Dreamlight Parks Fest: Mickey

Dreamlight Parks Fest
Mickey Mouse Quest
Mickey Mouse.png
Quest Information
Type: Daily Quest
Categories: Repeatable Quest
From: Dreamlight Parks Fest
Prerequisites: Menu Icon Quests.png Dreamlight Parks Fest Scrooge McDuck.png
Rewards: Green Button (4)

Dreamlight Parks Fest: Mickey is a Daily Quest available from Mickey Mouse during the Dreamlight Parks Fest limited time event that began on May 15, 2024.

It can be started by speaking to Mickey Mouse during the event and can be repeated once per day.

Quest Text

Talk to Mickey.


  • (Repeatedly giving cupcakes to the same Villagers doesn't count. Spread the joy!) (5)


Start Dreamlight Parks Fest: Mickey  

Hello again, PLAYER!

→   Hello to you, too!
  Gosh pal, I'm so happy today that I wanna treat the Village to some Dreamlight Parks Fest Minnie Cupcakes!
  Could ya make some for me? You're one of the best bakers in the Valley!
  When they're done, would ya mind delivering 'em to the Villagers?
  Say, PLAYER, have ya got a minute? I need a favor.
  I'm really craving some special Dreamlight Parks Fest treats — especially more of those great Minnie Cupcakes.
  Would ya mind whipping some up for me?
  We can share 'em with all the Villagers too!
  Oh boy, it's another beautiful day in the Valley and another perfect day for cupcakes!
  Do ya think you coule make me some of my favorite Minnie Cupcakes?
  There's something about 'em that always makes folks smile.
  In the spirit of the Dreamlight Parks Fest, why don't we hand 'em out to the other folks in the Valley?
  Hey there, PLAYER! Do ya have time for some Dreamlight Parks Fest baking today?
  I'd REALLY love some more Minnie Cupcakes to share with our neighbors.
  I bet the other Villagers will say so too! Could ya hand 'em out?
→  I'll be back later.

Sure! I'll be here, ready to go when you are.

Optional Conversation A: What should I do?  

Hiya, pal! Any chance you've baked up those delicious Minnie Cupcakes yet?

Optional Conversation B: What should I do?  
  Say, let's make sure those Minnie Cupcakes you baked get handed out around the Village.
  I just know our pals are gonna love 'em!
Complete Dreamlight Parks Fest: Mickey  

All done!

→   [OPTION A]
  Great work, PLAYER!
  I really appreciate your help.
  And here — I'd like ya to have this as my way of saying "thank you."
→   [OPTION B]
  Spreading a little joy AND cupcakes is definitely something Minnie loves.
  Here ya go! Thanks, PLAYER!
→   [OPTION C]
  You handed out all the Minnie Cupcakes? Great!
  Thanks a million, pal!
→   [OPTION D]
  Your cupcakes are a smash hit, PLAYER!
  It was really nice of you to help me.
  Oh, and here ya go — a Dreamlight Parks Fest prize just for you!
→   [OPTION E]
  PLAYER, everybody's raving about your baking! You've got some serious baking skills.
  Oh, and here ya go. It's to say "thanks" for all your help!

