Bon Appétit, Anna!

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Bon Appétit, Anna!
Remy Quest
Quest Information
Type: Menu Icon Quests.png Quest
Categories: Menu Icon Quests.png Daily Quest
Rewards: Friendship (500)
Star Coins (3000)
Wrought Iron (1)

Bon Appétit, Anna! is a Daily Quest available from Remy which rewards Wrought Iron.

Quest Text

Remy has a special delivery order! Today's hungry Villager: Anna!


  • Cook 10 meals using Cocoa. (10)
  • Get 10 meals made with Cocoa for Anna. (10)
  • Bring the 10 meals made with Cocoa to Anna.
  • Return to Remy for your rewards.


  • Cook 3 5-Star Meals for Anna. (3)
  • Get 3 5-Star Meals for Anna. (3)
  • Bring the 5-Star Meals to Anna.
  • Listen as Anna explains the finer points of cuisine to Olaf.
  • Return to Remy for your rewards.



Start Bon Appétit, Anna! Remy.png
Remy.png [Introduction Options]

[Intro Option 1] Hey, PLAYER! Here for your daily cooking challenge?


[Intro Option 2] Hey, PLAYER! Are you ready for the special delivery of the day?


[Intro Option 3] PLAYER! I've got a special delivery order for you!

Remy.png [OPTION A - Meals with Cocoa Bean]
Remy.png Anna's having a chocolate-tasting party later. She's pretty excited about all the chocolate treats we make here.
Remy.png And she's hoping for a full-on chocolate buffet. Multiple dishes made with Cocoa. The specific dishes are up to you.
Remy.png Think you can handle that? It's a great opportunity to diversify your dessert menu.
Remy.png [OPTION B - 5-Star Meals]
Remy.png Olaf has asked Anna to teach him about the finer points of haute cuisine. Olaf won't actually EAT the meals. He just wants to get a look at them and evaluate the presentation.
Remy.png Knowing Olaf, he could turn out to be a regular Anton Ego without ever taking a bite.
Remy.png So, Anna's looking for some 5-Star Meals to teach Olaf. What do you say?
Remy.png [OPTION C - Arendellian Pickled Herring]
Remy.png Anna's looking to share a little taste of Arendelle with some other Villagers.
Remy.png She wants a few servings of Arendellian Pickled Herring.
Remy.png What do you say? You up to the challenge?
→  Let's do it!
Remy.png Great! Good luck, PLAYER. I know you've got this.
Remy.png And remember to come visit me once you're done delivering your order. I'll have some Wrought Iron waiting for you.
→  Maybe some other time.
Remy.png Hey, no worries. Let me know if you change your mind and decide you want a new culinary challenge.
Remy.png Remember: The more daily deliveries you do, the more Wrought Iron I can order so you can build more great things for the Village.
Optional Conversation A: What should I do? Remy.png

Have you been able to help Anna yet?


[OPTION A - Meals with Cocoa Bean] She's looking for dishes made with Cocoa so she can serve a chocolate buffet.


[OPTION B - 5-Star Meals] She's looking for 5-Star Meals to teach Olaf about presentation in fine cuisine.


[OPTION C - Arendellian Pickled Herring] She's looking for some servings of Arendellian Pickled Herring.


It might be a challenge without the recipe, but I know you can handle it, PLAYER! If you don't know how to make it... improvise! Experiment! Or see if you can find the recipe.

Optional Conversation B: What should I do? Remy.png

Have you been able to help Anna yet?


[OPTION A - Meals with Cocoa Bean] xxxxxxx


[OPTION B - 5-Star Meals] She's looking for 5-Star Meals to teach Olaf about presentation in fine cuisine.


[OPTION C - Arendellian Pickled Herring] She's looking for some servings of Arendellian Pickled Herring.


[OPTION C - Arendellian Pickled Herring] She's looking for 5 servings of Arendellian Pickled Herring.


Wow! Looks like you made 'em already. Now you just have to bring 'em to her.

