
Revision as of 15:17, 29 June 2024 by Lizz (talk | contribs) (|friendshipLevel10XP=44000 - testing done using apple arcade account during update 8-10)
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Type: Menu Icon Characters.png Character
From: Moana (Universe).png Moana
Voiced By: Auli'i Cravalho
House: Moana's Fale
Unlock Quest: Menu Icon Quests.png How Far You'll Go Moana (Universe).png

Moana is a character from the film Moana (2016).

She's encountered after travelling through one of the initial three realm gates to the Moana Realm, and can be invited to the Valley after completing her necessary quests and placing/purchasing her home.


Inside the Moana Realm you must complete the quest   How Far You'll Go given by Moana. After completing this quest and placing Moana's House she'll move to the Valley.


Main article: Time.
Time Location
  12:00 AM Unavailable. Sleeping inside her home.
  2:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting her home.
  3:00 AM Chez Remy eating inside the Restaurant.
  5:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting her home.
  3:00 PM Chez Remy eating inside the Restaurant.
  5:00 PM Wandering the Valley or visiting her home.
  6:00 PM Scrooge's Store browsing clothing and furniture items for sale.
  8:00 PM Wandering the Valley or visiting her home.
  10:00 PM Unavailable. Sleeping inside her home.

Friendship Rewards

Moana will award the following rewards when Friendship levels are reached. Friendship can be leveled up through gifts, quests, conversation, or by hanging out.

Lvl Image Name Type
Pink Woven Camisole Clothing
Design Motif Custom Clothing Motif
Cooking Fire Pit Furniture
Design Motif Custom Clothing Motif
Conch Shell Furniture
Design Motif Custom Clothing Motif
Tropical Flourish Gown[1] Clothing
  1. Rewarded after completing the quest   The Ceremony (  Moana Level 10)


Main article Moana's Fale

Moana lives in a rustic-looking beach hut named Moana's Fale. It is unlocked during the Moana Realm quest How Far You'll Go, and costs   2,000 to construct.

Moana's Boat

Main article Moana's Boat
Moana's Boat at level 10

After finishing the quest   Fixing the Boat, Moana will passively gather fish, which can be collected from her boat.

Daily Discussions

Are you okay, Moana?

I was just thinking about my Gramma. I still really miss her.

→  Who is that?
  My Gramma Tala. My father's mother. I loved her so much. She... she understood me.
  She told me the story of Te Fiti. And that our ancestors were voyagers.
  Sometimes I feel her spirit with me, but I still miss what we had. I was really lucky to have her.
→  The grief will pass.
  I know. The sadness... it's softer than it used to be.
  When she died I was so sad; it was like a sharp pain. But now it's like a distant ache. Familiar, almost comforting.
  I guess that's the love.
→  You'll always have her memory.
  You're right. And that's really comforting. She wouldn't want me to stay sad. And I won't.
  But she was important. I don't want my heart to forget her.
Did you always want to sail away?

When I was young, my father wanted me to be happy where I was. To focus on my responsibility to our people.


But there was something inside me that called me to the ocean. I found a way to bring those two things together. Our people are voyagers again.

→  I'd like to voyage someday.
  Oh, I know you'd love it!
  After seeing how you were in my canoe, I can tell the ocean calls to you just as much as it does to me.
→  I'm happy right where I am. No voyaging for me.
  I know a lot of people who feel that way. And I love Motunui. I'm always happy there. And in your Village, too.
  But the ocean is always calling to me to sail and explore.
→  I'm glad you found a way to bring those two things together.
  Me too. I'm so grateful.
  Discovering who we were made who we are even more incredible!
Do you have a question?

Player, I'm curious. Have you ever sailed on the ocean?

→  I'm afraid of the water.
  That's understandable. The ocean can be frightening, especially in a storm.
  But if you get to know the currents and learn to sail, it can be amazing!
→  Never, but I want to!

That's great! Maybe someday we can take a voyage together.

→  Of course I have! The water calls me.
  Me too!
  When I was little, I'd go to the shore every chance I got. And one day... the ocean introduced itself to me!
  At least that's what Gramma Tala said. I was just a baby, so I don't really remember.
How's your day going?

Hey, Player! I was wondering, have you seen all the turtles on Dazzle Beach?

→  They're so cute!

I know! I love watching them crawl around.

→  There are so many different kinds.

I know! I love watching them crawl around.

→  No, I haven't seen them.

Well, they're very cute! You should look for them on Dazzle Beach.


Oh, and if you're wondering... they really like seaweed.


I'm sure if you gave them some, you could have a whole bunch of turtles following you around.

I've got a question for you...

Have you noticed anything interesting in the seas around the Beach?


I found lots of little islands. But there's something strange about this place.


Whenever I try to go back and find the same island twice... it's gone.

→  Maybe you navigated to the wrong spot?
  I don't think so.
  I've gotten pretty good at wayfinding.
  Something weird is happening with the waters around the Village. I just need to figure out what.
→  Maybe it drifted somewhere else?
  That's the funny thing. I think they ARE moving, but it's even stranger than that.
  Sometimes I'll be sailing towards an island and I'll blink... and all of a sudden...'s just gone. And then ten minutes later, I find it somewhere else.
  I need to figure out how to map them... or if there's any pattern to it...
→  Maybe... I don't know. Dreamlight Valley is weird
  You're right. It is.
  I just wonder if it's weird in a way that I can figure out, and use that to help us.
Let's talk about nature.

