Donald Duck

Donald Duck
Donald Duck.png
Type: Menu Icon Characters.png Character
From: Mickey & Friends.png Mickey & Friends
Voiced By: Tony Anselmo
House: Donald's Boat
Unlock Quest: Menu Icon Quests.png Lost in the Dark Grove Kristoff.png Menu Icon Story.png

Donald Duck is a character from the classic Disney cartoons.

The player will first encounter Donald's boat-home floating on the water after unlocking Dazzle Beach. Donald himself can be found after completing the Story Quest Menu Icon Quests.png Lost in the Dark Grove from Kristoff in the Forest of Valor.


Donald Duck is unlocked by the quest   Lost in the Dark Grove which begins by finding Kristoff in the Forest of Valor biome standing near a strange portal. Speak to him and he'll explain Donald Duck travelled inside the portal and they've been separated. Enter inside the portal and you'll find a feather on the ground, go back and show it to Kristoff.

Next, go show Merlin the feather and he'll have you collect some materials for a tracking spell - 2 Emeralds, 1 Plant from the Dark Grove (inside the portal), and 4 Dream Shards. Bring the materials back to Merlin and he'll enchant Donald's feather.

Return with the Enchanted Feather to the portal to re-enter the Dark Grove, you'll see the feather floating in front of you - leading you through the mist. Follow it and you'll eventually find Donald Duck, who gives you the Orb of Courage. A portal will open back to the Valley, pass through it and place the orb back inside the Pillar beside it.

This will summon Donald back to the Valley.


Main article: Time.
Time Location
  12:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.
  1:00 AM Chez Remy eating inside the Restaurant.
  3:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.
  7:00 AM Unavailable. Sleeping inside his home.
  11:00 AM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.
  1:00 PM Chez Remy eating inside the Restaurant.
  3:00 PM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.
  4:00 PM Scrooge's Store browsing clothing and furniture items for sale.
  6:00 PM Wandering the Valley or visiting his home.

Friendship Rewards

Donald Duck will award the following rewards when Friendship levels are reached. Friendship can be leveled up through gifts, quests, conversation, or by hanging out.

Lvl Image Name Type
Blue Minnie Backpack Clothing
Design Motif Custom Clothing Motif
Refreshment Chest Furniture
Design Motif Custom Clothing Motif
Helm Bookshelf Furniture
Design Motif Custom Clothing Motif
Donald's Sailor Coat[1] Clothing
  1. Rewarded after completing the quest   The Dreamlight Fountain (  Donald Duck Level 10)


Donald's Boat
Main article Donald's Boat

Donald's house is a houseboat called the S.S. Miss Daisy (named after Daisy Duck) found off the shore in Dazzle Beach. It's found on the south side of the beach, and repaired during the quest   A House Fit for a Duck.


Friendship Quests

Dream Styles

Style Name Unlocked
  Donald Duck Default appearance
  Pirate Donald   Haunted Holiday Star Path for   50 (T6)
  Ranger Donald   Disney Parks Star Path for   50 (T5 Premium)
Premium Shop for   2,500

Daily Discussions

Hello, Donald!

Hiya, Player! Say, who do you think's the best entertainer?


Mickey or me?

→  Mickey.

Aw phooey! Everybody always picks Mickey.

→  You.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Thanks, Player!

→  Me, of course.

Drat! I didn't see that coming.

How are you today?

Say, Player, I see you going around with you Camera taking pictures of yourself. Whaddaya call those things?


Do you mean "selfies"?


That's it!


Just so you know, I'm real photogenic...


If you want pictures of yourself, why don't you take some selfies of your own?


Aw, I don't think I'd be very good at it.


Come on. It's really easy. You just have to...

→   ...strike a good pose.

What do ya mean? Like this?

→  That's great!

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, I'm a natural!

→  Er... it could use some work.

Aw, what do you know?!

→   ...stand in front of something nice.

Stand in front of somethin' nice? Like what...?

→  The ocean!

[continue to next line]

→  The Dream Castle!

[continue to next line]

→  Your Uncle Scrooge's Store!

[continue to next line]


Say, that's a pretty good idea, Player.


I can't believe I didn't think of it first.

→  ...put on a super cute expression.

Oh, I don't need any help with that. I'm naturally handsome.

How do you like your neighbors?

Oh boy. My Uncle Scrooge is already here in the Village.

→   You don't sound thrilled.

Well, Uncle Scrooge and I don't always agree on things.


But he's my family, and you know what that means.

→  You have to stick together.
  Yep! He's always there for me when I need him.
  And I'll always be there for him.
→  Friends are more important.

It's not a competition. My friends AND my family are both important to me.

→  No, I don't.

Well, family's important to me. They're not always perfect, but we always stick together.

→  He's been very helpful.

That's great. But I'd be surprised if he helped you do anything for free.

→  He's kind of greedy.

I'm not sure about that. But he does love his money. He even has a special display case for the first dime he earned!

How is your day going?
  • sigh* Why do bad things always happen to me?
→   Because of your attitude!

WHAT?! I don't have an attitude! What makes you think I have an attitude?!

→  Face it, you're grumpy!

Only when I have a reason to be! If everything's going the way I like it, I'm perfectly pleasant.

→  Suuuuurrre you don't.
  Sarcasm, huh?
  Well, I only get mad when I have a reason! If everything's going the way I like it, I'm perfectly pleasant.
→  I'm sorry, Donald.

That's okay. I know I can be grumpy sometimes. But only when things aren't going my way!

→   Look at all the good things around you!

Such as...

→  Your friends!

Aw, you're right. My friends are pretty stupendous!

→  The Village!

