The Scavenger Hunt

The Scavenger Hunt
Sulley Quest
Quest Information
Categories: Menu Icon Quests.png Friendship Quest Menu Icon Friendship.png
Prerequisites: Friendship 10.png Sulley Level 10
Rewards: Clay Statue of Sulley
Blue Faux-Fur Monster Jacket

The Scavenger Hunt is a Friendship Quest available from Sulley.

It's available after reaching Friendship level 10 with Sulley.

Quest Text

Sulley comes to you with a project. He wants to organize a scavenger hunt in the Valley and needs your help to invite the contestants he selected to participate.

Once every contestant has been invited it's time to launch the scavenger hunt.

Sulley charges you with helping the contestants if ever they get stuck, but there's a catch. You will have to figure out the answer to the riddles with the same clues given to the Villagers.

Once you've put Olaf on the right path, you need to find the new location hinted at in the third clue.

You've found the place hinted at in the clue. You've also found Stitch, and he looks lost.


  • Invite the contestants Sulley selected:

