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Type: Menu Icon Characters.png Character
From: The Little Mermaid.png The Little Mermaid
Voiced By: Pat Carroll
House: Ursula's Lair
Unlock Quest: Menu Icon Quests.png With Great Power... Merlin.png Menu Icon Story.png

Ursula is a character from the Disney film The Little Mermaid (1989).

She only can be found inside bodies of water - either ponds or the ocean.

The player can hang out with her and assign her a role if it purchases the Ursula's Transformation Dream Bundle, which grants Ursula her human form, known as "Vanessa". As a curiosity, she can be given any role except for fishing, possibly due to her being a sea creature. Also, if she is turned back into her sea witch form after assigning her a role, the player loses the option to hang out with her and can only regain it if she is turned into a human again. She maintains her role though.


Ursula is unlocked during the quest   With Great Power.... Unlike most characters her house is unlocked in a separate friendship quest -   Lair Sweet Lair.


Main article: Time.
Time Location
  12:00 AM Unavailable. Sleeping inside her home.
  4:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting her home.

Friendship Rewards

Ursula will award the following rewards when Friendship levels are reached. Friendship can be leveled up through gifts, quests, conversation, or by hanging out.

Lvl Image Name Type
Dark Blue Button-Up Vest Clothing
Design Motif Custom Clothing Motif
Nautilus Bedside Lamp Furniture
Design Motif Custom Clothing Motif
Poor Unfortunate Bookcase Furniture
Design Motif Custom Clothing Motif
Sea Witch's Gown[1] Clothing
  1. Rewarded after completing the quest   A Deal with Ursula (  Ursula Level 10)


Ursula's Lair
Main article Ursula's Lair

Ursula's house is a dark sea cave. It's made available to place during the quest   Lair Sweet Lair, and costs   8,000.


Story Quests

Friendship Quests

Repeatable Quests

Dream Bundle Quests

Dream Styles

Style Name Unlocked
  Ursula Default appearance
  "Vanessa" Ursula's Transformation Dream Bundle for   4,000

Daily Discussions

  • Can I ask you a question? [when Vanessa]
Can I ask you a question? [when Vanessa]

Of course, child.


I was wondering what you thought of the flowers on the surface?

→  There aren't many of them under the ocean.


→  Have you found any use for them?


→  I think they'd be great for your temper problem.
  Watch yourself, PLAYER. I don't like what you're implying.
  I'm passionate and ambitious, neither of which I'll apologize for!
Did you need anything?

Player, I have a very important question for you...




What color do you hold most dear?

→  Red.

How interesting. That's very good to know.

→  Blue.

How interesting. That's very good to know.

→   None of these. My favorite color is...

Go on...

→  Green.

How interesting. That's very good to know.

→  Purple.

Are you trying to flatter me? It's working.

→  Wait... why do you want to know?

So suspicious! Good. That's smart.


Knowing someone's favorite color can tell you a great deal about them.

→  What did my answer tell you about me?

Oh, I wouldn't dream of giving that away.

→  What's YOUR favorite color?

Sorry, angelfish, but I never give away my secrets.

→  Actually, my favorite color is plaid.

That's a pattern, angelfish. Not a color.

Do you have time to talk?

What is it?


Well, speak up! Mustn't lurk about, silent as a clam. It's rude. If you have something to ask me, ask!

→  How did you learn magic?
  Oh, I've always had a natural talent for it. When I lived in Atlantica, I did research on magic and alchemy.
  And after I was banished, I experimented on anyone-- I mean, anything I could find.
→  Why do you turn merpeople into those shriveled gray beings?
  You're talking about my garden? The unfortunate souls who failed to meet the terms of our agreements? It's simple really.
  I can't let word get out that my contracts are breakable. Besides, it makes me happy to see Triton's subjects writhe on my particular type of hook.
  • How do you feel about flute music?
How do you feel about flute music? [when Vanessa]

Terrestrial flute music? What a horror! One disadvantage of walking on land is having to hear that excruciating din!


Now aquatic flutes... they're entirely different!

→  What's wrong with regular flutes?!


→  Never heard of aquatic flutes!


