A House Fit for a Duck

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A House Fit for a Duck
Donald Duck Quest
Donald Duck.png
Quest Information
Categories: Menu Icon Quests.png Friendship Quest Menu Icon Friendship.png
Prerequisites: Progress further with

Unlock Biome
Dazzle Beach

Rewards: Friendship (800)

A House Fit for a Duck is a Friendship Quest available from Donald Duck. It's available after unlocked the path to both Dazzle Beach and progressed with Kristoff.

Quest Text

Donald seems awfully angry. It turns out that while he was away from Dreamlight Valley, his House was wrecked.

Donald needs some help fixing his House. He suggests you talk to Scrooge McDuck to get some better tools.

After some convincing, Scrooge McDuck tells you how you can fix up Donald's House.

Donald needs some more help from Scrooge McDuck to finish fixing his House.

Donald's House is a mess! He asks you for help cleaning up.

You found a strange rusty jar in Donald's House. He asks you to open it for him to find out what's inside.

Once you have fixed Donald's House, you find a mysterious Rusty Time Capsule. Donald hid everything he needed for a special project around the Village... but now he can't remember where to find it all!


Softwood (16)
Hardwood (8)
Iron Ingot (2)
Rope (4)
Donald's Award (2).
Jug (2).
Donald's Book.
Mysterious Junk.
  • Bring what you've gathered to Donald.
  • Open the Rusty Time Capsule in your Inventory.
  • Talk to Donald about the Time Capsule.


Speak with Donald to start the quest once the requirements have been met.

Donald Duck.png

What's the big idea?! Look at my boat! It's a WRECK!

→  How can I help?
Donald Duck.png

FINALLY! It's about time somebody cares about MY problems!

Donald Duck.png

I went into the forest to protect the Orb of Courage...

Donald Duck.png

And no one even remembered to take care of my House!

Donald Duck.png

How would you feel if that happened to you?

→  I'd be pretty mad!
Donald Duck.png

You bet you would! This is infuriating!

→  I'd be really sad.
Donald Duck.png

Sad? I'm not sad. I'm infuriated!

→  I wouldn't care.
Donald Duck.png


Donald Duck.png

Where am I supposed to live now?

→  Can we fix the houseboat?
Donald Duck.png

(sigh) Maybe. But not with the tools I have. I need better stuff.

→  Is there anyone you can ask for help?
Donald Duck.png


Donald Duck.png

Hey, maybe my Uncle Scrooge can help.

Donald Duck.png

He's so rich he has one of everything. We should ask him for help.


Okay. I'll go talk to your Uncle Scrooge and see about getting you some tools!

Find and speak with Scrooge McDuck.

Scrooge McDuck.png

Player, you've got the look of someone who's about to ask me for a favor.


It's not for me, it's for Donald. He needs help fixing his House.

Scrooge McDuck.png

Oh, so it's my loafer of a nephew who's lookin' for help, eh? And if I know Donald, he wants it for free. Why should I lose money in this venture?

→  Because he's family!
Scrooge McDuck.png

Bah! He may be family, but he treats me like his personal piggy bank.

→  Because he's really mad.
Scrooge McDuck.png


→  Because I won't stop bothering you until you do.
Scrooge McDuck.png

Hmm. Good point. Though you're a lot quieter about your botherin' than my nephew.

Scrooge McDuck.png

Of course, he did do a fine thing to help the Valley... All right, I'll give ya something to help Donald. Here.


What's this?

Scrooge McDuck.png

The blueprints for Donald's House. You'll need those if you're going to fix it.

Scrooge McDuck.png

And that's not all. You'll need a Boat Repair Kit, too.


How much are you going to make me pay for one of those...?

Scrooge McDuck.png

Oh, I don't keep that sort of thing lyin' around. Wouldn't be profitable.

Scrooge McDuck.png

You can make one yourself if you gather some Softwood, Hardwood, Rope, and Iron Ingots.

In order to craft the Boat Repair Kit, the player must gather 16 Softwood, 8 Hardwood, 2 Iron Ingots, and 4 Rope.

Softwood can be found on the ground in the Plaza, Peaceful Meadow, Forest of Valor, and if unlocked, the Glade of Trust.

Hardwood can be found on the ground in the Forest of Valor, as well as the Glade of Trust, Sunlit Plateau, and Frosted Heights if they're unlocked.