Aw, you're right. It's great having all my friends in one place... even Goofy. Heh-heh-heh.

→  Me!

You're right! I AM glad to have a friend like you!

→   What happened this time?

I was reeling in a great big fish when Goofy came by, tripped over my bucket of worms...


Knocked the bait in the water, and scared away all the fish!


A whole day of fishing, and I've got nothing to show for it.

→  I'm sorry, Donald.

Thanks, Player. At least someone cares.

→  Maybe bad things DO always happen to you!

That's what I've been saying! At least someone agrees with me.

→  HA! I wish I saw that.

I guess it was pretty funny. Ha-ha-ha!

Is something wrong?

Hey, Player, I've been trying to make some good meals...


...but every time I throw stuff in a pot, all I get is crackers.


Crackers, crackers, crackers!


Sounds like you need to...

→  ...just keep experimenting.

No way! I'm not messing around anymore. I've got enough crackers.

→  ...try some different ingredients.

Of course! I'm not doing anything wrong. It's the ingredients!

→  ...follow the recipes more closely.

What?! You think I don't know how to read a recipe?! No way.


There must be something wrong with the ingredients Goofy sold me.


I'm gonna go give him a piece of my mind!

What are you up to?

Hey, Player, I'm goin' fishin', and I wanna bring a snack in case I get hungry.


What would you take for a fishing snack?

→   Grilled cheese!

Grilled cheese?! That's my favorite! Especially with lots of toppings.


It's easy to make and always delicious.


What do you like on yours?

→  Tomatoes.

Me too! Let's have a grilled cheese party sometime, pal!

→  Mustard.

Yeah, I like mustard, too. Especially the spicy kind!

→  Nothing.

Just a plain grilled cheese? Not even onions? I don't get it.

→   Salad!

Salad? WAK! Salad's not a snack!

→  Salads can be tasty!

Hmmm... Well, maybe a nice seaweed salad made from all the seaweed I usually catch could be good.

→  Yeesh, sorry.

Aw, it's okay, Player. I'm just cranky because I'm hungry.

→   Why not eat the fish you catch?

But what if I don't catch anything?

→  Hmm... good point.

Guess I could eat the seaweed I always catch...

→  Have some confidence!

You're right! I'm gonna catch of bunch of fish and eat 'em all! If I don't believe in me, nobody will!

Whatcha thinking about?

Do you like to go sailing, Player?

→   Love it!

That's great! I knew you had the look of a fellow sailor.


What's your favorite part? The salty air? The sea spray? The wind in your feathers?

→  The salty air!

Me too! There's nothin' like bein' out on a boat.

→  The sea spray!

Me too! There's nothin' like bein' out on a boat.

→  The wind in my feathers!
  Me too!
  Wait a minute... you don't have feathers! What's the big idea?!
→   I don't.

What?! Why not?!

→  I've never tried it.

Then I'll have to take you sometime! You'll love it!

→  It's boring.
  What?! But the salty air! The sea spray! The wind in your feathers!
  There's nothing better than sailing! You don't know what you're talking about.
→  I get seasick.
  Oh, that's not fun.
  You just gotta keep trying it, so you get used to it.
  Then you'll be fine!
Why do you look so upset?

Hey! Player! Who do you think you are? I just heard you call me a blockhead!

→   I didn't say that!

You didn't? I could've sworn I heard you say that.

→  I didn't.

Well... okay. I'm sorry. Guess I made a mistake.

→  You misheard.

Hmm... maybe. But I'm gonna keep my eye on you.

→  I called you a nincompoop.

WHY YOU...!!!

→   Donald, calm down. Don't be a hothead.

I'm perfectly calm! Don't say that I'm not calm!!!


First you call me a blockhead, and then you say I'm a hothead?!?!

→  I didn't call you anything!
  Even if you didn't the first time, you just called me a hothead!
→  You are clearly angry.


→  What a blockhead.

WHAT?!!! Why I oughta...

→  You are a blockhead.
  Oh, that's the last straw!!!
  WHAT?!!! Why I oughta...
You look agitated.

My friends always say I have a bit of a temper, but I don't know what they're talking about.


What do YOU do when you're really mad? Not that I'm asking for any particular reason...

→   I meditate to try to calm down.

Meditate? How do you do that?

→  Close your eyes and breathe deeply... in... out...

... ... ... zzzzzzzzzzz...

→  Stand on your head and spin for three minutes.

Oh, I knew that!

→  I just listen to music and zone out.

I'll try that!

→  I punch a pillow.
  That sounds pretty useful. I'm gonna write that down.
  But NOT because I'll ever need to do it!
→  I yell and flail around.

So do I! Wait, are you making fun of me?!

You seem excited today! What's up?

You won't believe what I fished up on Dazzle Beach the other day, Player.


A Kingfish! It weighed a whole fifty pounds! And was twice as long as your arms!

→  Wow! That's amazing!

You could try and catch one yourself. But it'll never be as big as the one I caught.

→  Sounds a little fishy...
  What?! You don't believe me?!
  Go see for yourself and catch one if you're such a fishing expert!
→  I've never seen a fish like that on Dazzle Beach...
  What?! You don't believe me?!
  Go see for yourself and catch one if you're such a fishing expert!

Just try fishing off Dazzle Beach. Oh, and as a brilliant fisherman, I know that they only come out at night.


  • 1.0: Added
  • 1.1: Updated friendship level 3 motif. Duration of tantrums reduced.
  • 1.3: New Daily Discussion topics added: How are you today?, Is something wrong?, What are you up to?, Whatcha thinking about?, You seem excited today! What's up?
  • 1.5: Updated portrait