Lair Sweet Lair

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Lair Sweet Lair
Ursula Quest
Quest Information
Categories: Menu Icon Quests.png Friendship Quest Menu Icon Friendship.png
Prerequisites: Progress further with Merlin
Rewards: Friendship (180)


Lair Sweet Lair is a Friendship Quest available from Ursula.

A task in this quest is to place and build Ursula's House, which costs Star Coin icon.png 8,000.

Quest Text

Despite being freed, Ursula is still missing something. You decide to find out what it is.

Since she's out of the cave, Ursula needs a proper lair. It's up to you to make sure she gets it.

Once you've gathered the materials for the Magical Scroll and Ink Kit, it's time to craft them.


Dream Shard (6).
Craft Purple Pigment (2).
Craft Empty Vial (1).


Speak with Ursula to start the quest once the requirements have been met.

Ursula.png Well, look who's here for a visit after freeing me from this horrid cave.
Ursula.png Alas, nothing in the Valley compares to my home in Triton's palace...
Ursula.png Or my little soul garden. Such comfort is only a dream now... unless... YOU help?

I can give you...

→  A home, no questions asked.
Ursula.png You could? Fabulous, dearie. I'd like a beachfront house.
Ursula.png Something elaborate, but also fitting my dark aesthetic. Visitors should be a little nervous.
Ursula.png It keeps them on their toes... or fins.
→  A home... for a price.
Ursula.png Hmm... Seems you aren't the pushover I thought.
Ursula.png Fine. You want you swim with the big fish? Let's make a deal!
Ursula.png Get me a house on the Beach and help me with an errand, and I'll give you EXACTLY what you deserve.

The player must then place Ursula's Lair somewhere in the waters of Dazzle Beach. Once placed, the player can check the Scrooge McDuck Sign to talk with Scrooge.

Scrooge McDuck.png

Trust me: This is prime real estate. Certainly worth the investment.

→  Let's finish fixing up the House. (Use Star Coin icon.png 8,000)
Scrooge McDuck.png

Great Scott! It's perfect! My work here is done!

After paying Scrooge Star Coin icon.png 8,000 to build Ursula's Lair, the player must find and talk to Ursula.

Ursula.png Nice work, angelfish. My new House beats Triton's palace any day. Except for the exterior... needs more curb appeal...
Ursula.png But it's definitely better than that cave I was stuck in.
Ursula.png And now that I know you're gullible... Ah! I mean KIND,
Ursula.png I need you to run a little errand for me.
Ursula.png It's simple, dearie. Nothing really. Just sneak into Houses and BORROW some Paper.
Ursula.png A girl has to be prepared to whip up some contracts, you know.

Sneak into houses?.

→  I love sneaking around!

I thought you would. Now don't come back until you have what I need.

→  I'll need to let them know first.
Ursula.png Ugh. Do-gooders. Always wasting my time... Fine!
Ursula.png If you insist on COMPLICATING things, ask that nosy wizard for help.

If the player chooses to let the Villagers know about taking Paper from them, they must first talk to Merlin about Ursula's errand.


Player! Oh dear, you look worried. Is there something I can help you with?

→  I just need some paper.
Merlin.png Oh, well that doesn't seem like anything to get worked up about.
Merlin.png Many of our Villagers have paper in their homes. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to share with you.
Merlin.png I'll just let them know you'll be visiting.
→  Ursula wants me to sneak into people's houses to get paper.
Merlin.png Sneak?! How dare she?! ... Of course, she IS Ursula.
Merlin.png Well, not to worry. We'll get this sorted. I'll simply let our fellow Villagers know you're looking for paper.
Merlin.png That way, you don't have to sneak into their homes to get it.
→  Does helping Ursula get paper make me a villain?
Merlin.png Well, that's a conundrum indeed! On one hand, you are HELPING someone, while on the other hand... it's Ursula.
Merlin.png Of course, it WOULD be wise to keep an eye on her...
Merlin.png Yes! Do what she's asked. But I'll let the other Villagers know what you'll be up to. Be careful, Player.

After talking with Ursula (or Merlin), the player must collect 3 Papers, each in a different Villager's House.

The first Paper is in Mickey's House on the table.

The second Paper is in Goofy's House next to the couch.

The third Paper is in the Dreamlight Library on the desk.

Return to Ursula with all the Papers.

Ursula.png Well done, angelfish!
Ursula.png Now, be a dear and make me a Magical Scroll and Ink Kit. I always like to have some handy for making quick deals.
Ursula.png Oh, and they need to have a touch of magic from the Valley.
Ursula.png Use the Paper you found, get some Dream Shards, and extract some Purple Ink from flowers.
Ursula.png After all, for the perfect Ingredients, you might have to crush some pretty things.

In order to craft the Magical Scroll and Ink Kit, the player must collect 6 Dream Shards, as well as craft 2 Purple Pigment and an Empty Vial.

Dream Shards can be found by digging up Sparkling Holes, removing Night Thorns, or feeding Critters their favorite food.

Each Purple Pigment is crafted by using 4 Purple Falling Penstemon (found in the Plaza) and 4 Purple Rising Penstemon (found in the Peaceful Meadow).

An Empty Vial is crafted by using 3 Glass, which itself can be crafted using 5 Sand and 1 Coal Ore each.

Once all the Ingredients are collected, the player can then craft the Magical Scroll and Ink Kit, and deliver it to Ursula.

Ursula.png Excellent!
Ursula.png I can finally start making contracts again!
Ursula.png You've certainly turned out to be quite the little helper. Now it's my turn. Here's a gift...
Ursula.png These are rare fish I found while you were out roaming the land on those little feet.
Ursula.png Consider this my end of the bargain. And come back soon... I may need you again.