Iron Ingots can be crafted using 5 Iron Ore and 1 Coal Ore each.

Rope can be crafted using 8 Fiber each.

Once the items are gathered and the Boat Repair Kit is crafted, return to Donald to give him the Boat Repair Kit.

Donald Duck.png

Oh boy! We've got all the tools!

Donald Duck.png

Now we just need somebody to fix the boat.

→  Can't you do it yourself?
Donald Duck.png

No way! I'm great at most things, but every time I pick up a hammer, I hit my thumb more than the nails.

→  What should we do?
Donald Duck.png


Donald Duck.png

If we go to the sign outside my House, maybe my Uncle Scrooge will fix it.


You want to ask your uncle for another favor?

→  Great idea! McDuck Construction to the rescue!
Donald Duck.png

Sounds good to me!

→  Yeesh, Mr. McDuck was right about you.
Donald Duck.png

Hey! I leave fixing houses to the professionals.

Donald Duck.png

C'mon, let's go to the sign outside my House.

Follow Donald to his House on Dazzle Beach, and check the Scrooge McDuck Sign to talk with Scrooge.

Scrooge McDuck.png

My nephew wants me to fix his House for free? What's next? Does he want me to live in it for him, too?


Live in it? Like, you and Donald as roommates?

→  That could be fun!
Scrooge McDuck.png

Don't be ridiculous! Where would I store my treasures on a houseboat that small?!

→  That would be a disaster.
Scrooge McDuck.png

Of course it would! Where would I store my treasures on a houseboat that small?!

Scrooge McDuck.png

(sigh) Fine! I'll fix the House for Donald. But after this, he won't get a penny from me.

Scrooge McDuck.png

And you and Donald will have to take care of the mess inside. It's a right catastrophe in there.

Scrooge McDuck.png

I'm not running a cleaning service, too.

Scrooge McDuck.png

Hmm... At least, not yet. Could be a profitable venture down the line...


All right. I'll help Donald clean up inside. Thanks, Mr. McDuck.

Scrooge will fix Donald's House, allowing the player to enter.

To clean up Donald's House, the player must pick up 2 of Donald's Awards, 2 Jugs, Donald's Book, and the Mysterious Junk off the ground, then bring the items to Donald.

Donald Duck.png

Thanks for helping me! You're a great friend.

Donald Duck.png

And when I find out who made that mess, I'm gonna give them a piece of my mind!

Donald Duck.png

Wait... what's this piece of junk?


I think it's a Time Capsule!

Donald Duck.png

Really? It just looks like a funny jar to me.

Donald Duck.png

Hey! It says something on the side in my handwriting...

Donald Duck.png


→  Hey! You're Donald Duck! Go ahead and open it!
Donald Duck.png

Oh boy! I can't wait to see what's inside!

→  What's inside?
Donald Duck.png


Donald Duck.png

Grr! I can't get it unscrewed...

Donald Duck.png

Here. You try it!

Donald gives the player the Time Capsule. Opening it up from the Inventory menu will reveal part of a Memory. Talk to Donald about the Memory.

Donald Duck.png

Oh! Now I remember!

Donald Duck.png

Before the Forgetting, I did ALL the planning for the Village. I came up with lots of super-genius special projects.

→  You'd be great at that! You've got a big imagination.
Donald Duck.png

You bet I do! And it's fun to think of stuff to help the Village.

→  Er... no offense, but that's a little surprising.
Donald Duck.png


Donald Duck.png

Before the Forgetting, I was planning something big. Something huge! Something stupendous!

Donald Duck.png

But then the Night Thorns started to show up everywhere, and I forgot it all.

Donald Duck.png

I hid everything I needed to make my ideas in Time Capsules all over the Village.

Donald Duck.png

But now I don't remember where I hid them... or what I was trying to build.

Donald Duck.png

I gotta find more of 'em! Thanks for all your help, Player.

→  Any time, Donald.
Donald Duck.png


→  Just don't get so mad next time.
Donald Duck.png

You're right. I'll try to control my temper.

→  We better not ask Mr. McDuck for help again.
Donald Duck.png




  • 1.0: Added
  • 1.0.4: Fixed a bug where items to clean were stuck behind objects and unable to be picked up