Welcome to Dreamlight Valley

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Welcome to Dreamlight Valley
Merlin Quest
Quest Information
Categories: Menu Icon Quests.png Story Quest Menu Icon Story.png
Rewards: Friendship (100)

Merlin's Welcome Package

Welcome to Dreamlight Valley is a Story Quest given automatically when players begin the game.

Quest Text

You arrive in a strange, desolate village called Dreamlight Valley and encounter Merlin. Seems like he was expecting someone. Could that someone be you? Focusing your magic on the door, you remove the Night Thorns, gaining access to an abandoned House. The Night Thorns have spread in the deserted building. Merlin asks for your help removing them. A glowing Orb appears after removing the Night Thorns… The Orb shows you an image of Mickey and Merlin in front of the Dream Castle. You should talk to Merlin about it.


