  How do you help her?
Mushu.png Well, I give her invaluable advice. And when she first joined the army, I made her breakfast every morning.
Mushu.png Gotta start the day right. With lots of protein. And I like to add a little smiley face, just to brighten her day.
→  Why is it a secret?
Mushu.png Well, a Guardian mostly works in the background. We're advisors. Fonts of wisdom.
Mushu.png Sometimes I'll set off a firework or two.
Mushu.png But most of the time, it's the advice and the wisdom.
Tell me about dragon things.
Mushu.png You wanna know what it's like to be a dragon?
Mushu.png Well, I am the expert. Ask away!
→  Can you breathe fire?
Mushu.png Can I breathe fire? Of course I can breathe fire!
Mushu.png That's dragon basics. You got any marshmallows that need roasting?
→  Can you fly?
Mushu.png Can I fly? Well. I suppose that depends on your definition of "fly."
Mushu.png To quote one of my fellow small Villagers...
Mushu.png I have occasionally been known to "fall with style."
→  Do you know the Great Stone Dragon?
Mushu.png Why? You want an autograph?
Mushu.png Don't hold your breath. He's, uh... indisposed.
Mushu.png Let's just say he cracked under pressure.
  • You need some advice?
  • ... You're kinda tiny.
... You're kinda tiny.

EXCUSE ME. I am not tiny. I am travel size.

→  I meant it as a compliment. You're adorable!


→  Sorry — I didn't mean to insult you.


→  Travel size?
Mushu.png So that Mulan can carry me all over China!
Mushu.png Dragon Guardian of the Fa family pocket-sized for your convenience.
