Bon Appétit, Fairy Godmother!

Bon Appétit, Fairy Godmother!
Remy Quest
Quest Information
Categories: Menu Icon Quests.png Friendship Quest Menu Icon Friendship.png
Rewards: Friendship (500)
Star Coins (6000)
Wrought Iron (2)

Bon Appétit, Fairy Godmother! is a Friendship Quest available from Remy.

Quest Text

Remy has a special delivery order! Today's hungry Villager: the Fairy Godmother!



Start Bon Appétit, Fairy Godmother!  
  [Introduction Options]

[Intro Option 1] PLAYER! I have another Chez Remy Mobile order for you.


[Intro Option 2] PLAYER! I've got a special delivery order for you. And this is going to be a fun one!


[Intro Option 3] Hey, PLAYER! Are you ready for another challenge of your culinary skills?


Today's customer is the Fairy Godmother! Even though she could magic these up herself, she told me hers never taste quite as good as what we make.

  [OPTION A - "Dreamy" Meals]
  She's asked for some "dreamy meals": Dream Fizz and Dream Ice Cream.
  But the Fairy Godmother doesn't want the meals for herself. You'll have to ask her who they're for.
  That Fairy Godmother -- always thinking of everyone else first.
  [OPTION B - Pumpkin-y Meals]
  I guess she's throwing some sort of pumpkin party and wants some pumpkin-y meals for the event.
  I think some Pumpkin Puffs and Pumpkin Soup would be perfect.
  [OPTION C - Desserts]
  Today, she asked for some Desserts.
  I wonder who they're for...? The Fairy Godmother doesn't usually ask for things for herself.



What do you say? Are you up to the challenge?

→  Let's do it!
  Great! Good luck, PLAYER. I know you've got this.
  And remember to come visit me once you're done delivering your order. I'll have some Wrought Iron waiting for you.
→  Maybe some other time.
  Hey, no worries. Let me know if you change your mind and decide you want a new culinary challenge.
  Remember: The more daily deliveries you do, the more Wrought Iron I can order so you can build more great things for the Village.
Optional Conversation A: What should I do?  

Have you been able to help the Fairy Godmother yet?

  [OPTION A - "Dreamy" Meals] XXXXX

[OPTION B - Pumpkin-y Meals] She's throwing a pumpkin party. Pumpkin Puffs and Pumpkin Soup ought to feed everyone.

  [OPTION C - Desserts] XXXXX
  It might be a challenge without the recipes, but I know you can handle it, PLAYER!
  If you don't know how to make them... improvise! Experiment! Or see if you can find the recipes.
Optional Conversation B: What should I do?  

Have you been able to help the Fairy Godmother yet?

  [OPTION A - "Dreamy" Meals] XXXXX
  [OPTION B - Pumpkin-y Meals] She's throwing a pumpkin party. Pumpkin Puffs and Pumpkin Soup ought to feed everyone.
  Oh! It looks like you've already cooked everything. Now you just have to deliver it.
  [OPTION C - Desserts] XXXXX
Conversation: Delivery  
  Oh, thank you for delivering these delicious treats, dear!
  I just know my guests will love your pumpkin dishes.
→  No problem! Enjoy!


→  Anything else you need a hand with?


→  What's this I hear about a pumpkin party?

Yes, it's a new idea I've had that I hope will become a tradition. It's just... I'm afraid I have a bit of a problem, which I was hoping you could help with.

  In my excitement to put everything together for my pumpkin party, I'm afraid I forgot one very important thing... send out the invitations!
→  I could invite some Villagers!


→  Why not just send out some enchanted invitations?


→  That part is kind of crucial for a party.
  Of course it is, dear.
  I don't suppose you could help me by inviting some Villagers?
  For my inaugural party, I'd like to invite Vanellope, Stitch, Olaf, Elsa, and Minnie.
  After all, what matters most is not cake, favors, or other odds and ends...
  ...but rather a welcoming atmosphere and many good friends!
Conversation: Invitation  

Hey, PLAYER! What new and exciting things are happening in our fantabulous Valley, today?

→  Have you met the Fairy Godmother?


→  How do you feel about pumpkins?
  They're okay. I especially like the ones that are carved up with creepy faces on 'em...
  ...because that means there might be candy inside!

Why do you ask?

→  How would you feel about a party based around pumpkins?


→  Let me tell you about the most exciting pumpkin party in town...
  Sounds like a weird inanimate object to throw a party for, but hey, count me in.
  I do love a good party.

Then swing by the Fairy Godmother's House later! I think you'll have a great time.

Conversation: Invitation  
  PLAYER! Stitch hungry!
  Let's have lots of food with lots of friends.

Why not come by for a party at the Fairy Godmother's House?

→  There will be lots of food.


→  There will be lots of friends.


→  There will be lots of food AND friends.

Okitaka! Stitch see you at nice fairy lady's big pumpkin House.


Stitch try not to bite House this time.

→  You...bit her House?


→  Stitch! Watch your badness levels!


→  How did it taste?

Icky! Stitch not do that again. Blech!

Conversation: Invitation  
  PLAYER, I'm glad to see you! I've been thinking... I'd like to get to know my neighbors around the Village a bit more.
  Do you have any advice?
→  Attend social events.


→  Find things you've got in common.


→  Put yourself out there.

Of course, you're right. I'm still not always comfortable doing that after keeping myself locked away for so long. But I'd certainly like to try.

Well, do you like pumpkins?
The Fairy Godmother is having a pumpkin party and would love it if you'd attend.

A pumpkin party? How interesting. Should I bring anything? Or wear something special?

→  Just bring yourself and have fun!


→  Maybe make a big ice sculpture shaped like a pumpkin?


→  Do you have an orange dress lying around?

Oh, I don't think I do.


Thank you, PLAYER. The Fairy Godmother seems so kind. I've been hoping to get to know her better.

Conversation: Invitation  

Minnie, I was wondering if you'd like to swing by the Fairy Godmother's House later? She's putting on a pumpkin party.

  A pumpkin party? How fun!
  I just love parties with themes.
→  I'm a party animal.


→  Some parties can be fun.


→  I prefer to stay home in my pajamas.

Well, a cozy night in can be fun too, but parties are nice sometimes.


I'll see you there, PLAYER!

Conversation: Invitation  

Olaf, what do you know about pumpkins?

  Oh! Oh! This is your lucky day, PLAYER. I know SO much.
  Did you know that pumpkins are technically a fruit?
→  Fascinating. Tell me another one.


→  Well, I came here to invite you to a pumpkin party!
  • gasp* That sounds like a wonderful opportunity to learn even more fun pumpkin facts!
  Just tell me where to go, and I'll RSVP.

Just swing by the Fairy Godmother's House later.


Oh. The one that's shaped like a pumpkin! I'm sensing a theme here.

Complete Bon Appétit, Fairy Godmother!  
  [OPTION A - "Dreamy" Meals]
  [OPTION B - Pumpkin-y Meals]

Well, PLAYER? How did things go with the Fairy Godmother?


Did the pumpkin party go off without a hitch?

→  Mission accomplished!


→  It wasn't easy, but I did it.


→  That was a tough one.

Hey, making mistakes is how we learn. Remind me to tell you about that time I mixed up the sguar and salt when I was making a tarte Tatin once.

  [OPTION C - Desserts]
  Here you go. Some Wrought Iron, courtesy of Mr. McDuck.
  Use it to build something great for the Village. The more deliveries you do for Chez Remy Mobile, the more we'll be able to order.