→   Are there aquatic brass instruments?

We have our own versions. Think less brass and more shell.


Oh, I didn't think of that.

  Occasionally, a human instrument washes overboard from a ship.
  But they sound even more hideous underwater.

I guess I never considered how music might be different underwater!


If you ever grow gills, you really should ask Ariel for a tour.

  • How's your garden going?
How's your garden going? [when Vanessa?]



And now that I can walk about on dry land, I'm considering creating a new one here as well.

→  That's a great idea!


→  Planning on growing anything in particular?


→   This one won't have unfortunate souls, will it?

... No promises.


Ursula! That's not being very neighborly!


Fine. Let's just say that unfortunate souls won't be the first things I'll plant.


Basil, ginger, lemon, mint... I've learned they all have interesting uses in potion-making.


I hear you're an excellent terrestrial gardener -- any tips for someone used to growing things underwater?

→  Be careful about overwatering!


→  Talk to your plants to help them grow.


→  Dreamlight helps things grow here -- go wild!

Dreamlight... I'll remember that.

  • Is learning to walk again hard?
Is learning to walk again hard? [when Vanessa]










  • So Ursula, what's your secret to life?
So Ursula, what's your secret to life?

Let me give you some advice, angelfish. Find out how to turn every situation to your advantage.


It's the only way to gain anything in this world.

→  That's not very nice.


→  But aren't people getting upset after a while?


→  That got you stuck in a cave...
  Only because someone got the upper hand ONE time. But it goes to show you, my dear: Never be slowed down by setbacks.
  After all... Now I'm out and freer than ever!
Something bothering you?

Player, just who I wanted to see. I'm in need of a sympathetic ear, dear.

→  What's wrong?

[continue to next line]

→  Are you all right?

[continue to next line]

→  What is it now?

[continue to next line]


I've had it up to here with a certain pointy-hatted, long-white-bearded, know-it-all wizard...

→  Why are you upset with Merlin?

[continue to next line]

→  I have no idea who you're talking about.
  Do I have to spell it out for you?

That windbag goody-two-shoes is always lecturing me on the proper uses of magic. As if I need lessons in magical etiquette!


Ugh, now I've got myself all in a lather. Just be sure to keep that pompous barnacle away from me.

What are you thinking about?

Oh, Player, it's you. I was just musing over the distant past. Did you know that I used to live in Atlantica? In the palace, in fact.

→   Why did you leave?

It wasn't by choice, you can be sure of that. King Triton, the tyrant, exiled me.


I was banished to waste away in the darkest part of the ocean.

→  That's terrible!
  Isn't it? All the world turned against poor innocent me. And what did I do?
  Practically nothing! I only gave the merfolk what they asked for. Is it my fault they didn't like the price?
→  Why?
  Oh, it was over practically nothing! I only gave the merfolk what they asked for. Is it my fault they didn't like the price?
  It was all an excuse. I know Triton was really frightened by my power.
→   Did you like it there?

Of course! It's a palace! Oh, I miss the comforts. The feasts, the festivals. Servants at my beck and call.


What would you miss if you were driven off and forced to live in the... well, I suppose for you it would be the woods?

→  Ice Cream.
  Oh, I've heard of that. A cold, sugary treat, am I right?
  I wonder if anyone here makes it in kelp flavor?
→  Television.

Hm. I have no idea what that is. Some sort of ludicrous human invention, I suppose.

→  Video games.

I have no idea what that is. But I do enjoy games. Especially when I get to make the rules.

→  Why do you look different?
  You mean why am I not a waifish merperson with a dinky little green tail?
  I look different because I AM different, dear.
  Not just different. Better!
What are you up to today?

I think I'll brew some potions today. Mustn't let my stocks get too depleted.

→  What kinds of potions?

[continue to next line]

→  How do you do that?
  Oh, I'll never share my secret recipes, Player. That would be telling.
  Hmm... now, what to make today?
→  ... Evil potions?
  Ha! Always so suspicious.
  Don't worry, angelfish. What I make today will only be for me. Hmm... now, what do I need...

Magical ink. Oh, and moisturizer. Can't run out of that.