Conversation: Delivery Anna.png
[OPTION A - Meals with Cocoa Bean]
Anna.png Whoa! That's... a LOT of chocolate.
Anna.png It might be the most chocolate I've ever seen in one place!
→  Bon appétit!


→  Is it... too much?


→  Remy told me you wanted a whole chocolate buffet.

That's what I ordered! But I never dreamed of a buffet this big.


Thank you so much, PLAYER! Here, this is for you.

→   [OPTION B - 5-Star Meals]

Ooh, what are these meals? They look fancy!


Remy told me you were teaching Olaf about fine dining.

→  I brought you the three finest meals I could whip up.


→  I did my best.


→  But I don't know much about it myself...
Anna.png Well, you could have fooled me. These look amazing!
Anna.png Olaf will be so excited to see them.
Anna.png Hey, why don't you come with me so you can see his reaction?
Anna.png Oh, I almost forgot! This is for you.
→   [OPTION C - Arendellian Pickled Herring]
Anna.png Ooh, what's this?
Anna.png Oh! It's the Arendellian Pickled Herring I ordered from Chez Remy.
Anna.png Thank you, PLAYER!
→  I love helping you and Elsa for more at home!


→  It sure looks tasty.
Anna.png Oh, it is! Though it takes a little getting used to if you've never had it before.
Anna.png You'll have to join us for dinner sometime!
→  Being Remy's delivery person is EXHAUSTING.

It sure seems like it. But I bet you're learning some new recipes, right?


Thanks again for the delivery. Here, this is for you!

Optional Conversation C: What should I do? Remy.png

Have you been able to help Anna yet?


[OPTION A - Meals with Cocoa Bean] n/a

Remy.png [OPTION B - 5-Star Meals] Anna's teaching Olaf about fine dining?
Remy.png That would be a sight to see.

[OPTION C - Arendellian Pickled Herring] n/a

Conversation: NPC Conversation

[OPTION A - Meals with Cocoa Bean] n/a

[OPTION B - 5-Star Meals] Anna.png Olaf.png
Anna.png Remember how you were asking me to teach you about fine dining, Olaf?
Anna.png Well, look at these meals that PLAYER made.
Olaf.png Whoa! These aren't meals, Anna.
Olaf.png They're works of art.

Right?! PLAYER did such a good job.

Olaf.png I think I understand now what Remy was trying to explain to me the other day...
Olaf.png The visual presentation of food is JUST as important as the taste.
Olaf.png Maybe I'll open a food museum where all you can do is look and smell. No eating allowed. That'd be fun, right?

[OPTION C - Arendellian Pickled Herring] n/a

Complete Bon Appétit, Anna! Remy.png

How did things go with Anna, PLAYER?

[OPTION A - Meals with Cocoa Bean]

Did she like her chocolate buffet?

→  Mission accomplished!


→  It wasn't easy, but I did it.


→  That was a tough one.

Hey, making mistakes is how we learn. Remind me to tell you about that time I mixed up the sugar and salt when I was making a tarte Tatin once.

→   [OPTION B - 5-Star Meals]

Was Olaf impressed with the presentation?

→  Mission accomplished!


→  It wasn't easy, but I did it.


→  That was a tough one.

Hey, making mistakes is how we learn. Remind me to tell you about that time I mixed up the sugar and salt when I was making a tarte Tatin once.

→   [OPTION C - Arendellian Pickled Herring]

Was she happy to get a little taste of home?

→  Mission accomplished!


→  It wasn't easy, but I did it.

You're getting better at this every day. Who knows? You might even open your own restaurant someday.

→  That was a tough one.

Hey, making mistakes is how we learn. Remind me to tell you about that time I mixed up the sugar and salt when I was making a tarte Tatin once.

Remy.png Here you go. Some Wrought Iron, courtesy of Mr. McDuck.
Remy.png Use it to build something great for the Village. The more deliveries you do for Chez Remy Mobile, the more we'll be able to order.