Ever since I was a little girl, I could feel the ocean calling to me.


Is there a place in nature that makes you happiest?

→   It's hard to decide. I love nature!

That's great! For me, it's definitely the ocean. Even if sometimes I have a hard time figuring out what it wants.


But if you HAD to choose, what's your favorite place in nature?

→  I love the forest.

Really? I'd love to learn more about the forest. I've seen so many new trees just in the Village!

→  I love the ocean.

It's incredible, right? So beautiful and yet so wild. I could never live away from the water.

→  I love the mountains.

I've seen the mountains here in the distance, but I haven't been there yet. I bet the view is amazing!

→   I like the indoors best!

Really? What do you like to do indoors?

→  I like to read books.

Interesting... I'd love to know more about that. You'll have to show me sometime!

→  I like to cook.

Well, if you ever want to cook for me, I'd be okay with that. Being out on the water always makes me hungry!

→  I play video games.

I'm sorry, I don't know what that is. But it sounds interesting.

Tell me about food on Motunui?

Do you ever think about coconuts? I mean, REALLY think about them?

→   Yes.



You do?! Oh... Well, what do you think of coconuts?

→   They're useful.
  Sure. They're definitely useful. We use the fibers and leaves. We drink the water and eat the meat.
  But there's more to life than coconuts, right?
→  Right.
  Thank you! Don't get me wrong; I'm grateful for coconuts. But a person can't live on coconuts alone.
  A person needs to explore, and find out who she is! ... Wait, you know I was just using coconuts as a metaphor, right?
→  No, only coconuts.

Okaaaay... You'd really like my dad.

→  They're kind of boring.
  That's what I think! Don't get me wrong; I'm grateful for coconuts. But a person can't live on only coconuts.
  A person needs to explore, and find out who she is! ... Wait, you know I was just using coconuts as a metaphor, right?
→   No.

Well, my dad does. A LOT.


And coconuts are definitely useful! We use the fibers and leaves. We drink the water and eat the meat.


But there's more to life than coconuts, right?

→  Right.
  Thank you! Don't get me wrong; I'm grateful for coconuts. But a person can't live on coconuts alone.
  A person needs to explore, and find out who she is! ... Wait, you know I was just using coconuts as a metaphor, right?
→  No, only coconuts.

Okaaaay... You'd really like my dad.

→  I'm allergic.
  You're allergic to coconuts? Wow, that must be really hard. On Motunui, almost everything is made from coconuts!
  I guess you can eat fish, though? I hope you like fish.
What are you up to today?

Hey, Player! I was exploring some of the caves on Dazzle Beach earlier.


If you haven't visited them already, you definitely should. Some of the artifacts in there are so beautiful!


I wonder who built them.

→  Merlin?
  I asked Merlin about them.
  He kept muttering "Curious, curious..." and went to his library.
  So I don't think it was him.
→  Goofy?
  Hm, I don't think Goofy would build something like what I saw in those caves.
  But I'll ask him. Maybe he knows about them.
→  Somebody we don't know.
  You're probably right. Whoever built the artifacts in those caves must've lived here a really long time ago, before any of us got here.
  I wonder who they were?
  We should be careful not to disturb anything down there... but it's amazing to see what they made.
What's on your mind? [after Coconut ingredient unlocked]

Now that we have coconuts in the Valley, I hope everyone gets a lot of use out of them.


They're pretty good for just about anything.

→  Coconut soup.

Mm! I'd need to catch some fish, but coconut milk can make a delicious soup.

→  A coconut helmet.

You know, on our journey together, Maui and I faced off with some tiny scavengers called the Kakamora. They use coconuts as armor.

→  Nets out of the fibers!

Yes! Wait -- I think I taught you that one.

Will you go sailing today?

I'm not sure if I'll go sailing today. It depends on the weather.

→  Have you sailed in storms?
  A few. It's dangerous.
  ...and maybe a little bit exciting.
→  What's the best weather for sailing?
  It depends on what you're doing. Cloudy days are good for fishing.
  The sun feels amazing, but you want to make sure you have some shade.
  So it's good that you can use a sail for shade when you need it.
You look a little down.

When I miss Gramma Tala, I go to the ocean shore. She loved to dance in the shallows.


What do you do when you miss someone?

→   I tell stories about them!

That's really smart. We tell lots of stories on Motunui. Gramma Tala was an amazing storyteller.

→  What kinds of stories did she tell?

All kinds. But her favorite was about our history. How Maui stole the heart of Te Fiti and about the demon who tried to get it back! Some of my friends used to get scared, but I was just excited.

→  Do YOU tell stories now?

I do! My favorites are the scary ones about the Realm of Monsters! Not that I want to scare anyone. Unless they like that!

→  Did you have a favorite story?

I do. It's about how Gramma Tala came to me when I lost my way. She really helped.

→   I call my friends to hang out with them.

I have a lot of people to talk to, too. But Gramma Tala was... different. She really understood me.

→  What did you like best about her?

She didn't care if people thought she was different. She was just so much... herself.

→  Do you think you're like her?

I hope so. I try to follow my heart. I think she did that too.


Realm Quests

Friendship Quests

Repeatable Quests


  • 1.0: Added
  • 1.3: New Daily Discussion topics added: How's your day going?, I've got a question for you..., What are you up to today?