→  What do you use magical ink for?
  My contracts, of course.
  The ink needs to be mystically binding and waterproof.
→  What do you need moisturizer? You live underwater.

Oh, darling. There's a difference between my skin being moisturized and simply having moisture on it.

→  Can I have some?
  No, that wouldn't be wise, dearie. The ingredients I use are safe for seafolk.
  But they might be poisonous to humans.
  And even if they weren't... you can't get something for nothing, you know.
What are you working on?

I need a new potion to attract customers. Player, what sort of magical potion do you think would be most in demand here?

→  Love Potion.

Oh, those tired old things. I've made a million of them. Though I suppose I could make one that's designed just for the Villagers here. They're not all merfolk, after all.

→  Beauty Potion.
  That's called makeup, angelfish. Though I suppose I could add a little magic to some.
  Maybe a cheek color that only blushes when you want it to. Hmm... that might be quite the seller.
→  Luck Potion.

Luck spells are tricky, but they do sell well. Not a bad idea.

What's going on?

Say, Ursula, there's something I've been wondering about.


How do you get around the Village so fast?


Sometimes I'll see you swimming in the ocean... and then a minute later you're in a pond in the Meadow.

→  It's impressive.

[continue to next line]

→  It's confusing.

[continue to next line]

→  It's freaking me out!

[continue to next line]


Oh dearie, there's an entire world beneath this Village that you know nothing of.


There are countless secret waterways and passages that let me be anywhere I want.


... And keep an eye on anyone I want.


You might rule the Village above the surface, but in the waterways, I'm the one with all the power.

→   I'm fine with sharing!

I don't mind if everyone plays a role in taking care of this Village, above or below.


Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Can you possibly be so naïve? No one's ever satisfied with just a little power.


Sooner or later... you and I are going to have to make some deals, angelfish.

→   You want power? Be ready for responsibility.

If there's a world beneath this Village, you better be ready to take care of it, just like I take care of the Valley above.


Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Responsibility? You sound like that windbag, Merlin.


If power were nothing but a chore, then there wouldn't be so many trying to get it.


Don't be afraid to have a little fun, angelfish.

→   You better not try anything, Ursula. I'm watching you.

Dreamlight Valley is a place where we can all get along together in peace. Don't ruin that.


Is that a threat, angelfish?


... I love it! You're finally learning.


Don't worry. I have no interest in taking over your precious Valley...



What's on your mind?

Tell me, Player, what do you think of my earrings?

→  They're pretty.

Aren't they? It took me ages to find two shells that matched so perfectly.

→  They don't suit you.

Bah! What do you know about jewelry? I'm fond of them. That's all that matters.

→  I don't know much about jewelry.

What's there to know? Wear what suits you and makes you happy.


After all, no ensemble is complete without the proper accessories.

→  I agree.

Oh, I do love it when you agree with me.

→  You would know.

Of course I would. In my day, I was quite the fashion icon at the palace, you know.

→  I'm sure you could make your look work without them.
  Of course, dear. I have enough natural beauty to make anything WORK.
  The question is whether or not the look is COMPLETE.
You seem lost in thought.

I came so CLOSE to becoming ruler of all the ocean!


I had the trident in my hand and the crown on my head!


Can you imagine the power?

→   I don't want that kind of power.

You're lying to yourself, dear. Domination over the seven seas.


If you tasted that power, you'd crave it as much as I do.

→  No way.

Oh, so certain, are we? I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Heh-heh-heh.

→  ... Maybe.

That's what I thought.

→  That sounds amazing.
  It was. It was!
  And then that insipid little princess and her petty prince ruined it all.
  But I'll get my revenge. Just you wait and see.
→  That's probably why you lost... You got distracted by power.
  Hmph. Well, you're not wrong.
  I might have gotten a little carried away with the storm and the whirlpool.
  But it was so exciting! I couldn't help myself.


  • 1.0: Added
  • 1.3: New Daily Discussion topics added: Did you need anything?, Something bothering you?, What are you up to today?, What's going on?, What's on your mind?
  • 1.8: Changed sleep schedule